Create kinetic energy by walking on PaveGen tiles

From now on we can generate our own energy by walking on piezoelectric floor tiles such as PaveGen made by Laurence Kamball-Cook.

Produce green energy without doing anything extra. Sounds nice and with this energy-tiling it's possible. For now this is a pilot project where a little energy is generated every time someone is stepping on a tile. Imagine that you could equip the busiest streets of New York and the London subs with kinetic tiles to provide the a part of the city with electricity.

The principle?
Kinetic energy is collected and converted into electricity. The vibrations ensure a transformation in the tile, which captures the kinetic energy. By incorporating these into the pavement, the pavement generates energy every time someone steps on it.

These tiles are thus designed to generate energy from the sidewalk. Its operation is based on the principle of piezoelectricity, whereby kinetic energy is collected from a moving body and than converted to electricity. The tiles absorb the pressure exerted on the pavement and turn that pressure into electricity. Each step will generate between 4 and 7 watts of electricity. To let a lamp burn the whole night, you need about 10 PaveGen tiles.

Green energy
These products are innovative, sustainable and above all a green solution. They creating electricity them self and are made from recycled materials such as tires. The tiles should last about five years, but that short lifetime is more than compensated by the high efficiency. This return is, of course, depending on where the tile is placed. The busier, the higher the return. These tiles can be placed in crowded places such as a supermarket, in the hallway of schools, stations and other public places for a high return.

The Israeli company Innowattech made a piezoelectric road, which generates electricity from the vibrations and the pressure of passing cars.

In a subway station in Tokyo, the power generated from the carpet is used for printing the tickets.

Applications for home seems not far away anymore.



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