
Showing posts with the label file

Music file formats and their codecs

As a human being we listen to music on the radio, our soundsystem, our computer and our portable mp3 player. The music comes in various file formats, each with their own codecs. These terms can sound a bit technically, but no worry we explain everything to you. The real question is what file format and codec do we need to choose from? First we need to know for what reason we use the music. Is it to use on an MP3-player or our car? Than we need less quality. Or is it for professional use for example in a studio? Than we need quality. Some devices like our radio can play CD's full of mp3's. Our cars can now play usb-stick full of music just like our portable music devices. But, because of the format diversity, some of the formats will not be compatible with some devices. We explain the most common formats and codecs that are compatible with almost every device. Also our software and our computers can play a role in what types of formats we want to use. For example: if you use a...

36 graden op warmste dag van het jaar 2010 in België, de zomer is er helemaal!

Vandaag 02/07/2010 werd in Kleine Brogel (België) een temperatuur opgemeten van 37 graden. Veel mensen profiteerden volop van de warme temperaturen. Dit zorgde voor kilometers verre files naar de kust. Op festivals werd er gretig gebruik gemaakt van de watervoorziening die voor wat koelte moest zorgen. Naar de avond toe kwamen al onweersbuien aanzetten met de daarbij horende donder, bliksem en stortregen. Er wordt verwacht dat de temperatuur terug tot 36 graden kan oplopen tegen woensdag. Zonsondergang met zicht op zee - Sunset with seaview