
Showing posts with the label Apple

Diference between ARM and x86 based cpu's (advantages and disadvantages)

ARM and x86 are two primary architectures for computer processors, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. In this article we do a comparative analysis between ARM vs x86. In short ARM adopts a RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing) philosophy, whereas x86 is based on a CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computing) approach. These divergent strategies influence the efficiency and performance of processors and their application in various computing environments. ARM (Advanced RISC Machines like Apple M and Qualcomm Snapdragon) ARM was officially founded as a company in November 1990 as Advanced RISC Machines Ltd, which was a joint venture between Acorn Computers, Apple Computer (now Apple Inc.) and VLSI Technology (now NXP Semiconductors N.V). Advantages Energy Efficiency: Designed for low-power consumption, making them ideal for mobile devices. Scalability: Can be scaled to a wide range of performance levels, from low-power microcontrollers to high-performance servers. Cost-Effective:...

Setting up an Exchange account in iPhone iOS for your mails and calendar

These settings allows you to retrieve your mails and calendar from an exchange account in to your iPhone iOS. This is useful if you want to set up a business account on iPhone for example. Go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Add Account to Microsoft > Exchange Fields to fill in for the exchange account E-mail: Server: This can be found in Outlook under > File > Account settings > double click on the relevant account > under server settings you can the right information under server. Type this fully address. Domain: Not always necessary to fill in , if you do not know the domain-name, do not fill in Username: Username Password: password of the user Description: Something that can identify this account This way you can connect your exchange mail account on your iPhone and view your agenda and mails on your smartphone without the need of a computer, laptop or tablet. This settings are compatible with all iPhones van ...

Exchange mail account instellen in iPhone iOS

Hiermee kunt u uw mails en agenda van een exchange account op uw iPhone mee opvragen. Dit is handig als je bijvoorbeeld een bedrijfsaccount wilt instellen op up iPhone. Ga naar: Instellingen > E-mail, contacten, agenda's > Voeg account toe > Microsoft Exchange In te vullen velden E-mail: Server: Dit vindt je in outlook terug onder bestand > accountinstellingen > dubbel klik op het betreffende account > bij serverinstellingen kun je dan bij het server: de juiste gegevens vinden. Dit adres tik je hier volledig in. Domein: Niet altijd nodig om in te vullen, als je dit niet weet, niet invullen. Gebruikersnaam: Naam van de gebruiker. Wachtwoord: Wachtwoord van de gebruiker. Beschrijving: Iets waarmee je dit mailaccount mee kan identificeren. Op deze manier kunt u uw e-mail account op uw iPhone activeren en uw agenda en e-mails op uw smartphone bekijken, zonder een computer, laptop of tablet in de buurt te hebben. Deze instellin...

The thought alone is not enough (The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D.)

You may have a thought of what you want in life and what you want to be. You should also take action to get there. Many people want to get rich but they can't because they do not know how. The book " The Science of Getting Rich " by Wallace D. Wattles can help in forming what you really want in your life and how you want to achieve it. But it will not happen as long as you do not act. You need more than just a thought. You need determination. You have to believe in it. You should never give up unless you see that you must strike a different path. You must be positive and stay positive. You need to displace and go out of the way of negative things or try to forget them. There is only one way and that's in the right direction: forward. You must come out of your sofa if you know what you want. Go for it. So with these tips we now can help you on the way to wealth or whatever you want. The vision and the successes of Steve Jobs A great example of how to ac...

Het gedacht alleen is niet genoeg (De wetenschap van rijk worden door Wallace D.)

Je mag dan een gedacht hebben van wat je wil in het leven en wat je wil worden. Je moet ook actie ondernemen om er te komen. Veel mensen willen rijk worden maar het lukt hen niet omdat ze niet weten hoe. Het boek ' The Science of Getting Rich (De wetenschap van rijk worden)' door Wallace D. Wattles kan u helpen bij het vormen van wat je echt wil in je leven en wat je wil bereiken. Maar het zal u niet lukken, zolang u er niet naar handelt. U hebt meer nodig dan een gedacht alleen: Je heb vastberadenheid nodig. Je moet er in geloven. Je mag nooit opgeven tenzij je ziet dat je een andere weg moet inslaan. Je moet positief zijn en blijven. Je moet de negatieve dingen verdringen of proberen te vergeten. Er is maar één weg en die is voorruit. U moet uit uw luie zetel komen als je weet wat je wilt. Ga er voor. Zo met deze tips willen wij uw op de goede weg naar rijkdom helpen of wat je maar wil. De visie en het succes van Steve Jobs Een groot voorbeeld van hoe je k...

Apple iSlate, de beruchte tablet-pc, komt in januari 2010 op de markt

Het zou voor 26 januari volgend jaar zijn, de lancering van het inmiddels beruchte 'tablet computer' van Apple. Na de iPod en de iPhone is het dan de beurt aan de iSlate (of iGuide?) om de wereld te veroveren. De iSlate is een minilaptopje, waarop je kranten en tijdschriften kan lezen, maar ook kan surfen en muziek beluisteren. Het zogenaamde tablet - een draagbaar scherm - werd eigenlijk al veel vroeger verwacht, met name op 9 september, toen Apple-baas Steve Jobs de nieuwe - nu ja, nieuw? - iPod Nano kwam voorstellen aan de wereld. Op het internet wordt nu 26 januari naar voren geschoven als dé onthullingsdatum, in thuisbasis San Francisco, van wat de iSlate of iGuide zou kunnen zijn. Zoals gewoonlijk weigert Apple zelf alle commentaar, wat het aandeel van de firma de hoogte injaagde de voorbije dagen. Nu al een hype Het is traditie dat een nieuwe telg uit de Apple-familie een hype wordt nog voor die de eindgebruiker kan bereiken. Dat is met de (vermoedelijke) iSlate - ...

iPad 2 release date announcement by Apple

The debut of Apple's new iPad 2 tablet will begin at 10:00 am (Pacific Time). The event will be held at the Yerba Buena Center for Performing Arts, the favorite center of CEO Steve Jobs. The new iPad 2 well be thinner, lighter and faster than the original iPad. It will include a camera and maybe it get's the Apple Retina Display (a high resolution screen like the iPhone 4 has). The iPad and it will be released on March 25, 2011. The price for the iPad2 according to the Apple Store is $499 for a 16GB iPad with Wi-Fi + 3G as starting model.

iTunes 10.1.1 now ready to be download

New iTunes logo The New iTunes 10.0.1 is now available for downloading from . The famous Music player of Apple has now 64bit installers for Windows 7 and Vista. iTunes has now a new logo (icon) and Apple's iTunes store has been updated with new futures. Backup and copy your music on your iPod with the new and free SharePod 3.9.6. tool.

From which fruit do you get the most nutrition's and vitamins? The nutrients and vitamins in fruits.

Everybody is more or less concerned with his health. It is necessary to eat healthy. This means that our body daily needs to convert nutrients and vitamins to work properly. Fruit is an ideal nutrient. Scientists concluded that two pieces of fruit a day is an ideal addition to a normal balanced diet to give your body the necessary vitamins and nutrients it needs. Most vitamins in fruits are: vitamin A, B, C and D. So fruit is a kind of supplement between meals to give enough energy and vitality to our body. Yes you get more energy from eating fruits! That's why we put the most important fruits in a list, each with their specific nutrients, vitamins and other healthful properties. Benefits of eating fruits - you live healthier - less chance of excess fat - less risk of diabetes - you can think better because you give your brains a feast meal - there are less toxins in your body - you get more energy - your senses will work better - your body performs better - you remain slim if you ...

Is your Mac, iPad or iPhone infected with the first Apple-Trojan? The Boonana virus also known as Koobface. Get rid of it!

Keep your Apple healthy Mac-users didn't have to care about viruses on their computers. Until the Boonana virus appear. It's a Trojan Horse Virus (one of the worst viruses around). A Trojan settle in your system and give access to unauthorized people to break in to your computer system. The virus spreads it's self via social networks . Not only Mac , iPad and iPhone users have to be careful, it can attack Windows-users to. If you got messages like: ' Is this you in this video? ' avoid it, don't click on it if you get such a link. Good to know is that the Boonana virus is also known as Koobface . Luckily there is a free tool made by SecureMac to detect the Boonana Trojan and cleans it easily. Download here the SecureMac security tool Your computer can already be infected with this Boonan Trojan so it's wise to check the SecureMac tool.