Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts

Cerebral hemorrhage early detection in order to save lives

This is about saving a human life with the letters "T.L.A.T."

An example: During a BBQ party a woman stumbled and fell. She assured everyone that she was not hurt and rejected medical help. Their own words: 'She fell over a stone because of wearing her new shoes.

They fashioned her a bit and give her a new plate of food. She was a bit upset but had a good time for the rest of the evening.

However, her husband, called after the BBQ everyone with the announcement that his wife was taken to the hospital .. At 06.00 o'clock Jane died.

She had a stroke at the BBQ. Jane would be still alive if they had known what the signs of an infarction are. Some, however, do not die, but are disabled; helpless and hopeless.

Please take one minute to read...

A neurologist says that if someone has a stroke that the effects of an attack completely can be reversed within 3 hours.

According to him, the trick is to recognize the signals and ensure that the patient is with the doctor or in a hospital within 3 hours.

Sometimes it is hard to see that it is a brain disorder. Unfortunately, the result is a disaster. The victim may have suffered brain damage if bystanders are unable to recognize the symptoms.

Read this and learn it by heart!!

Bystanders can recognize a stroke by only giving the patient four simple commands:

T - Talk: let the person speak a simple sentence

L - Laugh: Ask the victim to laugh

A - Arms up: let the person stabbing up both arms simultaneously

T - Tongue: ask to tongue stabbing

If he or she has trouble with any of these commands than call emergency immediatly and describe the symptoms to the operator.

If you share this with your friends than, you and your loved ones, can protect each other from a brain hemorrhage.

10 tips for less stress on your job

A nice job where we feel good at, that's what we all want. But, unfortunately, like for many people stands work synonymous for stress ... Yet, with some simple tricks, you can make your life and work a lot more enjoyable. Definitely try these tips!

You can really make choices as you determine for yourself what your priorities are. A good job is certainly important for many, but do not neglect your family and friends. Try to determine what your priorities are and do not spend too much time doing things outside your priorities.

Nobody can work for 7 days on 7 and 24 hours on 24 hours! Allow time in your schedule to relax and to yourself. Take a walk or a bike ride, or just do nothing. Also try to take some time to relax in the traffic jam or on the train.

Do you really not know where to start? Make a schedule for when and where you have to things. Then make a list of what you have to do. So there is no need to fear to forget something.

Dare to say no! Nobody can take different places at once. We know that it's not always easy, and maybe you have to disappoint people, but say "No" if you cannot comment on a question. You better tell that from the beginning that something will not succeed, then you should quit at the last minute.

Accessibility is the buzzword of our society. But it is not required to be accessible for every second of the day and night. Dare to switch off your cell phone, Blackberry, laptop and other materials if you really do not want to be disturbed. This can often make a lot less stress.

You can lose a lot of time if you can't fully concentrate on your work. If you have the chance to separate yourself at a quiet place to work, then please make use of. You will see that you're much more productive if you are not disturbed by phones and emails.

Also a short walk, even if it's only to coffee the machine can do wonders. Or a chat with a colleague. So you get away from your work and you can think of something else. You will see that you can better concentrate again afterwards.

Is there no end to that pile of work, ask yourself again whether you can get no help from a colleague and ask him. If anyone can help, even if it's only for an hour, the workload can be reduced considerable.

You still made some time for your family or friends, make sure that you are not all the time with your head with your work. You have to relax in your free time. Try yourself to forbid to think on that stressful project. Dare to turn off your cell phone for that.

You have to work during the working hours, the rest of the time you can organize yourself. It is not a requirement to be reachable after your working hours. Even if this is expected from you.

Find a hobby and make sure that you not get bored during the evening. Because if you don't have the chance is great for till checking mails. Sometimes we just forgotten the word 'relaxation' but it is as important as work. There has to be an even relaxation volume against a workload volume. Some persons needs less leisure than the other (perhaps they have a less stressful job). You don't have to do nothing at all. For example, you can watch TV, relax, go to the cinema, go shopping or with friends to the pub or a walk in nature, draw, poem...

sources: ArchiVision Directory -

Traffic tip: your website in all your mails

Many of you might be wondering how they can get more visitors to their website. Well here's a tip to drive traffic to your website. Maybe you already know this little tip but it works great.

What helps to get more traffic is adding your website in every email you send. Because, you mail to people you know, and they can send your mail to others they know. Your mail can be going around the world, especially if it are funny mails. So you get traffic of people you never can reach with Google. And if you are lucky there will be a webmaster viewing your website and if you are very lucky, he can put a link from your website on his and so your website can be ranked higher. And a higher ranking = more traffic. Don’t forget that people are curious, especially if they know you. People tell friends and colleges that you have a website. And that’s another way to get traffic. People talk a lot about others they know and that's free advertising.

More traffic tips:
How to use keywords in the right way to get lots of traffic
5 Ways to Keep Visitors Coming Back
Search Engine Friendly Pages
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