The Winklevoss twins and Paul Ceglia are putting Mark Zuckerberg in to troubles

Facebook logo mirrored Mark Zuckerberg faces new legal actions for the ownership of the website 'Facebook'. The Winklevoss twins are claiming that Mark Zuckerberg stole the idea of a 'Don't like' button for his Facebook. Paul Ceglia said that Zuckerberg signed a contract with him that shows that he should be entitled to the lion's share of the business because of the various matters related to 'thefacebook', known in the earlier days. Ceglia claims that he hired Zuckerberg in 2003 to do some coding for a site called Streetfax (now known as StreetDelivery). Zuckerberg was paid $1.000 for a 'work for hire' contract. Ceglia has contended in court, and then put to work on a project called 'The Face Book' or 'The Page Book' in which Ceglia invested $1,000. Certainly, when Facebook first launched, it was called 'thefacebook', but the other details are disputed by Facebook and Zuckerberg's lawyers. Ceglia first filed suit la...