
Showing posts with the label drawing

Drawing of a White Orchideee (Moonorchidee) (Phalaenopsis Amabilis)

This is a drawing of a white Orchidee also known as the Moonorchidee. The Moonorchidee is native to the peninsula of Malacca and Indonesia. The flower is one of the three national flowers of Indonesia. As you can see, it has some pink color on the inside of the open flowers. Their are mostly 4 to 6 flowers on one stem.

Pentalobe screwdriver to open iPhone, iPad, iPod or MacBook Pro (penta lobe screw)

Apple use pentalobe screws for their new products like the iPhone 4. The pentalobe screw is specially made to prevent users of opening their devices. It has 5 round shapes (like a flower). Apple calls it 'Pentalobular' screws. Apple protects their products this way because the pentalobe screwdrivers are not readily available. You even can't open your iPhone with a traditional Torx or Philips screwdriver. Apple's technicians have to repair defect devices with pentalobe screwdrivers. This way, Apple can protect their products without changing any design aspects of their products. Common people will not easy find a Pentalobe screwdriver even if they need one.

War and battlefield movies of old Greece, historical battlefields on your screen

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Rode Wijn Drinken (gedicht)

Rode Wijn Drink, deze rode wijn. Om de waarheid te vergeven, uzelf niet te moeten zijn. Zonder zonden of afgunst te leven. Een goed mens te zijn, dit, toch voor heel even. M.W.