
Showing posts with the label problem

srt subtitles won't show when playing mp4 files on Panasonic television.

MP4 has become one of the standard file type to store a movie in high quality. But when you want to play them on your Panasonic television, the problem you face is that the television does not recognize the srt file that counts the subtitles for the movie, even with the latest firmware update of the Panasonic television. But here's the nice part of this post... I solved it. First you need to do is to name the srt file exactly like the mp4 file. Than you copy the mp4 and the srt files of that movie into a folder on your usb stick. Than you need to copy an mkv movie with the srt file of that movie in a different folder. Plug the usb stick in the Panasonic television, The next you need to do is play the mkv movie first and load the srt subtitles. Go back to the main menu and than play the mp4 file. That's all, the mp4 file will automatically play the srt file synchronized, you don't need to load the srt file, There is even no option to load subtitles. Anot...

Automatically disable synaptics touchpad of your laptop while typing on your keyboard or connect an USB mouse in Windows 7 and Vista

We are going to offer you a solution about 2 things. First we let you automatically disable the touchpad when you type on your keyboard. Second thing where we have a solution for is that when you prefer to use an external USB mouse, the synaptics touchpad is disabled when you plug in the USB mouse. Automatically disable synaptic touchpad of your laptop while typing on your keyboard You have just purchased your new laptop but when you want to type some letters, the synaptic touchpad just make it impossible to type a letter. So what you want is: when you are typing on your keyboard that the touchpad is no longer annoying you. You want it disabled when you are typing and be enabled when you're not using the keyboard but want to use the touchpad instead. We found you a solution: TouchFreeze. It's a free, easy to use small program. It loads automatically when you start up your laptop. The program is settled into the lower right corner of your screen under the tray icons. You don...