Currencies and ISO-code by country
This table counts the currencies and ISO-code by every country, according to the ISO 4217 code. Currencies ISO-Code Country euro EUR Euro Countries: Belgium, Germany, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Spain dollar AUD Australia lev BGN Bulgaria pound CYP Cyprus dollar CAD Canada crown DKK Denmark crown EEK Estonia forint HUF Hongary yen JPY Japan lath LVL Letvia litas LTL Lithuania lira MTL Malta dollar NZD New Zealand crown NOK Norway zloty PLN Poland leu ROL Romania dollar SGD Singapore crown SKK Slowakia tolar SIT Slovenia baht THB Thailand koruna CZK Czech Republic lira TRL Turkey dollar USD USA (United States of America) pound GBP United Kingdom rand ZAR South Afrika crown SEK Sweden frank CHF Zwitzerland