How can I save on energy and save money? Tips and Tricks - How to save energy and money?
This page goes about how you can save energy, the environment and your money. Some of these tips will have a major impact on your wallet in the positive sense. Good luck and success with these tips. - Dry your laundry on the clothesline in the summer. - Put your heating in summer mode. - If your boiler has now summer setting, lower the temperature of your boiler manually. - Air conditioning creates a fresh feeling, but is not the most energy efficient solutions. Lowering the temperature with 1 degree it can lower your costs to a 25% annual - During wintertime you can just do the opposite, set your thermostat one degree lower and wear a thick sweater if necessary. ' Did you know that you waste more energy if you heat 2 times a day from 5 degrees to 20 degrees. For example, if you work during the day and you warm up in the morning for 1 to 2 hours from 10 degrees to 20 degrees in a very short time it requires much energy and money. After two hours you turn the thermostat ...