
Showing posts with the label user

Setting up an Exchange account in iPhone iOS for your mails and calendar

These settings allows you to retrieve your mails and calendar from an exchange account in to your iPhone iOS. This is useful if you want to set up a business account on iPhone for example. Go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Add Account to Microsoft > Exchange Fields to fill in for the exchange account E-mail: Server: This can be found in Outlook under > File > Account settings > double click on the relevant account > under server settings you can the right information under server. Type this fully address. Domain: Not always necessary to fill in , if you do not know the domain-name, do not fill in Username: Username Password: password of the user Description: Something that can identify this account This way you can connect your exchange mail account on your iPhone and view your agenda and mails on your smartphone without the need of a computer, laptop or tablet. This settings are compatible with all iPhones van ...