Showing posts with label Rome. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rome. Show all posts

The Celts, the highlights and the end of a cultural civilization

The Celts are the peoples and tribes who spoke the Celtic language over a millennium before the beginning of our era and the following centuries.

Their ancestors spread from the core area in Central Europe both to the west and east. Around the beginning of our era, Celtic tribes inhabited the British Isles, Gaul, the Iberian Peninsula and parts of Central Europe and the Balkans.

Celtic languages ​​belong to the Indo-European language family.

Due to the large area and the very long time that the Celts lived they have been able to build a very rich past.

It is sometimes assumed that the Celts are the founders of tumuli, large Obelisks, megaliths, dolmens, menhirs and Mounds but this is not true. These monuments date back to ancient times, some are 4000 years old. The Celtic civilization begun only 400 years before Christ. The reason why these monuments are linked to the Celts is by the conquests of the Roman empire. Their opinion was that these monuments were used by the Celts as this population lived in these areas that were littered with these monuments. It is true that the Celts used these monuments for several reasons but they din't built them.

Celtic civilization trough the ages
Around 400 BC the Celts where really blossoming. Since then this civilization already knew dominoes and dice.

In 387 BC, the Celtic Gauls destroyed Rome with under leading of Brennus and then retreated to the Po-Valley.

Around the year 287 BC was their expansion so big that their people and their civilization permeated large areas of the Balkans and went to settle there as Gala Then in Small-Asia.

Roman conquests
Gaul, where the Celts belonged, was declared as a Roman province of the Roman Empire around the year 51 BC by commander Caious under Julius Caesar. The Rhine is hereby established as a national border. And from then on the area and the people was Gallo-Roman. From then on the whole area was influenced by the Roman superiority. For example, the Romans built their cities, and aqueducts. One of the largest aqueducts that they built is located in Nîmes (Southern France). The Celtic civilization, along with their culture and religion, faded away under the influence and glory of the Roman Empire.

The Celts, once a great and powerful civilization in Central Europe.

Paus Franciscus

Mario Bergolio as Cardinal in 2008
On march the 13th of 2013 was the Argentinian kardinal Jorge Mario Bergolio elected to pope at the age of 76. This after a conclave lasting 26 hours. About 19h there was white smoke from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel. The new pope was elected.

He replaces Benedict XVI (pope from 2005 till 2013). Pope Benedict XVI felt it was time to resign. He called all the 115 cardinals of the world together to have a new conclave. In the last conclave of 2005 Bergolio was ended as second favorite to be pope. The german Joseph Ratzinger Aloisius then became pope in 2005. But now Bergolio is elected as pope.

Pope Francis is the first non-European pope ever. He is from Buenos Aires and is now the 266ste Pope of the Catholic Church. Bergoglio is actually a Jesuit and was Archbishop of Buenos Aires since 2001. He is honored for his simple life and standing up for the weaker and disadvantaged people in and around Buenos Aires. His task now is to refrom the church. His knowledge of languages ​​and psychology comes very handy.

Why the name Franciscus?
Bergoglio chose the name Franciscus that refers to the Saint Franciscus of Assisi and to Francis Xavier, founder of the Jesuit order.

Paus Franciscus

Mario Bergolio als kardinaal in 2008
Op 13 maart 2013 werd de Argentijnse kardinaal Jorge Mario Bergolio op zijn 76ste verkozen tot nieuwe paus. Dit na een 26 uren durende conclaaf. omstreeks 19u kwam er witte rook uit de schoorsteen van de Sixtijnse Kapel. De nieuwe paus was verkozen.

Hij moet Benedictus XVI vervangen die van 2005 tot en met 2013 paus was. Paus Benedictus XVI vond dat het tijd was om af te treden. Hij liet alle 115 kardinalen van de wereld samenkomen om een nieuw conclaaf te houden. In het vorig  conclaaf van 2005 was Bergolio 2de favoriet om paus te worden. De duitser Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger werdt toen paus. Maar nu is Bergolio dus verkozen tot paus.

Paus Franciscus is de eerste niet Europese paus ooit. Hij is afkomstig uit Buenos Aires en is nu de 266ste paus van de Katholieke Kerk. Bergoglio is in feite een Jezuïet en was aartsbisschop van Buenos Aires sinds 2001. Hij wordt gelauwerd om zijn eenvoudig leven en het opkomen voor de zwakkere en minderbedeelde mensen in en rond Buenos Aires. Hij moet nu de kerk structureel gaan hervormen. Hierbij komt zijn kennis van talen en psychologie goed van pas.

Waarom de naam Franciscus?
Bergoglio koos voor de naam Franciscus en verwijst daarmee naar de heilige Franciscus van Assisi en naar Franciscus Xaverius, de oprichter van de jezuïetenorde.
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