Showing posts with label tools. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tools. Show all posts

Replace similar files in different folders by a different file

For a new project, I encountered a problem where I have one file (items.txt) which occurs in a thousand different folders (including subfolders) that I have to replace with another file (items.jpg). I want to replace all these old items.txt files with a new 'parent' file items.jpg through a simple program. But that's my problem, I don't find such a program. Does someone know such a program?

I thought to have another solution for this problem, but it wasn't. My solution was this: Suppose I search for any files called "items.txt" with the Windows Explorer and then remove it than I needed a program that can fill up all the empty folders and sub-folders with the file 'items.jpg'. But I also did not found such a program.

If there are people who has a solution for one of these problems, in the form of a free computer program, please leave a comment below.

Thanks for your help,
hopefully there will be a solution come out.

Gelijke bestanden in verschillende mappen vervangen door één ander bestand

Voor een nieuw project stuit ik op een probleem waarbij ik één bestand (items.txt) dat voorkomt in een duizendtal verschillende mappen (waaronder ook submappen) dien te vervangen door een ander bestand (items.jpg). Ik wil al die oude items.txt bestanden vervangen met het 'moeder'-bestand items.jpg door middel van een eenvoudig programma. Maar daar knelt het schoentje, ik vindt nergens zo'n programma. Kent er iemand van jullie zo'n programma?

Ik dacht ondertussen een andere oplossing te hebben voor het probleem, maar tevergeefs. Mijn mogelijke oplossing ging als volgt: Als ik nu eens alle bestanden die 'items.txt' noemen, met de Windows Verkenner opzoek en verwijder om daarna met één of ander programma alle lege mappen en submappen te voorzien met het bestand 'items.jpg'. Maar ook hiervoor vindt ik nergens een eenvoudig programma.

Als er mensen zijn die voor één van deze problemen hiervoor een eenvoudige oplossing hebben, liefst in de vorm van een gratis computer programma, mogen gerust een reactie nalaten onderaan deze pagina.

Alvast bedankt voor jullie hulp,
hopelijk komt er een oplossing uit de bus.

Gratis programma's die de betalende versies kunnen vervangen

Wij kunnen uw computer ervaring veel goedkoper maken door gebruikt te maken van gratis computer programma's. Geniet van de ervaring met deze volledig gratis tools.

Elk onderdeel behandeld een gratis alternatief voor een betalend programma.

Apache OpenOffice
Apache OpenOffice is gratis en meteen ook het beste alternatief voor een goed Office pakket zoals die van Microsoft Office. OpenOffice bevat een tekst-verwerkingsprogramma, een rekenprogramma, een database programma, een Powerpoint alternatief en nog een aantal handige tools. OpenOffice is geschikt voor zowel Windows of Mac en is beschikbaar in een 32 bit en een 64 bit versie. De programma's zien er iets minder mooi uit als die van Microsoft maar daar staat dan tegenover dat ze heel snel werken.

Dit ise een gratis FTP programma waarmee je uw HTML pagina's kan uploaden naar de hosting-plaats van uw website. Er zijn heel wat instellingen mogelijk om alles tot een goed einde te brengen.

Dit is het beste gratis alternatief voor Illustrator van Adobe. Met deze software kan je ongelofelijk mooie illustraties maken.

Een gratis alternatief voor PhotoShop van Adobe. Met dit programma kun je gelijk welke afbeelding bewerken.

Xenu's Link Sleuth
Met dit programma kun je niet meer werkende links van en naar uw website checken. Allemaal gratis.

Vervang tekst in meerdere tekst of HTML bestanden tegelijk.

Een gratis HTML editor.

FastStone Photo Resizer
Verklein uw foto's voor uw website en mails.

Gratis opruimings- programma's om uw computer vlot te doen blijven draaien
Er zijn veel van deze programma's zoals daar zijn:
Advanced System Care

Kom meer te weten over deze gratis opruim-tools.

Gratis virus scanners
Er zijn veel van deze programma's zoals daar zijn:
AOL Active Virus Shield
Avira AntiVir
Microsoft Security Essentials

Kom meer te weten over deze gratis anti virus tools.

Brand CD-Rom's en mount ISO-disc's
Met deze programma's kan je CD-Roms kopiëren, branden en virtueel op uw PC laden.
Free Easy CD DVD Burner
Virtual Clone Drive

Een gratis programma dat meerdere bestanden kan comprimeren naar één kleiner bestand. Zo kunt u rapper iets verzenden via het internet en gebruikt u minder ruimte van uw harde schijf.

Een gratis alternatief voor het populaire, maar ook iets professionelere, AutoCAD.

Google Sketchup
Gratis 3D teken programma. Is ook gemakkelijk om aan te leren,

Een gratis alternatief voor gelijk welke media speler. Je kunt er bijna alles op aansluiten en synchroniseren zoals een iPhone, iPod, Android of Windows Smartphone.

Leer meer over MediaMonkey.

Free programs that can replace the payed versions reviewed

We can make your computer experience much cheaper by using free software tools. Enjoy the experience of totally free programs.

Every paragraph handles a free alternative to a payed program.

Apache OpenOffice
Apache OpenOffice is free and very good alternative for every office package like there is Microsoft Office. OpenOffice includes a writer-, a math-, a database- program and a Powerpoint alternative. Some other handy tools are also included. It supports Windows and Mac and comes in a 32 bit and 64 bit version. The interface looks a bit older but the programs are working blazing fast.

This a free FTP program that can upload your HTML files to your website hosting place. Their are many settings possible.

This is the best free alternative to Adobe's Illustrator. With this software you can make astonishing illustrations.

A free alternative to Adobe's PhotoShop. With this program you can edit image files.

Xenu's Link Sleuth
You can check if your website has broken links with this peace of software, all for free.

Easily replace text in multiple text en HTML files.

A free HTML editor.

FastStone Photo Resizer
Resize your photo's for your website or e-mail.

Free cleaning programs to maintenance your computer work smoothly
There are many programs to do this like there are:
Advanced System Care

There are many programs to do this like there are:
AOL Active Virus Shield
Avira AntiVir
Microsoft Security Essentials

Learn more about these free anti virus programs

Write CD-Rom's and mount ISO-discs
With these programs you can copy and burn disc's are mounth them virtually.
Free Easy CD DVD Burner
Virtual Clone Drive

A free tool that can compress multiple files in one smaller file to send faster trough the internet and consumes less space.

A free alternative for the popular but more professional AutoCAD.

Google Sketchup
Free and easy to learn 3D program.

A free alternative to every media player. You can connect almost every dive like an iPhone, iPod, Android and Windows phones.

The first humans on earth

The first people on earth were ape-men who roamed, robbed of nature, hunters and food gatherers. There are many traces and remains of these wanderers found on the earth. We can form a picture of how they used to live.

Data and historical milestones of the first people on earth
6 million years BC > First man
3 million years BC > Wanderers
100 thousand years BC > The man of Spy
60 thousand years BC > Homo Sapiens
40 thousand years BC > Stone tools and weapons
7500 years BC > Sophisticated tools (polishing of stone)
350 years BC > Cro-Magnon

Weapons and tools
All tools and weapons came directly from nature. Many of the tools first used consist of wood or carved stone. However, bones, tendons, skin and hair were also used to make tools. Silex stones were worked into yielding spearheads and a deer antler served for a variety of tools.
Some items that often appear in numerous excavations are: clubs, hand axes, spears, scrapers, knives, ropes, hooks, spades and more.

The people discovered fire. It was very important because they could grill food, they could heat up and defend their self.

Spears and knives were used during the hunt. But also pits and barriers were used to catch wild animals. During the chase they made sure that they were against the wind, so the animals could not smell them. They also disguised themselves with reindeer skins so to get as close to their prey as possible without the animals were shocked by their presence. Animal furs were worn with the fur inside.

For fishing they used spears with barbs so the fish hung on the spear.

The main tasks of the women
They mainly gathered fruits, were catching fish, bird nest robbing, digging roots, tanning animal skins, making baskets of woven reeds ... But they also take care of the newborn babies and children.

The main tasks of the men
They went hunting on small and large animals. They had to defend their tribe against other tribes or dangerous wild animals.

Living among the first people
The first people did not live long in the same place. As soon as the food was run out in a particular area, they moved on to a more nutrient-rich area. They moved around from one area to another. They lived in tents sails of animal-skins, hides in caves or huts made ​​of branches, skins or straw. They never lived far from a river or pond so they could easily get to water.

The first people wore clothes of pelts and skins of animals. Women also tanned animal skins to have a nice soft supple skin.

Living in group
The first people have always lived in small herds or groups, also called a stem with a chieftain. The more people in a group the better they could hunt and defend. Living in a small group has also the advantage that the food they consumed in their habitat run out quickly.

The first people traded with other tribes, for example, exchange flint against animal skins or food.

The animals at the time of the first people
Most of the animals we know today also occurred during their period. There were reindeer, bears, wild horses, chamois, wolves, bison ... But also the extinct mammoth took part of their world. These have been extinct for years. Many of the animals that lived during that period of time looked a little different than we know them now. In all these years, these also evolved like the humans did. Although they are not as evolved as the almighty humans.

The first people believed in natural forces who offered them as Gods.
They drawn and paints on stones and rock ​​to obtain the power over animals and to obtain more insight into the hunt, I think of the tactics to lure a herd of animals into a trap.
They gave sacrifices to protect themselves from evil phenomena or to favorably the Gods.
They buried their dead carefully. Many of these tribes believed in the afterlife.
Plenty of great artistic stones where mint to be graves:
- Menhirs: large upright stones
- Dolmens: large stones serve two smaller stones are

Remote desktop tools

Windows Remote Desktop
You are looking for a way to take over a computer from someone else trough the internet or in your network? Then it's useful to know that there are a number of good programs that allow you to connect to another computer from your PC trough the Internet. Even if that person with his computer is located at the other side of the world. Once connected to the other PC you can control it in real time, you can than use files and programs on that PC. You can even transfer files from your PC to another PC.

Connect to a Remote Desktop with Windows
This feature is embedded in the operating system since Windows XP. You only need a pro version or higher of the operating system. This solution is for people that don't need to do much remote connections with other desktops.

This program is a slightly more advanced tool that can go on multiple PC's simultaneously log on remotely. There's is also a safety feature built in. The clients need the download the client software and install it on his computer. After the clients opening the program a code appeared that the person on the client has to tell to the person that will take over the computer. This application is widely used because it offers an efficient and safe solution within the network. By network administrators Their website tells us that there are more than 200 million network administrators are using this program.


Free tools to build your own websites

Here are some handy tools to build and maintain your websites.
They are all completely free.

Xenu's LinkSleuth logoXenu's LinkSleuth
This tools we use to detect broken links. So we can see which links don't work, and correct them.

Website: xenulink

This tool is simular to Xenu's LinkSleuth but is less expanded and doesn't crash like Xenu LinkSleuth does.

Website: linkchecker

GSiteCrawler LogoGSiteCrawler
To build Google sitemaps. This program can upload sitemaps and ping it to Google if there is new stuff on your website.


With this program you can upload your file's to an ftp-server.

Handy to work with html files in text format. Tags are automatically recognized to get a structural summary.


Free Photoshop alternative to manipulate photos.


TextCrawler logo

With this tools you can easily substitute some words or phrases in a text or html file.

Website: textcrawler

Grahfic and text orientated html editor.


InfoRapid Search & Replace
This program does more than only replace text in more than one file. It can search for more than one line and has some unique tools to caraterise the search instructions. This free tool made by a German company that builds many company tools like there are an Knowledge Map and MindMaps.

Website: InfoRapid Search & Replace

Gratis tools om uw computer sneller te doen werken

Welk opschoon programma is het beste? Wij vergeleken de beste cleaning tools.
De meeste programma's maken een system restore point alvorens de gecashte bestanden te verwijderen en uw register te fixen en uw harde schijf te vrijwaren van onnodige bestanden.

Advanced System Care v6
Advanced System Care (from IObit)
Dit is één van de beste gratis tools om uw computer sneller te doen werken.
Dit programma heeft een expert mode en meer dan 20 extra tools,,zoals Smart Defrag 2, om uw computer op te schonen. Het kan uw computer ook scannen op gevaarlijke software. Tevens beschikt IObit ook over een defragmentatie programma dat volledig geïntegreerd is in het het Advanced System Care programma. Het heeft zelfs een Uninstaller dat naast het uninstalleren van programma's ook meerdere programma's op een geforceerde manier kan verwijderen en dit allemaal automatisch.
Smart Defrag 2
Dit alles is gratis. Als je het nodig acht om uw computer nog sneller te doen draaien en je betaald voor dit programma dan krijg je nog meer professionele tools ter beschikking.
Website: Advanced System Care

TuneUp Utilities
TuneUp Utilities
Je kunt een 30 dagen demo uitproberen van dit super programma.
Het werkt zeer smooth. Het enige nadeel is dat je een 30 euro moet betalen na 30 demo dagen als je dit excellent programma wil behouden.
Website: TuneUp Utilities

CCleaner is het oudste en tevens het populairste programma om uw PC mee op te schonen. Het kuist uw computer goed maar in vroegere dagen kregen sommige computers problemen na het cleanen van hun computer.
Nu ondersteunt CCleaner het opschonen van cach bestanden van programma's zoals Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari en Firefox.
Website: CCleaner

Slim Cleaner
Slim Cleaner
Dit programma is niet zo gekend als de programma's hierboven maar het heeft tal van tools om junk files op te schonen. Het kan zelfs bestanden verwijderen die CCleaner niet verwijderd krijgt. Wij gebruiken Slim Cleaner als een aanvulling op CCleaner. Nadat we CCleaner zijn job hebben laten doen laten we Slim Cleaner nog eens heel de boel controleren op fouten en overbodige bestanden.
Website: Slim Cleaner

Dit programma is een goed alternatief voor de Advanced System Care software van IObit.
Maar het is een beetje complex om te gebruiken en je kan zeer gemakkelijk bestanden verwijderen die wel nodig zijn op uw PC. Een voordeel aan dit programma is dat er een portable installer is zodat je Xleaner ook op uw USB-stick kan installeren en uitvoeren.
Website: Xleaner

Vroeger was ik gewend om TuneUp Utilities te gebruiken en dit werkte zeer goed. Maar ik zocht naar een gratis alternatief en belande zo bij deze programma's. CCleaner is een beetje riskant om te gebruiken dus zweer ik bij de excellente tools van Advanced System Care. Meteen ook het beste programma, zeker als je weinig kennis hebt van zaken.
Advanced System Care is momenteel het beste gratis programma om uw computer op te schonen en sneller te doen werken.

Free tools to make your computer run faster

Wich system cleaner to use? We compared the best cleaning utilities.
Most of these programs makes a system restore point before you clean stored cashed files, fix’s your register, optimize your computer and clean your hard-drive from redundant file and more.

Advanced System Care v6
Advanced System Care (from IObit)
This is one of the best free tools available to make your computer run faster.
It has an expert mode and more than 20 tools, like Smart Defrag 2, to clean up your computer. It also scans your computer for malicious software. Their is a smart defrag tool available from IObit that can be integrated in the Advanced System Care tool. It even has an Uninstaller that not only can uninstall a program by default but it has an option called: forced
Smart Defrag 2
uninstall. It can uninstall multiple programs at once and you can perform a deep scan after you uninstalled some programs and this all automatic. This is al for free. If you pay for this program you can get more professional tools.
Website: Advanced System Care

TuneUp Utilities
TuneUp Utilities
You can get a 30 days trail to try this very good program.
It works very smooth. The only disadvantage is that you need to pay some dollars after 30 days if you want to keep this excellent program.
Website: TuneUp Utilities

CCleaner is the oldest most popular tool to clean your PC. It cleans good but in the earlier days some computers where getting problems after cleaning their computer. Now it support cleaning cached files from Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari and Firefox.
Website: CCleaner

Slim Cleaner
Slim Cleaner
This program is not as know as the programs above but it has many advanced tools to clean junk files. It can even can clean some files that CCleaner can't clean. We use Slim Cleaner as an extra tool to clean after CCleaner did his job. But it has no registry cleaner that is effective enough.
Website: Slim Cleaner

This program is a good alternative for the Advanced System Care software from IObit. But it's a bit to complex to use and you can easily delete file you still need. One advantage: it has a portable installer so you can install it on a stick and run it from their.
Website: Xleaner

The final verdict
In earlier days I was used to use TuneUp Utilities and it worked very good. After searching for a free alternative I ended up with Advanced System Care. CCleaner is a bit to risky to use, Xleaner is not only risky but a bit complex to use. For users with little of knowledge I recommend Advanced System Care. It the best tool I ever used.
Copyright: byWM