
Showing posts with the label Google

Het virtuele AI Brain van Google DeepMind kan leiden tot nieuwe inzichten over ons eigen brein

 Google DeepMind is een AI van de volgende generatie die bijna zelf kan denken zoals onze hersenen dat doen! Google heeft gewerkt aan AI-modellen die aspecten van de hersenen kunnen simuleren. Het is echter niet één enkel ‘virtueel AI-brein’. Het kan vooral bewegingen nabootsen door te begrijpen hoe de hersenen functioneren als een bepaalde beweging wordt gemaakt. Het kan zelfs anticiperen op nieuwe situaties die nog nooit eerder zijn voorgekomen en reageren met de juiste bewegingen. Hun recente werk betrof een virtuele rat met een door AI aangedreven ‘brein’ dat was ontworpen om na te bootsen hoe echte ratten bewegen. Dit helpt ons de neurale circuits die verband houden met beweging te begrijpen. Het is meer een specifiek hulpmiddel om de hersenen te begrijpen, en niet een vervanging ervan. De virtuele rat van Google DeepMind Deze rat is een fascinerend project dat de grenzen van kunstmatige intelligentie en neurowetenschappen verlegt. Wat is het? Onderzoekers van DeepMind werkten...

Keyword optimization, strategy and tactics

To score high with your website you need some keywords that you should include in your html files. With keywords, your webpage can be found in the search results of Google and other search engines like Yahoo and Bing. But to be found or higher ranked in the search results, it is advisable to think very carefully what keywords you gone to use and how and where you will use them. The best way to how you integrate the keywords in your website can best be explained by an example. Search keywords First and foremost, you need text and content. Usually a text is about a particular topic. So you need to make sure that you know exactly what the topic is of your text, and what the key elements are in this text. Take this text you are reading as an example. The topic is about keywords and how they are integrated in texts using a particular strategy and tactics. So we have our subject and also the main words on what we want to be found on the internet. Keyword, strategy and tactics, we w...

How to make the smallest jpg files with no quality loss for my website

Since Google does worry about the page load speed of websites. Maybe you checked the loading time of your website checked with PageSpeed ​​Insights from Google and you want to have your graphic files with lossless compression. You also want to let your website load very quickly in the browser of your visitor. Because users of your website don't want to wait any second longer as necessary. They will leave your website if it's has a long load time. And another advantage: Google can crawl your WebPages faster, that means Google crawl more pages in a same time-segment. To get the smallest jpg files for your website you can use the free FastStone PhotoResizer . To get the smallest files without quality loss with this program you need to set some settings right. The JPEG Format Settings Set the Quality to 75 percent. Photometric settings: make no change. Color Subsampling can be set to High (Smaller File Size). Smooting: 0 to avoid blurry images. Check on the Optimize H...

Html script that loads the first picture of the google search results in a html file corresponding to the title tag

Hey folks, We are searching for a html code that can load up the first picture of the Google pictures results. The picture has to be corresponding with the title of the blog or the title tag in the html files. For example: We have a blog post about stones. Than the html code has to search for the first picture of stones in the Google pictures results and then display it on the website. If we go to another page in the website with the title plants than it the code automatically needs to reload and show a new pictures of plants in the garden. Is t'is also possible to do this with YouTube video's? Please leave a message... Thanks in advance, The ArchiVision Directory team.

Google's GMMXIE New Years Doogle for 2011

Google's New Years Doogle for 2011 Google's logo now changed to GMMXIE on 31 December 2010, the day before New Year 2011. The 'MMXI' in the logo stands for 2011, written in Roman characters (numbers). Google did some Redundancy with the word 'Google', but it is still readable. We recognize the word because we don't need the whole word to be written correct to recognize it. Even when words are spelled like 'Univresity' we recognize the word as 'University'.

Chromium OS van Google, het snelste besturingssysteem ter wereld, beschikbaar eind 2010

Chromium OS Logo Het Google-Team is hard aan het werken om zijn Chromium OS klaar te krijgen voor het einde van 2010. Het besturingssysteem genaamd 'Chromium' is gemaakt voor mini-laptops, maar zal ook werken op laptops en PC's. Voor GSM's en SmartPhone's was er al Android die ook op minilaptops wordt gedraaid. Met Google's Chromium OS kijgt het Android besturings- systeem er een geduchte concurent bij. Het is speciaal gemaakt voor internet gebaseerde toepassingen die kunnen worden benaderd via het internet. Nadat u bent in-geloged, spring je bijna onmiddellijk in Google's Chrome internet browser. Chromium zal enkel werken op SSD, Solid State Drive, zoals USB-Flash Disks en SD-kaarten. Er zal geen ondersteuning zijn voor harde schijven, voor zover we weten. Chromium zal zeer snel kunnen opstarten mede omdat Solid State Drives sneller zijn. In de toekomst zullen mini-laptops enkel nog beschikbaar zijn op SSD. De voordelen hiervan zijn: minder vermogen nodig ...

Chromium OS by Google, the fastest OS available on the end of 2010

Chromium OS Logo Google is working hard to get their Chromium OS ready for the end of 2010. The Operating System called 'Chromium' is made for mini laptops but will also work on laptops and PC's. Some Minilaptops and SmartPhone's that are using the Android OS are now getting competition of Google's Chromium OS. It's made for working with internet based applications that can be accessed through the internet. After you log in, you almost immediately jump in Google's Chrome internet browser. Chromium will only work on SSD, Solid State Drives like USB-Flash Disks and SD-Cards, it will not support hard-disk drives, for so far we know. Chromium will boot very fast partly because Solid State Drives are faster. In the future mini-laptops will be only available on SSD. The advantages of this are: less power needed and less moving parts that can break. Google also dropped unnecessary services. So it's loading faster. After 2 seconds you get a login splash screen,...

Will Facebook get their own Email Service?

Facebook Icon Logo Is Facebook chasing email services like Hotmail, Yahoo and Google's GMail? All over the internet is said that Facebook will introduce his own Email-service. A lot of blogs are speculating that Facebook will unveil an email service at a Facebook event scheduled to take place November 15, 2010 at 10AM PT. Will we all get a email address in November? We already have enough services like: Hotmail, Yahoo and GMail. Are users really waiting for a Facebook email address? What do you think? Feel free to fill in a comment. Related articles about Facebook: Barack Obama will speak to people through Facebook on 20 april 2011 Facebook closing down on March 15? Unique Facebook Logo's (Logos), Icons, Badges and Buttons Will Facebook get their own Email Service? Facebook Places, new function in Facebook

Free Website and Blog Submitting to Search Engines and Web Directory's

This time, I will talk about submitting your Website of Blog to Search Engines and Web Directory's for free , so that Search Engines are aware of your website. You will get more hits to your website as more search engines know your website. The websites that I'll present to you, will submit your website to 40 or more search engines at once for free. Even to Search Engines you never heard of. Some of the submitting services adding your new content automatically once you publish new stuff. They will tracking new content of your website once you submitted your website to their service. Some of the submitting services requires a free account. List of Submitting services for Websites (can also work with blogs): List of Submitting services for Blogs (specially for blogs): pin...

Today's digital inventions that changed our way of living, the history of tomorrow...

Binary digits in a digital time of computers. The digital world of today changed our way of communication extremely. Now a day we can't image a world without computers, the internet or our GSM. All of these digital things has changed the way we live. Here's a little list of tomorrow's history... The Computer The digital era begins all with the computer founded in 1938. Back in the days computers where slow and you needed a big room to store all the computer components. It can process and store digits that forms: text, audio, video, documents,... in to all sorts of files. The Internet Websites and e-mails (Hotmail and G-mail are one of the biggest e-mail servers that providing users a free e-mail account). The Mobile Phone Smartphone's, like Apple's iPhone, made the Mobile Phone a lot better, it's like a little computer, not much bigger than an mobile phone. Google and other search engines Find what your searching for by typing what your looking for. MSN Messenge...

Most misspelled search terms for the word Google it self - a little list

Foogle Google misspelled as Googel Goegel Goegle Gogel Gogle Goole Googe Googel Googgle Googglle Googl Google Googlle Googol Gooogel Hoegle Hoogle Oogle

Google gears AdSense layout for his Leader Board and Rectangles

Google has announced that in the next few days, changes in the layout of its AdSense ads will roll out. A redesigned layout has to bring a better performance. This was said on the official Google AdSense blog. AdSense Product Manager Amy Wu announced this yesterday. Initially, the layout of medium and large rectangles, and the leader board changed. Leader Board (728x90) The title, description and URL after the update is no longer in a column view, but in addition together. Rectangles (300x250 and 336x280) The URL has moved and is now directly behind the title. Previously it was on a separate row below the title and description. Google indicates that in some cases the font is adjusted to the texts easier to read. The changes will be within a few weeks in each country were conducted. Google AdSense will not be available for some time until the changes has been made in the system, so we have to be a little patient. But when Google’s did testing the redesigned ads it performed extremely we...

How does Google's PageRank work? An explanation to getting a better PageRank for your website.

Are you wondering how to get a better PageRank for your website by Google? Does your website end up as one of the last in Google's search results? Are want you some more visitors for your webpage's? Well we were wondering these questions to. And... We have found an answer to it. We found a webpage on the internet that explains how Google calculate the PageRank of each website on the internet. The website tells us also how to handle internal linking. How inbound and outbound links effects your PageRank. And the best of all: how to get a better PageRank and more visitors. You can read it all on More traffic tips: How to use keywords in the right way to get lots of traffic Your website in all your mails 5 Ways to Keep Visitors Coming Back Search Engine Friendly Pages

Geld verdienen met RSS-feeds via Feedburner

RSS-Feed logo / Icon © ArchiVision Directory Wow, ik ondenkte net de functie om AdSense te integreren in mijn Feeds bij Feedburner. RSS-feeds zijn een overzicht van al uw berichten op uw blog of website. U kunt het gerust met een sitemap vergelijken. Maar er zijn meer mogelijkheden om de inhoud automatisch te schikken en te publiceren. Advertenties in uw RSS-feeds. Per bericht die u maakt komt een advertentie te voorschijn. Hebt u 20 berichten dan komen er standaard 20 advertenties te voorschijn. Per bericht 1 advertentie dus. Ik opteerde om enkel de bericht-koppen weer te geven met daaronder de advertentie. Zie hier voor een voorbeeld Maar hoe doen we dit? Wel het gemakkelijkste is om automatisch uw feeds te laten maken door Blogspot als u een blog bezit bij Google Blogspot natuurlijk. Ga naar de instellingen voor site-feeds, daar moet u blogfeeds toestaan, u kunt hier kiezen voor een korte of volledige weergave van uw berichten. Hier koos ik voor een kort weergave. Daarna moet u een...

Tip om meer bezoekers naar uw website te lokken: zet een link van uw website in al jouw mailberichten

Velen van u vragen zich wellicht af hoe ze meer bezoekers op hun website krijgen. Wel hier is een tip om meer verkeer naar uw website te leiden. Misschien kunt u deze kleine tip al maar het werkt geweldig. Wat helpt om meer verkeer te genereren is het toevoegen van een link naar uw website in elke e-mail die u verzendt. Want u mailt naar mensen die je kent, en zij kunnen uw e-mail dooorsturen naar anderen die zij kennen. Uw kan zo over de hele hele wereld gaan, vooral als het grappige mails betreft. Zo krijg je bezoekers op uw website die je anders nooit zou kunnen bereiken met Google. En als je geluk hebt zal er wel een webmaster zijn die uw mail heeft ontvangen en uw website bezoekt. En als je heel veel geluk hebt, vindt die webmaster uw website leuk en plaatst hij een link vanuit zijn website naar uw website. Zo zou uw website wel eens hoger geranked kunnen worden. En een hogere ranking = een hogere plaats in de zoekopdrachten van Google en = meer bezoekers op uw website. Vergeet ni...

How long will BlogSpot continue to exist?

BlogSpot logo Most of the people who are bloggers, know BlogSpot acquired by Google. It's easy to use, no program work and it has a fast interface. But how long will it going to exist? Well the fact is, that every blogger can place ads provided by Google and earn some penny's. But Google also earns on the ads that you place on your blog. The blogger keeps only a bit of the profit, the rest of the profit goes to Google. And that's the reason why Google BlogSpot exist. The costs of providing host-space for free is also paid with the income from the ads you place. Not everyone places ads, and even for them it's going to be no problem at all, because most of the people placed ads. It's simple, if Google continues to earn on the ads they provide the blogger, that places the ads on their blog, so BlogSpot will exist as long as Google makes profit on the ads.

Real-Time Information is going to be the new trend

Binary Digits rules the world Real-time information is going to be the new sort of information. Today the internet a place to give people info about something they searching for. Many info is now available these days but it’s not always the most recent info. And that is just what people want: the best and newest data. Not only on the internet but just always and everywhere. Company’s and government has to realize this to adopt this new way of communicating with their client. People now a days are living in a fast life. And they want everything live. Twitter and Facebook are the best examples of that. Also more and more live programs and live interviews on the news are getting more valuable. People aren’t satisfied any more with outdated information. If something is a day old, it is old. The World has changes a lot and it does every day, and it goes faster and faster. The words today are: always, every ware and in real-time. And that's what the Internet, gsm's and iPhones does. ...