
Showing posts with the label USA

Who will win the US elections of 2012 Romney or Barack Obama

Who will be te next president of America for 4 years? For who did you vote? Leave your comment at the end of this page.

Nuclear Fusion, the eternal promise as renewable energy?

Fusion is the energy of the sun and the stars, and the largest source of energy in the universe. The ITER fusion reactor that has to rise in Cadarache, France, costs billions of euro's to be paid by a number of countries including Japan and the USA. China is already building its own nuclear fusion reactor. It's a battle between lobbyists for power, money and new techniques because all of the great powers want to protect their energy sources. Will the nuclear fusion the energy source of the future? We will know perhaps until 2050. See on Wikipedia a larger definition of Nuclear Fusion and how it works. Nuclear Power Plant

2010 Census Results: Republicans' second big win of the year

The GOP, which won control of the House in midterm elections, stands to gain more seats as a result of the Census 2010 results, which show a population shift from blue states to red. They already gained more seats in the Senate. Now there is more good news for the Republican party: Most of the States that will gain House seats as the result of population growth lean to the GOP. Read more about the 2010 Census in the: Census 2010 results

Beste bieren van de wereld 2010

Een pintje bier De nummer 1 in de categorie beste bieren van de wereld voor 2010 is het Abdij-bier van de Abdij St. Sixtus uit West-Vleteren (België) en meer bepaald de 12 graden. Dit bier wordt gebrouwd door Cisterciënzers monniken (ook wel Trappisten genoemd). Zou leiden een bescheiden en stil leven zoekend naar God. Het bier wordt maar met een beperkte oplage gebrouwen omdat dit bier ambachtelijk en enkel door de Cisterciënzers monniken mag vervaardigd worden. In het Café-Restaurant recht voor de Abdij kun je alle West-Vleteren bieren proeven of je kan een kist met flesjes bier bestellen. Hierbij is er wel een grote wachttijd omdat het bier de laatste jaren zo immens populair is geworden tot in Amerika en verder. Närke Kaggem Stormaktsporter (Zweden) werd tweede en Cigar City Bourbon Barrel Aged Hunahpu's Imperial Stout (USA) derde. Volledige lijst nr. beer  style  brewer  state  country  1  Westvleteren 12    Abt/Quadrup...

Demolition of a factory tower in Ohio goes wrong

Nov 12th 2010 - Springfield, in the state Ohio. The demolition of a factory chimney tower has severely gone wrong. The chimney of 83 meters high sat down in the wrong direction. The Colossus destroyed a building and hit an electricity cable that provide electricity to 4,000 households. The cause of the blunder was due to a crack in the chimney. The experts didn't saw this crack in the chimney. Video: Ohio tower demolition goes wrong.

Best beers in the world 2010

A Pint of Beer The number 1 in the category of best beers in the world for 2010 is the Abbey-bier of Abbey St. Sixtus from West-Vleteren (Belgium) and more specifically the 12 degrees version. This beer is brewed by Cistercian monks (also known as Trappists). They live a modest and quiet life searching for God. The beer is brewed in a limited edition because this craft-beer can only be produced by the Cistercian monks. You can taste the beer in the Café-Restaurant right before the Abbey of West Vleteren. There's a large waiting time to get a crate of this West Vleeren beer because the beer has become immensely popular the last few years, even in America. Närke Kaggem Stormaktsporter (Sweden) was second and Cigar City Bourbon Barrel Aged Hunahpu's Imperial Stout (USA) ended third. Full list nr. beer  style  brewer  state  country  1  Westvleteren 12    Abt/Quadrupel   Westvleteren Abdij St. Sixtus   -  ...