Make Fake HDR (High Dynamic Range) effect with Gimp
With this HDR plug-in for Gimp you can make High Dynamic Range photos. After running the script on the original photo it has a more color look and it's like it has a bit 'bump'-effect, a little 3D effect. How does it work Off course you need to download and install Gimp . Download the HDR plug-in (it's the zip file) . Unpack the zip file and copy all the 4 files in the zip-file of the HDR plug-in. Past them under the folder: C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\share\gimp\2.0\scripts or C:\Program Files (x86)\GIMP 2\share\gimp\2.0\scripts Than open an image-file in Gimp Go to Script-Fu in / Enhance and click on Fake HDR Effect plus Here you can manage some levels Then click OK After Gimp has calculated the filter you now see a more colorful picture. See here for more HDR photo's.