
Showing posts with the label OS

Windows 10 review

Windows 10 is here. It's right: Windows 10. Does this mean that Windows 9 will be skipped? No, because Windows 9 is already here as Windows 8.1 (8 + 1 = 9). Windows 10 will appear in mid 2015. This is for laptops, PCs and smartphones. People with a laptop or PC that is still running Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 can perform a free upgrade from their system to Windows 10, this must be done within the year. You may have already sign up for the upgrade app from Windows 10 . Novelties Windows 10 should work quicker and easier to use than previous versions. There would be a new browser that should let you have a better web experience. Windows 10 and your Xbox can be linked together from now on. Microsoft HoloLens will be a new feature in Windows 10, which could create high-definition Holograms. So you can make objects appear in 3D in your living room, just like real physical objects. Windows 10 = free trial backup, a Forewarned is forearmed!! On the official site of Microsoft...

Slow Internet connection with Wi-Fi using Windows Vista operating system

Some Vista users has the problem that their wireless internet connection connect very late even 4 or 5 minutes after Windows Vista is booted. There is a solution that can help connecting your Vista machine to the internet, trough the router, almost immediately after starting up your Vista computer. 1. Go to your 'Configuration Screen' 2. Open 'The Network Center' 3. Go to 'Change Adapter Settings' 4. Right click 'Wireless Adapter' 5. Click 'Settings' 6. Checkmark the 'IP/TCP V6' Off Your done!

Chromium OS van Google, het snelste besturingssysteem ter wereld, beschikbaar eind 2010

Chromium OS Logo Het Google-Team is hard aan het werken om zijn Chromium OS klaar te krijgen voor het einde van 2010. Het besturingssysteem genaamd 'Chromium' is gemaakt voor mini-laptops, maar zal ook werken op laptops en PC's. Voor GSM's en SmartPhone's was er al Android die ook op minilaptops wordt gedraaid. Met Google's Chromium OS kijgt het Android besturings- systeem er een geduchte concurent bij. Het is speciaal gemaakt voor internet gebaseerde toepassingen die kunnen worden benaderd via het internet. Nadat u bent in-geloged, spring je bijna onmiddellijk in Google's Chrome internet browser. Chromium zal enkel werken op SSD, Solid State Drive, zoals USB-Flash Disks en SD-kaarten. Er zal geen ondersteuning zijn voor harde schijven, voor zover we weten. Chromium zal zeer snel kunnen opstarten mede omdat Solid State Drives sneller zijn. In de toekomst zullen mini-laptops enkel nog beschikbaar zijn op SSD. De voordelen hiervan zijn: minder vermogen nodig ...

Chromium OS by Google, the fastest OS available on the end of 2010

Chromium OS Logo Google is working hard to get their Chromium OS ready for the end of 2010. The Operating System called 'Chromium' is made for mini laptops but will also work on laptops and PC's. Some Minilaptops and SmartPhone's that are using the Android OS are now getting competition of Google's Chromium OS. It's made for working with internet based applications that can be accessed through the internet. After you log in, you almost immediately jump in Google's Chrome internet browser. Chromium will only work on SSD, Solid State Drives like USB-Flash Disks and SD-Cards, it will not support hard-disk drives, for so far we know. Chromium will boot very fast partly because Solid State Drives are faster. In the future mini-laptops will be only available on SSD. The advantages of this are: less power needed and less moving parts that can break. Google also dropped unnecessary services. So it's loading faster. After 2 seconds you get a login splash screen,...

Microsoft Windows 8, a 128 bit platform! Is it going to be real or is it just a hype or a rumor?

The start screen in Windows 8 Windows 7 just arrived in 2010 and the workers of Microsoft are already busy making a better operating system. It will be known as Windows 8, what else did you expect? 128 bit?! XP was known as a 32 bit operation system, Windows 7 made 64 bit the standard but Microsoft has plans to make the Windows 8 OS a 128 bit platform. Here for, your computer has to have an 128 bit architecture to manage the data processes. The question is what for CPU it need to drive on. Will it be a single core 128 bit processor or do you need several 64 bit cores. No panic the 128 bit processor already exists. What does it means in reality? First you need more RAM Chips. And new software that is 128 bit compatible including Microsoft's own Office. Now a day there is no such a software available for the masses. Software companies has just made their software 64 bit compatible for Windows 7. Another investment for a 128 bit version of their software seems a little too...