
Showing posts with the label Ypres

Sights in Flanders Fields

In 2014, we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the First World War. This war began in 1914 and ended in 1918. Flanders Fields is the region of West Flanders, where there has been fought very intense to keep world-peace. The fields along Ypres, Passchendaele, Langemark and Zillebeke have many cemetery's. Following the centenary there are many restored monuments and renovated museums that have to do with the First World War. Sights Flanders Fields Museum in the Cloth Hall of Ypres (fully updated) The Menin Gate , where every day at 8 am sharp, the Last Post is sounded The fortresses of Ypres Pictures of the fortresses of Ypres Memorial Museum Passchendaele 1917  (Zonnebeke) (fully updated) Tyne Cot Cemetery (Large English cemetery between Passchendaele and Zonnebeke) Hooge Crater Museum (Zillebeke, next to Bellewaerde Park) Pictures of the Hooge Crater British Cemetery Hill 62 Museum (Zillebeke) Talbot House (Poperinge) Iron tower  (Diksmuide) Wo...

Ypers Rally 2010 Belgium IRC contest

Mooi zonnig weer, strijdlustige rally wagens en schitterende parcours. Het belooft weer spannend te worden voor de 45ste Ypres Rally deze keer georganiseerd door Geko. De gewone IRC wagens beloven hun snelste tijd neer te zetten terwijl de historics voor spektakel zullen zorgen. Meer info vindt je op: Geko Ypres Rally 2010 Meer filmpjes over de rally van Ieper vindt je op dit kanaal van YouTube