
Showing posts with the label website

Keyword optimization, strategy and tactics

To score high with your website you need some keywords that you should include in your html files. With keywords, your webpage can be found in the search results of Google and other search engines like Yahoo and Bing. But to be found or higher ranked in the search results, it is advisable to think very carefully what keywords you gone to use and how and where you will use them. The best way to how you integrate the keywords in your website can best be explained by an example. Search keywords First and foremost, you need text and content. Usually a text is about a particular topic. So you need to make sure that you know exactly what the topic is of your text, and what the key elements are in this text. Take this text you are reading as an example. The topic is about keywords and how they are integrated in texts using a particular strategy and tactics. So we have our subject and also the main words on what we want to be found on the internet. Keyword, strategy and tactics, we w...

View old websites with

Did you ever wonder how the first websites looked like? Well there are websites that archive all the websites. They store all the a history changes. This way you can see how websites where updated. is such a website that counts many websites with their history. They take you back in history with their so called Wayback machine. You definitely need to check out this website if you want to see some nostalgic.

Checklist for building a website

Provide a neat layout . Let your website centered vertically and horizontally if it has a better result. Responsive . Make your website responsive from the start or turn it in to a responsive website if you already have one. A responsive website scores better in Google than when it's not responsive. Why? Because it's all about user experience, and the user is often surfing with his iPad or Smart-phone, so the layout of your website has to addept to those small screens while the website is readable and loads fast. Choose your domain name carefully. Note the words that visitors will move most. Additional domain names need to refer properly, also called forward or redirecting of webpage's. Check the cost of the domain and host charges and improve where possible. Check out witch code language are supported. Many host companies supports ASP and PHP coding language if you need it. Let's write an article about your website , this article may be published on ...

Social media buttons met html code voor uw website

Omdat social media heel belangrijk is voor het delen van uw website-inhoud heb je sociale media buttons nodig, zodat bezoekers van uw website op diverse sociale netwerken zoals Facebook en Twitter kunnen delen. We hebben zoveel mogelijk verschillende knoppen in grijstinten en ronde vorm van 32x32 pixels. Waarom grijs? Het heeft kleinere bestanden en het laadt sneller op uw website! En bovenop dit alles, ze zijn gratis inclusief de html code om ze in uw html-bestanden te zetten. CSS code is niet nodig omdat alle codering in html gebeurt. Voorbeeld van alle ronde grijze social media buttons Klik op een aantal van de knoppen om te zien wat er gebeurt. Social media buttons Digg, Email, Facebook, Feeds, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinboard, Pinterest, Pocket, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Tumblr, Twitter en Wordpress. Html code om alle buttons in één rij te tonen Kopieër deze html code in uw html files: HTML CODE: <div align='center'><u...

Social media buttons with html code for your website

Because social media becomes very important for sharing your website content you need social buttons so visitors can share your website on various of social networks like Facebook and Twitter. We made as much as many possible buttons in grayscale and round form of 32x32 pixels. Why grey? Because it has smaller files and it loads faster! And on top of it you get them for free including the html code to put them in your html files. There is no need for css because all coding is html only. Example of all the round grey social buttons Click some of the buttons to see what happens. Social media buttons Digg, Email, Facebook, Feeds, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinboard, Pinterest, Pocket, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Tumblr, Twitter and Wordpress. Html code to have all the buttons in one row Copy the html code to your html files: HTML CODE: <div align='center'><ul class="share-buttons"> <a href="https://www.faceb...