
Showing posts with the label ringing ears

Tips to cure ringing in the ears (tinnitus), which help effectively, these tips are at least worth a try.

You probably reached this page because you, like so many others (1 in 10 people), are suffering from ringing in the ears (tinnitus). You probably have, like I did, looked for many solutions, but not found. But NOW we bring a change to that. I gathered all the possible tips or anything that can help to cure tinnitus. Partly from personal experience and some solutions from other peers. Most people experience tinnitus as an irritant incessant hum, squeak or ringing, which can be difficult to place. Causes of tinnitus There are plenty of reasons why you can get tinnitus. Some of these causes can be: a sound trauma (by loud noises, such as gunshots), rapped neck and vertebrae, strained muscles in the neck, something that is stuck in the tube of Eustachian, a distorted Eustachian tube, ear infections, Meniere's disease (usually accompanied by a disturbance of the vestibular and nausea), an ear plug, an inflammation of the temporomandibular joints (go to the dentist for a solution), ...