
Showing posts with the label how long

Nuclear Fusion, the eternal promise as renewable energy?

Fusion is the energy of the sun and the stars, and the largest source of energy in the universe. The ITER fusion reactor that has to rise in Cadarache, France, costs billions of euro's to be paid by a number of countries including Japan and the USA. China is already building its own nuclear fusion reactor. It's a battle between lobbyists for power, money and new techniques because all of the great powers want to protect their energy sources. Will the nuclear fusion the energy source of the future? We will know perhaps until 2050.   See on Wikipedia a larger definition of Nuclear Fusion and how it works. Nuclear Power Plant

Will the crisis be longer than expected?

Chart of stock exchanges Leaders of the world's largest economic regions have reached an agreement in 2009 to tackle the global financial crisis with measures worth $1 trillion (£681bn)... but again there is a crisis in Europe by Greece's debt mountain. What do you think about the crisis? How long will it take? Will it re-establish soon? What if not? How do you going to survive this crisis? Or will you be fired like many of your friends? Are the banks reliable enough? Where do you put your money in today? Is your money save enough on the banks? Tell us! You can leave a post if you want to say something about this crisis. More financial topics: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom by Tony Robbins Learning About Cash Back Credit Cards: Good or Bad Idea? 20 TIPS to SAVE MONEY and GET RICH - Start now to get RICH How to Create and Maintain a Budget? How to cut back on spendings and save money? Will the crisis be longer than expected? How can I save on energy and...