
Showing posts with the label Japan

Nintendo Switch still a hype in 2018.

The Nintendo Switch with blue and red handles It was an instant hit when the Nintendo Switch was released on 3 March 2017. Now; in 2018; the game console still rocks. Nintendo's Switch has become a milestone in the gaming world. The Switch is the first game computer that can be played on TV and as a portable game console. It became a success. In the Nintendo Switch you find a pieces of every modern game console. It has a piece of the Game Boy, the Wii and the PlayStation. A little bit of history The gadget of the nineties was the Game Boy. A portable gaming computer that ensured years of game fun, a lot of empty batteries, dislocated thumbs and magnificent financial results for Nintendo. The only withdraw that the popular Game Boy has that the game where simple in comparison with the gaming consoles on TV. This withdraw is now totally eliminated with the Nintendo Swich of the Japanese producers. First hybrid gaming console The Nintendo Switch is the first hybrid gaming...

Oil from plastic recycle, the latest invention from Japan

A genius made the ultimate recycling machine. A machine that converts plastic back to oil. The guy thought: why not transform the product back in its original state? The invention can make oil from any plastic. After some treatment the oil can be used for diesel or gasoline. So we can become independent for oil imports that cost us more and more. Plastic is no longer seen as pure trash, but becomes now a source of income. An additional effect is that the environment gets better. Because plastic will no longer be considered as real garbage that can't be recycled. Hopefully, this invention will be a huge success, and will it not be ruined by the oil lobby. Is there still hope for the polluted planet?

Olie uit plastiek recycleren, de nieuwste uitvinding uit Japan

Een genie bedacht de ultieme recyclage machine. Een machine die plastiek verwerkt tot het weer olie wordt. Waarom het product niet terug omvormen in zijn originele staat moet deze man gedacht hebben. De uitvinding kan van gelijk welk plastiek terug olie maken die na wat behandeling kan gebruikt worden om diesel of benzine mee te produceren. Zo zijn we zelfs niet meer afhankelijk van de olie-import die ons meer en meer kost. Twee vliegen in één klap. Plastiek wordt niet meer aanzien als puur vuilnis, waar niets meer mee kan aangevangen worden, maar wordt nu een bron van inkomsten. Een bijkomend effect is dat het milieu hierdoor beter wordt daar plastiek niet meer zal aanzien worden als echt vuilnis die niet meer verwerkt kan worden. Hopelijk wordt deze uitvinding een megasucces en wordt het niet door de olielobby gekelderd. Is er dan toch hoop voor de vervuilde aardbol? 1. Wereldwijd olieverbruik. 2. Prijsontwikkeling van ruwe olie (in dollars per vat). 3...

Myanmar, earthquake of 7.0 strikes Burma on Thursday 24 March 2011, newsflash and pictures

With the earthquake of 11 March 2011 in Japan in mind. There has been two new earthquake's with a magnitude of 7.0 in Burma (Myanmar) in the night of Thursday 25 March (15:16 UCT / 11:15 New York Time / 23:15 China Time). The earthquake has even been felt in Bangkok. Burma (official know as the Union of Myanmar) borders to Thailand, Laos, and China. The epicenter was located over 100 km north of the Thai city of Chiang Rai. While in Japan an extension of the emergency has been proclaimed for the Fukushima nuclear disaster. The radioactive contamination is much worse than the Japanese Government first thought. This could be the largest natural disaster in human history. Watch Video's Earthquake and Tsunami Japan.

Myanmar, earthquake of 7.0 strikes Burma on Thursday 24 March 2011, newsflash and pictures

With the earthquake of 11 March 2011 in Japan in mind. There has been two new earthquake's with a magnitude of 7.0 in Burma (Myanmar) in the night of Thursday 25 March (15:16 UCT / 11:15 New York Time / 23:15 China Time). The earthquake has even been felt in Bangkok. Burma (official know as the Union of Myanmar) borders to Thailand, Laos, and China. The epicenter was located over 100 km north of the Thai city of Chiang Rai. While in Japan an extension of the emergency has been proclaimed for the Fukushima nuclear disaster. The radioactive contamination is much worse than the Japanese Government first thought. This could be the largest natural disaster in human history. Watch Video's Earthquake and Tsunami Japan.

Japan Earthquake and Tsunami video's on YouTube Friday 11 March 2011

Friday 11th March 2011 - an earthquake with a magnitude of 8.9 hits Japan followed by a enormous Tsunami that hits the East coast of Japan. These are the disastrous impacts of the Earthquake: - Explosions at two nuclear plants - More than 1,300 death people - Tsunami of 10 meters high engulfs northern port of Sendai and islands - Around 50,000 rescuers have been deployed View YouTube video's of this disaster: Earthquake in Tokyo (Japan), amateur video Tsunami after earthquake

Nuclear Fusion, the eternal promise as renewable energy?

Fusion is the energy of the sun and the stars, and the largest source of energy in the universe. The ITER fusion reactor that has to rise in Cadarache, France, costs billions of euro's to be paid by a number of countries including Japan and the USA. China is already building its own nuclear fusion reactor. It's a battle between lobbyists for power, money and new techniques because all of the great powers want to protect their energy sources. Will the nuclear fusion the energy source of the future? We will know perhaps until 2050. See on Wikipedia a larger definition of Nuclear Fusion and how it works. Nuclear Power Plant