How much is my website worth? The best website value checkers.

Webmasters, who want to know how much their website is really worth, can now calculate this with The only thing you need to do is entering your website to calculate the value of your website. Most checkers are using your pagerank from Google or Alexia and the amount of information the website stores to calculate the value of your website.
many online services. One of the best website value checkers is

SiteValueCheck is very clear in explaining how much your website is worth and why. SiteValueCheck shares detailed information on each and every criteria that is used for scoring your site. Data used to estimate your site is: Google PageRank, Alexa Traffic Ranking, backlinks depth, average popularity of related web sites, age of search engine presence, and webpages load times. Unfortunately, the report you get is not customizable nor you can reach it at a specific URL. You cannot share your website value using a widget for so far.

Worth of web
This website claims to be the number 1 website value checker.

This is a relative new value calculator but it's one of the best and easiest calculators I ever worked with.

Stimator measures the value of your website using the relevance of the domain (.com scores more than .org or .net), inbound links, ranking of your site inside search engines, financial market fluctuations, and social media mentions. Stimator also indexes your website value for future reference. No clear explanation of the procedure used to evaluate your website is available, nor any option to obtain a customized value. You can share your website score using a widget or a dedicate URL which is unique for your site.

ValueMyWeb does not provide you an immediate result of the worth of your site, but rather processes your domain and e-mails you a unique link to access your own report. (Not customizable) data taken into account is: Google PageRank, Alexa Traffic Ranking, organic keywords value, and social media mentions. At the bottom of the webpage with your report, there is also a small piece of HTML code you can copy and embed onto any website to show people how your website has scored.

URL Appraisal
URL Appraisal evaluates your website using a proprietary algorithm. Appraisal uses data from your domain age, Google PageRank, Alexa Traffic Ranking, Google inbound links, Yahoo! inbound links and URL marketability. Inside the About Us section of URL Appraisal website, you are explained how data is processed and calculated. You can share the score of your site using an embeddable widget or a URL which is unique to you.

Website Valued estimates how much your website is worth using data about your daily visitors, advertising revenue, sales revenue, and active subscribers. Yo can get a tailored report of your website value by choosing a specific period of time and then let the service generate again your site score. Unfortunately, you are not explained how Website Valued calculates the value of your site.You can access or share your own report pagewith a dedicated URL for each site submitted to the service. No widget available.

MyWebsiteWorth appraises your website by looking at data from your Google PageRank, Alexa Traffic Rankings, unique visitors, and total visitors. The service shares no information on the process to obtain the value of your site, and you have no option to get a tailored value which refers to a specific period of time or webpage. You can share your website score by giving people the custom URL of your result page. No widget is available.

DnScoop analyzes the value of your website checking your Google PageRank, Alexa Traffic Ranking, and domain age. You cannot narrow down your website score to a specific period of time or a specific web page. DnScoop does not allow you to share your website value with unique URL (but a widget is available). A clear outline of the steps taken to generate your website value is also missing.

Site Value Calculator
Site Value Calculator gives you an estimate of the value of your website or blog. A brief summary displays the criteria that Site Value Calculator uses to evaluate your site (Google PageRank, Alexa Traffic Ranking, backlinks, domain age, DMOZ inclusion), but there is no explanation of what these results mean, why they matter, and how they are processed. You can share your score using a dedicated widget and a URL which is unique for your own site.

WebsiteOutlook generates an estimate of the value of your website using the following data: net worth, daily pageviews, daily ads revenue, Alexa Traffic Ranking, Google PageRank, backlinks, DMOZ inclusion (a large open directory of human-reviewed web sites), host IP and server location. Unfortunately, Website Outlook does not provide any info on how your website data is calculated. WebsiteOutlook does not allow customizable reports. You can embed your website score using a dedicated widget or sharing a custom URL which is unique for your site.

CubeStat appraises your website using data from: Alexa Traffic Ranking, Quantcast Traffic Ranking, Compete Traffic Ranking, Google PageRank, backlinks, Yahoo! Ranking, DMOZ inclusion (an open directory of human-reviewed websites), host IP, server location, and domain age. It even gifs you how much adsense revenue you earn. CubeStat fails to provide a clear explanation of which data is used to produce your website value. You cannot customize the way your website value is created or delivered. An embeddable widget and a custom URL for your website value result are also not available.

Ninja Website Appraiser
Do you  need a quick check of your website? Than the Ninja Website Appraiser is something for you. It's easy and fast. It even displayes historical data.

A good player among the Website value checkers. The analysis system has been improved to give users a much faster result. It calculates the value by the number of pages indexed in several search engines, how many sites that are linking to your website, the quality of the content on your website and the popularity of it.
On you can see the most valueble websites from over the globe. Will your website be among them?  There for has to look for several Page Ranks like Google and Alexa but aslo the less know ones like: daily pageviews, DMOZ inclusion and Whois information.
This website is no longer available.

Sootle Directory
The Sootle Directory is first of all a Website Submitting tool to ad your website to their directory. By submitting your Website you'll be listed to one or more category's. This tool also analyzes the backlinks of your website and gives you an estimate of its value. After valueating your websit e you can copy a code with the value of your website in to paste in your html of your pages. The value of your website will be autmatically updated if your website has been changed in the rankings of search engines. This website is no longer available.

More Online Website Value Checkers


  1. It is important to know about the value or worth of your website.
    Website Value Worth Calculator

  2. Most checkers are using your pagerank from Google or Alexia and the amount of information the website stores to calculate the value of your website.
    many online services.

  3. I like the points you have mentioned, though in simple words we can just look at some few metrics as well.
    Few small metrics on which the worth of your website depends are-
    Alexa rank/ SimilarWeb Rank
    Number of Indexed pages
    Ranking of your website
    Number of backlinks
    Look and design of Website
    Number of subscribers
    Age of Website
    Source of traffic

    You can also read more


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