Showing posts with label websites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label websites. Show all posts

Bekijk oude websites met

Hebt u zich ooit al eens afgevraagd hoe de eerste websites er ooit hebben uitgezien?

Er bestaan websites die vele websites archiveren. Zij verzamelen alle websitegegevens en slaan alle wijzigingen op. Zo kunt u in de geschiedenis gaan zien hoe websites werden upgedated. is zo'n website dat vele websites bijhoud met al hun geschiedenis. Zij nemen je terug mee naar de geschiedenis met hun Wayback machine.
Je dient beslist eens een kijkje te gaan nemen op deze website, je beleeft er pure nostalgie.

Free tools to build your own websites

Here are some handy tools to build and maintain your websites.
They are all completely free.

Xenu's LinkSleuth logoXenu's LinkSleuth
This tools we use to detect broken links. So we can see which links don't work, and correct them.

Website: xenulink

This tool is simular to Xenu's LinkSleuth but is less expanded and doesn't crash like Xenu LinkSleuth does.

Website: linkchecker

GSiteCrawler LogoGSiteCrawler
To build Google sitemaps. This program can upload sitemaps and ping it to Google if there is new stuff on your website.


With this program you can upload your file's to an ftp-server.

Handy to work with html files in text format. Tags are automatically recognized to get a structural summary.


Free Photoshop alternative to manipulate photos.


TextCrawler logo

With this tools you can easily substitute some words or phrases in a text or html file.

Website: textcrawler

Grahfic and text orientated html editor.


InfoRapid Search & Replace
This program does more than only replace text in more than one file. It can search for more than one line and has some unique tools to caraterise the search instructions. This free tool made by a German company that builds many company tools like there are an Knowledge Map and MindMaps.

Website: InfoRapid Search & Replace

Gratis programma's om websites te bouwen

Hieronder vindt een aantal handige tools om uw website te bouwen en te onderhouden.

Ze zijn allemaal volledig gratis.

Xenu's LinkSleuth logoXenu's LinkSleuth
Dit gebruiken we om 'broken links' te detecteren. Zo kunnen we zien welke links niet goed werken en dienen corrigeert te zijn.

Website: xenulink

Deze tool is gelijkaardig aan dat van Xenu's LinkSleuth maar is minder uitgebreid en crasht minder dan Xenu LinkSleuth.

Website: linkchecker

GSiteCrawler logoGSiteCrawler
Om Google sitemaps te maken. Dit programma kan zelfs uw sitemaps uploaden en Google 'pingen' om de nieuwe inhoud van uw website kenbaar te maken.


Hiermee kunt u uw bestanden naar een ftp-server uploaden.

Om html bestanden te bewerken in tekst formaat. Tags worden herkend zodat uw html bestand mooi gestructureerd wordt.


Gimp logoGimp
Gratis Photoshop alternatief om foto's te bewerken en te exporteren.


TextCrawler logoTextCrawler
Hiermee kunt u gemakkelijk woorden of zinnen vervangen in een tekst of html bestand.

Website: textcrawler

Grafische en tekst georiënteerde html editor.


InfoRapid Search & Replace
Dit programma doet meer dan alleen maar tekst vervangen in meerdere bestanden tegelijk. Het kan zoeken naar meer dan één lijn en heeft een aantal unieke tools aan boord waardoor je zoekopdrachten kan gaan uitvoeren met bepaalde karakteristieken. Dit gratis programma is gemaakt door een Duitse onderneming dat ook Knowledge Maps en MindMap tools maakt.

Website: InfoRapid Search & Replace

Meer onder de zelfde categorie
Checklist bij het bouwen van uw website

Online uw IQ testen (intelligentietest)

Hebt u zich ooit al afgevraagd wat uw IQ is?

Iedereen wil wel eens weten hoe slim hij is. Er zijn tal van websites waar je een intelligentietest kan uitvoeren om te weten te komen hoe slim je nu eigenlijk wel bent.

Daarom zetten wij voor u een reeks websites op een rijtje waar je uw IQ kan testen:

Als u al deze online IQ-tests hebt doorstaan dan weet je nu gegarandeerd hoe hoog uw IQ is.

jucheck.exe in Windows 7 what is it? A virus? Or can it be trusted?

Java Icon
jucheck.exe comes sometimes in a pop-up-screen when using Windows 7. First things first, jucheck.exe is not a virus (like Norton Antivirus says, they are wrong about that). It is in fact a part of the Sun Java UpdateChecker Module. It let you update the Java components on your computer. The updates are save and can be trusted even if Windows say it's an unknown publisher. Windows only want you to say that jucheck.exe can be installed and make changes to your system. By clicking 'Yes', it updates the Java components that are needed for websites that are using the latest Java Code and techniques of the Java(TM) Platform. When jucheck.exe keeps popping up you just have to say 'Yes' to install it. On regular base there will be new Java updates to make sure you have the latest Java technology on your computer.

Download here the latest updates of the Java Platform

Java is also known as Java Runtime Environment (JRE, Java Runtime) or Java Virtual Machine (JVM, Java VM). It's been developed by the company's Sun Corporation and Oracle.

How does Google's PageRank work? An explanation to getting a better PageRank for your website.

Are you wondering how to get a better PageRank for your website by Google? Does your website end up as one of the last in Google's search results? Are want you some more visitors for your webpage's? Well we were wondering these questions to. And... We have found an answer to it.

We found a webpage on the internet that explains how Google calculate the PageRank of each website on the internet. The website tells us also how to handle internal linking. How inbound and outbound links effects your PageRank. And the best of all: how to get a better PageRank and more visitors. You can read it all on

More traffic tips:
How to use keywords in the right way to get lots of traffic
Your website in all your mails
5 Ways to Keep Visitors Coming Back
Search Engine Friendly Pages

Traffic tip: your website in all your mails

Many of you might be wondering how they can get more visitors to their website. Well here's a tip to drive traffic to your website. Maybe you already know this little tip but it works great.

What helps to get more traffic is adding your website in every email you send. Because, you mail to people you know, and they can send your mail to others they know. Your mail can be going around the world, especially if it are funny mails. So you get traffic of people you never can reach with Google. And if you are lucky there will be a webmaster viewing your website and if you are very lucky, he can put a link from your website on his and so your website can be ranked higher. And a higher ranking = more traffic. Don’t forget that people are curious, especially if they know you. People tell friends and colleges that you have a website. And that’s another way to get traffic. People talk a lot about others they know and that's free advertising.

More traffic tips:
How to use keywords in the right way to get lots of traffic
5 Ways to Keep Visitors Coming Back
Search Engine Friendly Pages
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