
Showing posts with the label brain

Name the words, not the colors

Can you read all the words without missing with the colors? Why is this so hard to do? Your right brain tries to say the color. But your left brain wants to read the word itself. Not an easy task for our brain.

Cerebral hemorrhage early detection in order to save lives

This is about saving a human life with the letters "T.L.A.T." An example: During a BBQ party a woman stumbled and fell. She assured everyone that she was not hurt and rejected medical help. Their own words: 'She fell over a stone because of wearing her new shoes. They fashioned her a bit and give her a new plate of food. She was a bit upset but had a good time for the rest of the evening. However, her husband, called after the BBQ everyone with the announcement that his wife was taken to the hospital .. At 06.00 o'clock Jane died. She had a stroke at the BBQ. Jane would be still alive if they had known what the signs of an infarction are. Some, however, do not die, but are disabled; helpless and hopeless. Please take one minute to read... A neurologist says that if someone has a stroke that the effects of an attack completely can be reversed within 3 hours. According to him, the trick is to recognize the signals and ensure that the patient is with the...

People aren't perfect

Everybody wants to be perfect and want to have everything to be perfect but that's impossible! Why? Because we are humans. And humans are made or designed to do things by learning. We learn by trying, watching, practice things,.... While doing this we make mistakes and learn from it. Because our brain and physical ability are just like that. We need to forget things to  move one with other things. We also do things by importance. Can everything be perfect? No and Yes! The weird thing is that most people want everything perfect but they have to fact that it can't be. We need to be satisfied with what we have and what we can with all the mistakes we make and limitations we have.

Online uw IQ testen (intelligentietest)

Hebt u zich ooit al afgevraagd wat uw IQ is? Iedereen wil wel eens weten hoe slim hij is. Er zijn tal van websites waar je een intelligentietest kan uitvoeren om te weten te komen hoe slim je nu eigenlijk wel bent. Daarom zetten wij voor u een reeks websites op een rijtje waar je uw IQ kan testen: Als u al deze online IQ-tests hebt doorstaan dan weet je nu gegarandeerd hoe hoog uw IQ is.