Tips to cure ringing in the ears (tinnitus), which help effectively, these tips are at least worth a try.

You probably reached this page because you, like so many others (1 in 10 people), are suffering from ringing in the ears (tinnitus). You probably have, like I did, looked for many solutions, but not found. But NOW we bring a change to that. I gathered all the possible tips or anything that can help to cure tinnitus. Partly from personal experience and some solutions from other peers.

Most people experience tinnitus as an irritant incessant hum, squeak or ringing, which can be difficult to place.

Causes of tinnitus
There are plenty of reasons why you can get tinnitus. Some of these causes can be: a sound trauma (by loud noises, such as gunshots), rapped neck and vertebrae, strained muscles in the neck, something that is stuck in the tube of Eustachian, a distorted Eustachian tube, ear infections, Meniere's disease (usually accompanied by a disturbance of the vestibular and nausea), an ear plug, an inflammation of the temporomandibular joints (go to the dentist for a solution), a tumor (usually associated with severe headache) or simply become deaf. It is not always clear what the cause is. Therefore it is important to let you advise by a doctor or better an otolaryngologist (for ears, nose and throat). Usually it's a combination of circumstances, such as attending a loud concert while you're overstressed (you will have less resistance) and have less vitamins inside or you are living unhealthy by eating to less nutritious food.

Types of tinnitus
There are types of tinnitus, some can be a constant beep noise, a knocking sound or multiple sounds together like the ringing of bells. Some have only tinnitus on one ear, others in both ears. Many people can't tolerate any sounds at the beginning and certainly no hard irritating noises. These people will have to get used to sounds again, a Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) or Cognitive Therapy for these people would be a solution (see paragraph 15 and 16). There are even people who no longer perceive the whizzing and in some cases the tinnitus has completely disappeared, so there is always hope!

If you experience ringing in the ears for the first time definitely go IMMEDIATELY to the doctor and the ENT doctor to have your ears investigate and demand a CT or MRI scan and, if necessary, a hyperbaric oxygen therapy. The longer you wait the harder the tinnitus can be treated.

Sometimes tinnitus goes away after a while, for example, if you've been too close to the speakers at a concert or party, if you are lucky the ringing in your ears disappears after 1 or 2 days. The tips described below are applicable to permanent tinnitus but the tips also help momentary tinnitus of 1 or 2 days. Don't be discouraged, there are people out there that are cured after a long period of continuous tinnitus. The cause of the tinnitus is usually an accumulation of a mass in the Eustachian tube through which dirt in the ears can not be distracted by the Eustachian tube to the nose and pharynx.

If the docter, the ENT specialist, a CT scan or an MRI scan could not help you. Then, you probably will be informed that you can't do anything about it anymore and you just have to live with. And with that, I do not agree. I also have tinnitus for a while now and do not even know how I acquired it, probably a cause of various factors such as fatigue, stress, hypertension, loud music and a cold.

Just like me, you are looking for solutions that can help to a certain extent to suppress those annoying tinnitus. I've listed my experiences and posted on this page. Hopefully the tips can help you to. It is certainly worth a try!

Treatments and solutions

1. If you are going to a loud concert than wear earplugs, this may reduce the noise by 15 db. (this also works in a prevented way). Avoid loud music. Or simply don't go to a party or concert or the cinema where the music is too loud, dare to say no. Avoid loud bang sounds such as pistols and rifles.

2. A normal background of variable sounds are not only harmless, but also improve the condition of the auditory nerve. In normal background noise it's possible that the tinnitus is no longer audible. And this has in turn a positive energy because people do not pay attention to the tinnitus and automatically you will be less buzzy with it so you can forget it for some long moments.

3. A circular massage with your fingers at the height of your ears and around the ears can help already after 5 minutes. Repeat a daily five-minute range. This helped me. My tinnitus was reduced by 30% on my feeling. This is probably because the blood flow in the head has now improved, the better the flow, the better the flow of blood with enough oxygen and nutrients. Also try to stand under running water with your head this has a massaging effect. (These tips also work preventively, after going to a concert, party or nightclub where the music was very loud). What also helps is a massage of the neck, shoulders and cervical spine to the head.

4. Take plenty of relaxation, each stress or work situation must be compensated with an amount of relaxation, this is applicable for anyone .

5. Eat healthy, eat plenty of vegetables such as carrots (contains carotene) and lettuce (rich in iron).
Eat fruits that contain lots of vitamins like an orange. See here for different types of vegetables that contain many vitamins and much needed nutrients.
If necessary, take a supplement of vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C and vitamin E would be good to clear tinnitus.
Drink plenty of water, tit provide the necessary minerals that the body needs.
Walnuts (walnuts) and hazelnuts have a protective function and are packed with omega-3 fatty acids. They contain protective fats for the heart and blood hold the vessels flexible, elastic, and healthy.

6. Food - Avoid tea, coffee or products where caffeine is incorporated in like cola and energy drinks. Notwithstanding that two cups of coffee certainly can not hurt, I think it even has a positive effect in stimulating the brains and the connection of the nervous system with the ears. The only drawback here is a harder whiz. The same with chocolate, kiwi fruit and honey, after eating some of these the whizzing will be louder for a moment but will have a positive effect after a while. Atention should still be given to products that contain a lot of salt and spicy dishes. The flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate (an amino acid), also known as E621 works very reinforced on the nerves and thus caused a stronger tinnitus. The big problem is that many food is improved with this flavor enhancer.

7. Sport is healthy for your body and mind but people with tinnitus often suffer from a harsher tone after performing strenuous exercise or sport. Here I can only say: don't do to much exercise and strenuous activities and don't do too intense workouts.

8. Take a hot bath every day - this to de-stress as this can be a major factor or a cause of the tinnitus. By taking a hot bath you can have rest and it improves the blood flow that brings your body back into balance. Stress is indeed one of the biggest factors that do reduce the resistance of your body, because your body is more vulnerable to diseases. When a body is in hot water, the entire body has a better blood flow, the effect is a better cure (read better resilience of the body). Some people will hear their heartbeat more in their ears but this is timely. There is also a form of tinnitus where the patient hears the pounding in his ears, this usually comes from a blood vein which is located close to the ear, making the person hears his heart palpitations and experience this as disturbing. A warm bath will therefore not recommended for that person, the better blood flow to the heart will be more audible. An important tip (which I recently received from the comments of the dutch version of this article): Do not take a hot bath just before bedtime, this apparently gives the same effect as exercise right before bedtime.

9. The better you sleep the less you will hear the ringing. There are known cases in which, after a good night sleep by the ringing was partially or completely away while she lay in bed, this is because the body is still at rest and the functions we need on that day aren't not yet fully active one because they are still undergoing a sleep phase when the whiz is coming back slowly. But have to cherish every minute you can enjoy a lower whiz.

10. Alcohol, some people argue that you should avoid alcohol for experience less whiz. I think this applies to excessive consumption of beer for example. Others argue that a glass of wine can help the flow of the blood in our body. They promote drinking a glass of wine everyday.

11. Try to give the whiz a place in your life. Yoga exercises could help to give the whiz a place. Yoga sessions also helps you to improve your concentration.

12. Some people has been helped if they simply ignore the tinnitus, or at the very least try to ignore it.

13. Think of something else when you go to sleep, preferably something which has nothing to do with work or things you can lie awake long. Consider fun things.

14. A hyperbaric oxygen treatment has push back the tinnitus to a minimum for many people. More about hyperbaric oxygen therapy. From the first time you've had discovered tinnitus or has a noise trauma, from too loud music for example, you can have a hyperbaric oxygen treatment as quickly as possible. Every hour is of importance. The quicker you're there, the more effect of the therapy you can have. Sometimes it has no effect or a half effect. But if you do not try you offer yourself the opportunity to reduce the Regulations in your ears in a quick and efficient manner. The oxygen cabin in which the treatment takes place is originally designed for divers who dive at great depths and which are hereby given charge of large prints, called decompression. But it helps for many other treatments. Just read on Wikipedia. Many large hospitals and university's are equipped with such a room.

15. Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) is a therapy developed by J. Hazell and PJ Jastrebroff. This therapy approaches ringing in a new way. The patient learns initially understand how tinnitus arises and gets guidance to provide in order to better deal with the emotional and physical reactions it evokes. Each patient must ensure that the sound of the tinnitus is no reason for panic and actually is not annoying.

The patient eventually learns to press the annoying sound of the tinnitus into the background by considering it as a normal sound which is simply a part of our lives. Here, the patient makes use of the processes by which the normal brains are capable to press the monotonous sounds, such as those of a fan or buzzing refrigerator, into the background.

16. Cognitive Therapy
Meanwhile, research has shown that cognitive therapy is effective in treating tinnitus, or tinnitus retraining therapy. Cognitive therapy, therefore, is preferred. It is a form of psychotherapy developed by American psychiatrist Aaron T. Beck in the sixties of the 20th century. He examined the psychoanalytic or psychodynamic, assuming that depression comes from 'inwards beaten anger' and would disappear if its cause was traced, by experiencing the anger again it would be processed. An approach so that emanates from gaining insight into unconscious emotions and motivations. Beck developed a theory and a method of treatment in which the cognitions of the patients centeredness: namely, thoughts, fantasies, memories and beliefs about events of the patient. As in the RET developed by Albert Ellis goes that Beck assume it is not the events themselves that are delivering a human negative feelings and therefore a certain pattern of behavior comes up, but rather colored glasses through which the patient sees things. This 'dysfunctional' minds need to bend and the patient has to learn to interpret the events in to an objective view of their own feelings and perceptions, so negative feelings may disappear and the behavior changes. Beck has compiled a long list of fallacies that could bet the cause of the maintain of a depression.

17. An operation of the ear, note this is not always without harmful effects.

18. Medications such as Ginkgo Biloba would increase concentration, although this is not proven. For some people Gikgo Biloba worked more as a placebo. Many people have been helped with this medication.

19. Have as little stress as possible. Everything will succeed without stress. It is proven that if you can think calmly that there are better and structured solutions can be found just by being calm. It has been proven that this is also the overall human health benefits, so you also avoid cardiovascular disease.

20. An osteopath may also help. An osteopath is not recognized as a medical doctor but he can help loosen tight muscles in the neck, resulting in less tinnitus. Stuck neck and vertebrae can also be a cause of tinnitus. ATTENTION! Some osteopaths do to vertebrae crack this may have caused the death. Inform yourself well before you will undergo a treatment by an osteopath, ask what he will do. If you do not agree with some certain elements of the treatment tell him and insist that these components are not executed. We can't be liable in any way for such a therapy. We encourage you to inform yourself very well and we even encourage down to crack the neck vertebrae. A regular massage of the shoulder region with respect to the massaging of muscle mass can also help.

21. Get lots of oxygen by abide outside, do not sit in your house all day. Outside you can also get free vitamins from the sun.

22. The sea air has already proven that it does good to the health of humans. The iodine affects an underactive thyroid. People who are allergic to grass will equally helped, because there is no grass growing on the coast. Furthermore, asthma patients also find much more air than elsewhere in the country. The sea air will will help the health of your body, and can reduce tinnitus. Sea air has a positive effect on tinnitus. A walk on the seawall can make miracles.

23. If you find yourself in a noisy environment for a certain time, make sure you do not come back into such a situation, but give your ears rest so that any damage that has occurred can recover. Iff you do not do this then you can break off cilia and a whooshing noise concerns.

24. Reduce the use of telephone and GSM, avoid it as much as possible. Hold the phone as far away from you, if necessary, use the speakerphone. Did you know that the radiation during a call with a mobile phone can damage brains, ears, it would also be a cause of cancer. More about radiation from mobile phones can be found on the website:

25. Provide distraction, put on soft music or leave the television on so you don't need to hear the ringing in your ears all day, so you will think there is much less wizz. And the less tinnitus you experience, the better you can record the daily life again and continue.

26. Try to be happy and live a positive life. Enjoy simple things and be social. This avoids depression.

27. Clean your ears as little as possible with cotton swabs or other objects. Earwax should indeed be in your ears. It has a self-cleaning effect to the ears, and thus prevents bacteria against numerous infections.

28. If it's a blockage of the Eustachian tube, chewing can help, for example chewing gum can help to make stuck masses come free so that the tinnitus is reduced within some time, and even go away entirely.

29. Scientists agree that red wine contains many substances that helps the health of our body. Just think about it. It reduce heart disease, cancer and blood pressure. For example, in red grapes and red wine there should be resveratrol, a substance which would protect the hearing loss. Tests have been done on a group of people who did not drink red wine, and a group that drank red wine. The result was that the group who regularly drank red wine could better hear later in life than those who drank red wine.

30. Vitamine B improves blood circulation. This means that there is more oxygen completes fed into the blood veins. People who are having just a little tinnitus or deafness by example to linger in a loud expectoration may even completely cured by taking vitamin B if there is no damage to the eardrums. The hairs that or laying down or has been damages by loud sounds regain energy and oxygen to return to normal function by the vitamin B instead of dying. Think of it as a plant that dried out because it have seen no water for a long time. Transplanted the plant into highly fertile soil, give it water every day and add some growth in grains and the plant will revive again.

31. A warm foot bath. There are electric foot baths that make bubbles and vibrations in order to facilitate blood flow. It not only has a healing effect on feet and legs but also tinnitus.

32. You must always think and do everything in a positively way. You should definitely read the book 'positive' by Patrick and Anne-Marie Demoucelle. A positive attitude can be learned and extends your life. The book was about someone who is confronted with Parkinson's disease at a very early age. He describes how he got his life back on track. Thus there are innumerable situations and tips in this book that can be very useful for you.

33. Visit your dentist to rule out whether you have any inflammation or abscess that can be the basis of the earache or tinnitus. Let the dentist take an X-ray of your teeth so underlying inflammation can be detect if they are present.

34. Wear a hearing aid like the new AGXs3s as a solution for the treatment of tinnitus. It reduces background noises, makes the hearing better and camouflage the ringing in the ears.

35. Chew with your mouth. It is well known that when you chew or eat your brains perform better because the body gets nutrients more importantly, is that it stimulates the blood circulation to the brains and let them work better. This has also a positive effect on tinnitus. The more you chew, the better it get, especially after you have just suffered tinnitus for example by a loud noise. Chewing happens also at the height of the ears so it improves the blood flow around the ears. And fresh blood with a lot of new oxygen is good for the damaged ears to heal.

I hope these tips have helped you a little further. If you have any other tips you can leave them in the comments below. This list of solutions is will be further supplemented according to the experience in order to cope with the ringing in the ears. At the beginning of the disease sometimes it looks hopeless, but remember that with time some habituation occurs this usually comes after the acceptance process. The tinnitus will be inferior because you learn to live with it. You will even be able to drink a cup of coffee or eat a chocolate bar without having negative effects for your tinnitus.


  1. Thanks to God almighty for using Dr, IKEDI in curing my Ringing Ear,
    I was having a Ringing Ear and doctor told me that I have few
    months it will affect my brain to, that news brought sadness into my life,
    I was depressed, don’t know what to do. One faithful day I saw a testimony
    on how a spell caster that is also known as a Herbal man cured a
    lady, who is called Rachael Mark, due to her testimony the man is a great
    man, quickly I copied his email:( then I
    contacted him and he asked me not to bother
    myself that all my problems are over. I was happy to hear such words, he
    told me to buy some items, though I couldn’t find the items myself he asked
    me to send down the money to buy the items for me,
    faithfully I sent him the money he bought the items and prepared a cure
    for me. He told me that he is going to send the cure through courier
    delivery service, I paid to the courier delivery service, then, I got the
    cure, he instructed me on how I will take the cure. I took the cure and I
    was freed from the Ringing Ear disease, I went for scanning, the Ringing Ear
    was no longer there. I am very grateful for what he did for me. you can also
    contact him if you are also in this same problem or
    any disease you can contact him via email: or call him +2348 6825 7144,
    you will also get healed with your illness,


  2. It is very informative post!!
    Thanks for providing the information regarding types,causes,treatments and solutions for tinnitus and Caffeine, tea, coffee, cola soft drinks, chocolate, alcohol, nicotine and some drugs make tinnitus worse.tinnitus treatment

  3. That's a very informative article, i have tried most of the things mentioned here, albeit with little success. I have suffered from tinnitus for many years. For me , what did the trick was soft laser therapy. This is the device I have been using. After 6 months, I would say my tinnitus is like 50 % gone, and I experienced most of the improvement in the first 8 weeks. Give it a try ;)

    1. Thank you
      Iam from Indonesia.where is i get that laser?

  4. One exercise that works well for many people is yoga, especially exercises that get the inner ear out of balance like the downward dog pose. Also, make sure to avoid coffee or anything that can increase blood pressure. Here's a good resource: Cure Ringing Ears to help you if the above tips only produce mild results.

  5. Oh dear... vitamin E .It may help some, but not all. It makes my tinnitus so much worse.
    Chocolate and GABA do too (GABA helps some people).
    Caffein is no problem.
    So I do not agree with the advise.
    For me Vitamin D and magnesium. Because they reduce muscle tension in my neck?

    Best advise... keep a diary on what you eat and what happens to your tinnitus. Because it's personal, there are so many different cause of tinnitus. Some may actually be cured... f.i. if muscle tension is the cause (not for me alas)

  6. Not much success with diet and vitamins although alcohol seems to take the edge of for me. Yoga also seems to ease the symptoms I have found this device to be quite helpful in my T although it doesn't work with all people. You might want to have that option in mind as well

  7. Hi Nick, the device works on cells in the ear, while my tinnitus is caused by nerve damage in the neck: C2 --> Vagal nerve no longer mutes/moderates the actions of the auditory nerve. I doubt that laser in my ear can help. Yoga helps, for it gives me better posture and the more I straighten my neck, the less my tinnitus. And that's also why magnesium works: relaxes my muscles which helps me to maintain a good posture. And yoga is beneficial for the vagal nerve anyway



    I'm giving a testimony about Dr. OKOSUN the great Herbalist man, he has

    the cure to all manner of diseases, he cured my Tinnitus Ear virus,

    though I went through different website I saw a testimonies about this

    herbalist, I was like: 'Many people have the Tinnitus virus cure why are

    people still suffering from it?' I though of it, then I contact Dr.

    OKOSUN via email, ( I didn't believe

    him that much, I just wanted to give him a try, he replied my mail and

    Needed some Information about me, then I sent them to him, he prepared

    the (CURE) and sent it to Airfreight Online Courier Service for

    delivery, he gave my details to the Courier Office, they told me that

    3-5 days I will receive the package and i took the medicine as

    prescribed by him and I went for check-up 1 week after finishing the

    medicine, then the Tinnitus was no there, if you are suffering from

    Tinnitus virus you to contact him on his via email address: or call him +2348107584479,

    He can also cure you from others sickness such as.

    ALS cure.

    you need your EX husband back.

    you need money ritual.











    Thanks for taking time to read my post, again his email on DOCTOROKOSUNSPELLTEMPLE@GMAIL.COM or call or whatsapp him on +2348107584479. wish you good luck

  9. COMPLETE CURE TO TINNITUS: I had tinnitus in both ears for fifteen years with a high pitched two tone sound, the noises are constant and have learned to ignore the ringing. Later, another sound was added, a deep tone that has a sporadic rhythm, that mimics human speech. It varies from soft and muted, to painfully clear, and loud. Have try sound machines, ear plugs, my hearing aid, and medication all to no avail rather I have a difficult time sleeping. Lately I was directed to a Doctor called William on internet who provided solution to the problem. Do not be discourage, it is a permanent cure to Tinnitus. Contact him with this email (

  10. OMG! unbelieveable testimony am here to testify the good Dr sunshine have done for me, i came across a conatct on internet about Dr sunshine on how he has help a lot of people suffering from tinnitus disease , i was shock i never belive ontill i gave him a try he told me what to do and the things i have to purchase i did just the way he instruted me, to my greatest supprise i drink his herbal medication i was cure within a week plus , he assure me that am going to get cure i should remove doubt from my mind and finnally am cure now , i can't stop testyfying the good he has done for me, if you need is help also below his email address! or call +2349051208634.


  11. I have been a patient of tinnitus ringing ears since 5 years. I had tried a lot of anti viral meds prescribed to me by doctors over the years but I could not see any improvements in my symptoms. One day while going through the internet , i got to know about this great Herbal Dr who uses his herbal remedies in curing people,quickly i contacted him and he prepared a herbal medication for me which i received and used as instructed. After few weeks the improvement were very visible. Outbreaks has stopped and the sores started to heal. I would recommend this to all my friends,families,around the globe suffering from tinnitus ringing can contact the Dr through his email on you call or whatsapp him on (+234)8158836717...

  12. My Daughter is now cure of Tinnitus, After our 11 year old daughter developed a severe case of hyperacusis following a flu shot, our healthcare providers were unable to help her. Eventually, she had to be pulled from school and lived in seclusion as she couldn’t tolerate the slightest of sounds. In desperation, we contacted Dr William who provided solution to my daughter hearing problem. If you are having problem, there is permanent solution with Dr. William Herbal product. Contact him for advice and possible solution, Facebook page: or (Email:

  13. COMPLETE CURE TO TINNITUS: I had tinnitus in both ears for fifteen years with a high pitched two tone sound, the noises are constant and have learned to ignore the ringing. Later, another sound was added, a deep tone that has a sporadic rhythm, that mimics human speech. It varies from soft and muted, to painfully clear, and loud. Have try sound machines, ear plugs, my hearing aid, and medication all to no avail rather I have a difficult time sleeping. Lately I was directed to a Doctor called OGIDI on internet who provided solution to the problem. Do not be discourage, there is hope for you, it is a permanent cure to Tinnitus. Contact him with this email (

  14. This information will be useful for Tinnitus sufferer. My sister suffered chronic tinnitus for more than 47 years and it got worse as days passes. We tried many treatments but no result, she cry all time due to this symptoms and think to commit suicide as the noise get worsen. The noise is mostly of a ringing, roaring, buzzing and hissing type. It was constant 24/7. It is very bad affecting every aspect of her life. The sound becomes louder at night, at the time she goes to sleep. We just got a contact of Herbalist called Dr. William. His herbal (natural) medicine has cure my sister as she no more have any symptoms of Tinnitus, though it cost us a some cash but the good news is that she is happy now. If you have same problem, contact him for more info (

  15. I have been a patient of tinnitus ringing ears since 5 years. I had tried a lot of anti viral meds prescribed to me by doctors over the years but I could not see any improvements in my symptoms. One day while going through the internet , i got to know about this great Herbal Dr who uses his herbal remedies in curing people,quickly i contacted him and he prepared a herbal medication for me which i received and used as instructed. After few weeks the improvement were very visible. Outbreaks has stopped and the sores started to heal. I would recommend this to all my friends,families,around the globe suffering from tinnitus ringing can contact the Dr through his email on you call or him on (+234)7058236834...

  16. Dr.William product is a real cure to Tinnitus, I am 38 years old, I suffered from permanent tinnitus for about 10 years, mostly in my right ear... which means I've got this constant ringing in my ears, which has also made me somewhat deaf. It's like this Whee! noise in my head all the time. My T was more steady, this is due to prolonged exposure to the loud volume of concerts. Looking after your ears is unfortunately something you don't think about until there's a problem. I wish I'd thought about it earlier. There were days when I didn't know whether I would survive, I was so tormented by this symptoms. When I lay down to sleep it bothers me the most, As I lay my head on the pillow, it cancels out all the other noise but the Tinnitus. The GoodNews is that after using William Herbal medicine, Tinnitus is gone, try it also it may work for you. There are real cure and do not be discouraged. Hang in there... Better days will come (email:

  17. My daughter suffered from a terrible tinnintus for more than 23 years which started after she turned 5 we all thought it will end but got even worse as days went by. We tried all several treatments and therapy prescribed by various doctors we met but to no avail, she lost total consentration and screamed most times. She usually tells me she hears hissing and ringing noises. This were steady noise that disrupted her entire life, even at night she screams even more because the sounds become louder because everywhere is quiet and she slept less because of this. I was able to contact Dr.Joseph. on the matter and his medicine was able to restore her back to normal and she is very okay now without any side effects whatsoever. If you have Tinnitus, do not hesutate to contact him on for advice and for his product. I hope this helps someone out there.

  18. Hyperacusis almost ruined the career of my son he complained lack of concentration due to the continuous loud beeping sound in his ear that he heard and had to leave school for two years and this was terrible and devastating for we the parents because we could not help him. We tried various prescriptions from several doctors we met but no positive result was recorded and we were frustrated. Not comfortable with his condition i had to contact Dr. Joseph who was able provide a permanent cure to his inability to hear. Before now i never liked herbal medicine but i think i do now because it has helped me and saved my son. You do not have to suffer more just contact him for his medicine on he will definitely put an end to that hearing problem in no time.

  19. Admin please help me pass this on.
    I have lived a very terrified life the past 12 years due to the steady distraction caused by tinnitus. I hear a steady, offensive and unending buzzing sound on my left ear, which made me deaf. I worked in a factory for 28 years and i was really much exposed to loud noise, since i retired 15 years ago i have been faced with this, infact it made me deaf. I was fortunate enough to get a medicine from Dr. Joseph that put a final stop to the sound and it has never returned since then. Most doctors might tell you there is no cure but as a survivor of this i will tell you it is curable. To get the medicine for yourself just reach him personally on also for advise too.

  20. How i survived tinnitus.
    I was diagnosed with tinnitus 2005 which was caused by exposure to loud sound because i was a sound engineer. I lacked concentration, peace and sleep for 8 years because of tinnitus and i heard a continuous ringing in my ear as a result of this i could not concentrate, what could be worse than been tormented with ringing high pitched sound for 8 years. It becomes louder at night high pitched. I tried several drugs, therapies and ear fluxes but none worked. My doctor told me i cant be cured. Still in pain a cousin of mine told me about Dr. Joseph who treats tinnitus, i never believed because my doctor said there was no cure. In desperation i contacted him via mail and explained my condition and he came to meet me with his medicine and treated me till i was fully okay. Today i am free and very fine.

    Tinnitus can be cured,if you or anyone you know have similar problem just contact him privately on for information on his treatment.

  21. For your information: Osteopaths (D.O. Doctor of Osteopathy) do not crack the neck. Only chiropractors do. And they actually ARE doctors.

  22. I have been a patient of tinnitus ringing ears
    since 5 years. I had tried a lot of anti viral mess
    prescribed to me by doctors over the years but I
    could not see any improvements in my
    symptoms. One day while going through the
    internet , i got to know about this great Herbal
    Dr who uses his herbal remedies in curing
    people,quickly i contacted him. After few weeks
    the improvement were very visible. Outbreaks
    has stopped and the sores started to heal. I
    would recommend this to all my
    friends,families,around the globe suffering from
    tinnitus ringing can contact the Dr
    through his email on or call him on +2348146154388 or whatsap him on +2348146154388 thank you very much doctor

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    My daughter suffered from a terrible tinnitus for more than 23 years which started after she turned 5 we all thought it will end but got even worse as days went by. We tried all several treatments and therapy prescribed by various doctors we met but to no avail, she lost total concentration and screamed most times. She usually tells me she hears hissing and ringing noises. This were steady noise that disrupted her entire life, even at night she screams even more because the sounds become louder because everywhere is quiet and she slept less because of this.It was during a casual conversation with a friend that i learned about dr Williams herbal medicine I was able to contact him on his email address. and give him all the necessary information that he needed,few day later he sent me the herbal portion and his medicine was able to restore her back to normal and she is very okay now without any side effects whatsoever. If you have Tinnitus, do not hesitate to contact him on for advice and for his product. I hope this also helps someone out there.

  25. I just felt like i should share my story to save others from this terrible illness called tinnitus. I had tinnitus for over 6 years and in those years i lost total concentration, sleeping at night is worse because i ended up screaming and sometimes my neighbors will call the cops on me. Everything automatically becomes so loud and it was unbearable i seeked treatment from various doctors and audiologist but none could actually put an end to the problem. I was fortunate to read a testimony online on how someone was cured from it and i contacted the doctor and told him all i am facing. He told me about his treatment which i tried and he sent me his medication, if it was not that it was herbal i would have called it magic. in 3 weeks i was completely cured now i can sleep and hear without anymore sounds disturbing me in the ear. You can also try to contact him on his personal mailbox josephalberteo @ gmail. com he will sure be able to help you get a cure too.

  26. ALL THANKS TO DR WILLIAMS FOR GETTING MY WIFE OUT OF FIBROID WITH HIS HERB One of the greatest moments in this world is when you see your own wife put to bed, this awesome moments makes you a man and not just a man a real man. My wife suffered from Fibroid which made her unable to get pregnant and give us a child for almost 18 years with multiple surgeries done and none seemed to help the situation. I almost gave up but due to the love i had for her because i married her a virgin i had to find a way to help her. I told a member of my church who recommended Dr. williams to me, i contacted him and he sent me a medicine and this medicine shrinked it naturally in a weeks it was like magic but it's science. I am happy writing this because he delivered a baby girl. Do not loose hope too soon contact him on and i am confident she will help you too.

  27. Dr.William product is a real cure to Tinnitus, I am 38 years old, I suffered from permanent tinnitus for about 10 years, mostly in my right ear... which means I've got this constant ringing in my ears, which has also made me somewhat deaf. It's like this Whee! noise in my head all the time. My T was more steady, this is due to prolonged exposure to the loud volume of concerts. Looking after your ears is unfortunately something you don't think about until there's a problem. I wish I'd thought about it earlier. There were days when I didn't know whether I would survive, I was so tormented by this symptoms. When I lay down to sleep it bothers me the most, As I lay my head on the pillow, it cancels out all the other noise but the Tinnitus. The GoodNews is that after using William Herbal medicine, Tinnitus is gone, try it also it going to work for you. There are real cure and do not be discouraged. Hang in there... Better days will come (email him on:

  28. I have beeen following this blog for a while now and today i decided to share my tinnitus story to encourage someone out there. I suffered from terrible tinnitus for 8 years after a constant exposure to loud noise. These noise sounded like a car horn in my right ear and grew worse at night when everywhere was calm and quiet, i lacked sleep and this ruined my psychological life. I had no idea the sound was damaging my hearing until it was too late and i had partial deafness, i had a constant ringing in my ear which always makes me feel like taking my own life. I tried so many drugs even B-vitamin supplements, especially B-5, visited so many audiologist, neuromonics and all was to no avail. I have not seen my ex for a long while and when we bumped into each other she knew i was not okay and i had to tell her all i was facing. She felt so sad but told me there is a cure which let me in amazement. That was when she told me about Dr. Joseph herbal medicine which gives a permanent relief to tinnitus symptoms and cures it. Lord know i needed help so i got the medicine and used it, that was when i met a breakthrough, i am perfectly okay now and i sleep calm without any stress and i hear clearly now. You too can get cured just contact him on (josephalberteo @ gmail. com) for advise and how to get the medicine. Thanks

  29. How can I ever stop thanking Dr William for the great thing he have done for me, i got an accident when I was 27 years old from that day on i started experience ringing ear problem(tinnitus) i have taken all the western drugs prescribe by various doctor but to no avail . my tinnitus was very loud in the afternoon and I sleep less at night because of this problem i stop my work, few days later i was going through the Internet and I saw a post of a woman testifying about Dr William herbal remedies on how she was being cure for over her 30 years suffering from tinnitus the story Really motivated me that I have to speak with my husband about it, and he said i should give him a try, i contacted Dr William and explain all i have be facing in my life. He assured me that everything is going to be fine if only I can get his herbal portion, i said yes and I requested for it, few days later the herb was sent to me in Kuwait,i started using it as instructed by Dr William for me to take it for 21 Days which I did, can you imagine after talking Dr William herbal medicine for just two weeks i started experience results, it was like a miracle,and now i am permanently cure from this terrible tinnitus, i promise that am going to publish his herb on thing my last breath for the great deed he have done for me. For those with similar ear problem should please contact him on his email address drwilliams098765@gmail his a good man and am proud of him.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. I am Matthias lang, from Orlando u s a, i was diagnosed with tinnitus for 6 years, i lived in pain with the knowledge that i wasn't going to ever be well again, i contacted so many doctors on this issue,and i have use so many western drugs prescribe by various doctors and all was no avail, because i was determined to get my life back, one day i was researching for this disease on internet and i saw a post about devansh herbal health care who cure different manners of diseases, including tinnitus, I contacted them via email: and made purchase of the tinnitus herb, i received the herb through USPS within 24 hours, when i received the herb i applied it as prescribed and i was totally cured of tinnitus within few's days of usages,and on thin now i have never experience any ringing in my ears again,few days later i went back to my doctor and he confirmed i was completely cured from this disease, am so happy now, You do not have to suffer more just contact him for his medicine on he will definitely put an end to that hearing problem of yours

  32. I am sophie from Canada, I once suffered from a terrible and Chronic tinnitus ,in 2016, the doctor told me it has no permanent cure i was given medications to slow down its progress, i constantly felt my health was deteriorating as i constantly go out of breath,and this noise was really terrible especially when am sleeping, i have this constant ringing in my ears for about 8 months, this was really a terrible noise ,on thin one day that i was going through the internet,and i came across a post of Mrs Kate on how she was been cured from tinnitus through dr Williams herbal product, I contacted this herbal doctor via his email and explain everything to him and make purchase of his product,few days later he sent me the herbal medicine through courier service, when i received the herbal medicine i used it for 3 weeks as prescribed and i was totally cured of tinnitus within those week of usage,on thin now i have not hear anything ringing in my ears.if you need his help you can Contact this herbal doctor via his email for help

  33. I have been in the tinnitus community for a while now and I have experience what you are going though with tinnitus , I do know people that have got
    tinnitus from having their implants done. Ringing in the ear after an implant can go away on its own, but that is BS of what the mouth and jaw specialist said. I have definitely seen and heard of a connection between tinnitus and teeth and mouth. There is a treatment for ringing ears and if you are
    interested you can contact Dr William herbal remedies that what I take that stop the ringing in my ear that was really driving me crazy, don't Lose hope .,I have found a solution for my fellow citizens . If you haven't I would suggest trying Dr William herbal supplement. Again, this is a thing that takes time and usually requires time and patience for it to work WITH no side effects. But I'm not hear to sell you the product, I'm only hear to tell you that it works, but it is a journey and can be difficult. I hope at this point in want away on it own. Good luck . his email address for advice and for his product

  34. yes Dr Williams herbal medicine is really a permanent cure to tinnitus,just one week of usage,i was completely cured from tinnitus,on thin now i have not experience any thing ringing in my ears.i give all thanks to god,and i pray for him to continue the good work.

  35. hello every one my name is Justin Leo i am from Japan, i have been suffering from tinnitus disease for the last Three years and had constant sound, especially in my right ear. During the first year, I had faith in God that i would be healed someday.The ringing sound started getting worse each and everyday that comes to pass, and i have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago i was searching on the internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from tinnitus by this Man Dr Williams and she also live the email address of this great man that he would be of help for so many others suffering from this, so i wrote to Dr. Williams telling him about my tinnitus he told me not to worry that everything is going to be fine!! i never believed it,, well after sending me the drugs and i follow all the procedures on how he instructed me to be taking the medicine, few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me, after all i went to my doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was true,right now am one of the happiest man on earth,if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email Dr. William on

  36. Wow: who will ever believe that a natural herb can cure tinnitus, i never believe that this will work i have spend a lot when getting drugs from the hospital to keep me healthy,i went to many hospitals for cure but there was no solution, One day I was in the office going through the internet when i see so many people testifying about Dr Williams herbal medicine on how they where been cured from tinnitus and so many other similar body problem, so i mail him.He told me all the things I need to do and also give me instructions to take, which I followed properly. Before I knew what is happening after two weeks To my greatest surprise after patiently going according to instruction given to me by Dr Williams, all the ringing in my ears stop gradually and up thing this moment i have not experience anything ringing in my ears. I want to say a big thanks to Dr Williams who God have sent to heal his people with his natural medicine i pray that God will bless you for the good work you are doing.for all who are still suffering from this disease, you can also contact Dr Williams through his email address on;

  37. CURE TO TINNITUS,. One night in October last two year, when I lay down to sleep, I heard this high pitched noise coming from my left ear.I did not pay that much attention and went to sleep. The following morning, it was gone. Then again, after one month since the first experience it came back, and this time it came to stay. It was a pretty high pitched noise, and only in my left ear. After 2 days, I went to see an ENT. He said that my left ear was full of wax and need to be cleaned. Actually he did a good job by cleaning both my ears but some hardly stuck wax was still in my left ear. He gave me ear drops. I went home and used ear drops as per his instructions. After two weeks, I revisited him again. He told me that my ears were clean and not to worry about Tinnitus, and reassured to me that it would go away after 2~ 3 week time. The Tinnitus was always there 24/7. In the 4th week I started to panic and then anxiety, depression and fear kicked in and started to have sleepless nights. I was sleepless for 3 straight nights. My wife was also started to worry about me but there was nothing she could do to help me.Then, I started to google about Tinnitus. I read about how Dr john product cure a woman who had tinnitus.i email dr john and i get the product which i use my tinnitus is cure. THANKS TO DR JOHN His herbal is the only permanent cure to Tinnitus You can always contact the Doctor through his email for more information.

  38. I am Shelley from Los Angeles,California, I want to testify on how i got cured from tinnitus, I have suffered from ringing ears since the year 2011 with so mush pain,that i have to spend so mush money getting pain relief in the hospital, and I have visited several doctor ,but all to no avail, my world was gradually coming to an end because of the buzzing sound in my right ears, until i saw a post in a health forum about a herbal Dr Williams who use herbal portion in curing people from different kind of diseases including tinnitus, at first i doubted if it we be able to cure me, but i decided to give it a try, when i contacted this herbal doctor via his email, he prepared a herbal portion and sent it to me via courier service, when i received this herbal medicine, he gave me step by step instructions on how to apply it, when i applied it as instructed, i was completely free from tinnitus just for 1 months of usage,i we recommend this to all my friend family in the world today who still suffering from tinnitus you can contact him through his email on for help.

  39. I am sophie from Canada, I once suffered from a terrible and Chronic tinnitus ,in 2016, the doctor told me it has no permanent cure i was given medications to slow down its progress, i constantly felt my health was deteriorating as i constantly go out of breath,and this noise was really terrible especially when am sleeping, i have this constant ringing in my ears for about 8 months, this was really a terrible noise ,on thin one day that i was going through the internet,and i came across a post of Mrs Kate on how she was been cured from tinnitus through dr Williams herbal product, I contacted this herbal doctor via his email and explain everything to him and make purchase of his product,few days later he sent me the herbal medicine through courier service, when i received the herbal medicine i used it for 3 weeks as prescribed and i was totally cured of tinnitus within those week of usage,on thin now i have not hear anything ringing in my ears.if you need his help you can Contact this herbal doctor via his email for help

  40. "Dear Williams, I wanted to drop you a note and say 'THANK YOU', from the bottom of my heart. I was browsing the Internet back in AUGUST this year looking for help, any help. I have been diagnosed with tinnitus that was extremely loud especially at night when going to bed. Thankfully enough I accidentally came across so many people thanking Dr Williams for his medication. I thought I should give his medicine a try. I ordered his medicine and went to my local health store and bought the herbs and vitamins and the other more basic ingredients for his medicine and then started his medication that day. After 7 days I didn't see any change so I thought 'here we go again'. But it wasn't another disappointment. By the end of the 4th week on a bright Monday morning, all the noses and the awful bloated feeling just stopped. I immediately went to my doctor and guess what? The ear ringing was not there anymore. I was so happy!

    Thanks to your advice, I now know how to prevent any future tinnitus formation and the array of symptoms that goes along with it, Thank you so much for everything!"for more information on how to get his medication you can email him on

  41. hello every one my name is Justin Leo i am from Japan, i have been suffering from tinnitus disease for the past Three years and i have had constant sound, especially in my right ear. During the first year, I had faith in God that i would be healed someday.The ringing sound started getting worse each and everyday that comes to pass, and i have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago i was searching on the internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from tinnitus by this Man Dr Williams and she also live the email address of this great man that he would be of help for so many others suffering from this, so i wrote to Dr. Williams telling him about my tinnitus he told me not to worry that everything is going to be fine!! i never believed it,, well after sending me the drugs and i follow all the procedures on how he instructed me to be taking the medicine, few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me, after all i went to my doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was true,right now am one of the happiest man on earth,if you have such illness you can always email him on
    Am indeed grateful for the help,and i will forever recommend him to anybody suffering from this.

  42. I want use this opportunity to tell the world what has really happened to me for past few months, I have been married for two years without a child i was so worried, I have visited several hospitals and I was told i can't not conceive because i was having fibroid, I have been treated and even undergoes cloistral operation but still couldn't conceive until One day i came across Lillian Testimony on a guest book she was sharing the same problem exactly what is happening to me how Dr,,Miracle has cure his Fibroid, immediately i contacted him and told him about my Problem and he gave me hope that i should not be worried at all that he has cure more people already having same problem and said he can cure me under 8 weeks i was amaze. I Believe in him because he was the only hope and i followed him up he prepared me some herbs and send it to me in my state. I started using the herbs with his prescriptions, as i was taking the herbs i started noticing some changes in my body, to cut everything short i missed my period and today i have a child baby girl, My husband is so much happy and my mum too God. Thank you Dr,,Miracle I can't just keep this to my self i decided to share and post it here on-line for everyone to see that the work Of God In My Life True His Son Dr,,Miracle God Bless Doctor And More Grace To His Work, Email Him Call Or Whatsapp Him +2348071398555 ,,

  43. CURE TO TINNITUS,. One night in October last two year, when I lay down to sleep, I heard this high pitched noise coming from my left ear.I did not pay that much attention and went to sleep. The following morning, it was gone. Then again, after one month since the first experience it came back, and this time it came to stay. It was a pretty high pitched noise, and only in my left ear. After 2 days, I went to see an ENT. He said that my left ear was full of wax and need to be cleaned. Actually he did a good job by cleaning both my ears but some hardly stuck wax was still in my left ear. He gave me ear drops. I went home and used ear drops as per his instructions. After two weeks, I revisited him again. He told me that my ears were clean and not to worry about Tinnitus, and reassured to me that it would go away after 2~ 3 week time. The Tinnitus was always there 24/7. In the 4th week I started to panic and then anxiety, depression and fear kicked in and started to have sleepless nights. I was sleepless for 3 straight nights. My wife was also started to worry about me but there was nothing she could do to help me.Then, I started to google about Tinnitus. I read about how Dr john product cure a woman who had tinnitus.i email dr john and i get the product which i use my tinnitus was cure. THANKS TO DR JOHN his herbal remedy is the only permanent solution to tinnitus for more information email him on

  44. i am indeed so happy to share my testimony of the great Dr know as Dr Ebhota by name,i had tinnitus in both ears for eight years with a high pitched two tone sound, the noises are constant and have learned to ignore the ringing. Later, another sound was added, a deep tone that has a sporadic rhythm, that mimics human speech. It varies from soft and muted, to painfully clear, and loud. Have try sound machines, ear plugs, my hearing aid, and medication all to no avail rather I have a difficult time sleeping. Lately I was directed to a Doctor called Ebhota with the help of boy friend,he come across the testimony on his time line on face-book,that was how we get Dr Ebhota contact,i promises him if his herbal medication is able to cure my tinnitus problem,for over a year and five months,i we share his great testimonies on face-book or any link i knows about on internet site,for any one how has tinnitus to benefit from his herb,and be free from it totally,i spent a lot money before hospital treatment before i got his contact with the help of my lovely boy friend,any one how we read my testimony and you need a total cure to your tinnitus,you can reach him buy add him on whatsapp or call him,+2349035324155 or email him,Dr Ebhota i pray that the God of the day we give you long live.

  45. i am indeed so happy to share my testimony of the great Dr know as Dr Ebhota by name,i had tinnitus in both ears for eight years with a high pitched two tone sound, the noises are constant and have learned to ignore the ringing. Later, another sound was added, a deep tone that has a sporadic rhythm, that mimics human speech. It varies from soft and muted, to painfully clear, and loud. Have try sound machines, ear plugs, my hearing aid, and medication all to no avail rather I have a difficult time sleeping. Lately I was directed to a Doctor called Ebhota with the help of boy friend,he come across the testimony on his time line on face-book,that was how we get Dr Ebhota contact,i promises him if his herbal medication is able to cure my tinnitus problem,for over a year and five months,i we share his great testimonies on face-book or any link i knows about on internet site,for any one how has tinnitus to benefit from his herb,and be free from it totally,i spent a lot money before hospital treatment before i got his contact with the help of my lovely boy friend,any one how we read my testimony and you need a total cure to your tinnitus,you can reach him buy add him on whatsapp or call him,+2349035324155 or email him,Dr Ebhota i pray that the God of the day we give you long live.

  46. I am Shelley from Los Angeles,California, I want to testify on how i got cured from tinnitus, I have suffered from ringing ears since the year 2011 with so mush pain,that i have to spend so mush money getting pain relief in the hospital, and I have visited several doctor ,but all to no avail, my world was gradually coming to an end because of the buzzing sound in my right ears, until i saw a post in a health forum about a herbal Dr Williams who use herbal portion in curing people from different kind of diseases including tinnitus, at first i doubted if it we be able to cure me, but i decided to give it a try, when i contacted this herbal doctor via his email, he prepared a herbal portion and sent it to me via courier service, when i received this herbal medicine, he gave me step by step instructions on how to apply it, when i applied it as instructed, i was completely free from tinnitus just for 1 months of usage,i we recommend this to all my friend family in the world today who still suffering from tinnitus you can contact him through his email on for help.

  47. I am sophie from Canada, I once suffered from a terrible and Chronic tinnitus ,in 2016, the doctor told me it has no permanent cure i was given medications to slow down its progress, i constantly felt my health was deteriorating as i constantly go out of breath,and this noise was really terrible especially when am sleeping, i have this constant ringing in my ears for about 8 months, this was really a terrible noise ,on thin one day that i was going through the internet,and i came across a post of Mrs Kate on how she was been cured from tinnitus through dr Williams herbal product, I contacted this herbal doctor via his email and explain everything to him and make purchase of his product,few days later he sent me the herbal medicine through courier service, when i received the herbal medicine i used it for 3 weeks as prescribed and i was totally cured of tinnitus within those week of usage,on thin now i have not hear anything ringing in my ears.if you need his help you can Contact this herbal doctor via his email for help

  48. For those people whose relative are suffering from Tinnitus and maybe reading this, I find it hard that people are still ignorant of herbal medicine when it comes to treating Tinnitus. I have been through many phases over the last couple of years since my (audiological) exam/diagnosis, my tinnitus once buried me in a negative place where many of you are now - or have been. Believe me when I say, “I’ve been there.” I had sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL), losing 70 percent of my hearing up to 4,000 kHz. I began noticing a low level of tinnitus around 51 years old and the diagnosis changed my life in many ways, I spend most of the time in denial and I keep thinking the tests were wrong. But deep down I knew they were correct. The level spiked dramatically, spiraling me down into a pit of depression. I could not sleep or eat; I stayed in bed with sweats and shaking spells; I lost strength and considerable weight. My wife held me in her arms, trying to comfort me, and still I thought I was going to die.

    Though sharing his story is very difficult. I was always very successful in being able to accomplish anything I set my mind on doing. Tinnitus is a bitch. I feel a need to express my thoughts and feelings about how it affected my day to day living and how its deteriorated since despite the help of some wonderful medics and medicine.
    I remind myself how lucky to come across aparajita tan herbal medicine which is able to control Tinnitus without any side effect, I felt a moment of relief hoping that I am free from this ailment, and  nothing compares to the healing power of nature. Now I believe almost every health problem can be addressed in one natural way or another. The only thing I wanted was for me to feel better. I’m proud to say am Tinnitus free. You can also contact him for advice and more info.

  49. Thanks for sharing this post. The content is very beneficial and useful. Very informative article.Here my health blog for helping people.causes of ringing in left ear

  50. Tinnitus Miracle Review - Real Tinnitus Cure? The claim is bold, and many who have tried to heal their conditions have failed, experts and studies said it can not be cured. However cases of tinnitus gone exists, actually thousands of people have managed to remove the ringing in their ears. This is on safe, holistic and natural methods that people who get rid of tinnitus used that Thomas Coleman conducted his research and built a system now known as Tinnitus Miracle. So, does it stick to its promises. First, we should re-state what Tinnitus is: this is a sound perceived by the ear, while no external sound exist, due to a confusion caused primarily by a hearing loss. Because the ear doesn t get any normal signal, the brain develops its own sound, this ringing or buzzing in ears. The sound can be of various intensity, intermittent or constant,and these different circumstances will define how much effort you need to put in the system to silence your buzzing ears.


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