Keyword optimization, strategy and tactics

To score high with your website you need some keywords that you should include in your html files. With keywords, your webpage can be found in the search results of Google and other search engines like Yahoo and Bing.

But to be found or higher ranked in the search results, it is advisable to think very carefully what keywords you gone to use and how and where you will use them.

The best way to how you integrate the keywords in your website can best be explained by an example.

Search keywords
First and foremost, you need text and content. Usually a text is about a particular topic. So you need to make sure that you know exactly what the topic is of your text, and what the key elements are in this text.

Take this text you are reading as an example. The topic is about keywords and how they are integrated in texts using a particular strategy and tactics. So we have our subject and also the main words on what we want to be found on the internet. Keyword, strategy and tactics, we want to be ranked in search results with these words.

Optimize keywords for your website
You can optimize your website for keywords that consist of one word, in our case this is 'keyword'. It would be fantastic if we only had to optimize our website for only that word. Unfortunately, there are thousands, if not millions of other Web pages that are also going about that one particular word 'keyword'. So it is logical that it's very difficult to rank high in the search results when so many outcomes are possible. Therefore, it is better to focus on combinations. What do we do this? Combinations are short phrases of 2 or 3 in which key words, a possible where a user might look for.

Possible combinations with the word "keyword" could be:

Keyword optimization

Using keywords

Keyword strategy

Search keyword

AdWords Keyword Planner
This is a handy online tool from Google that can tell us more about what and how many people search for a particular keyword and more importantly, this tool can show us what combinations is searched the most. This online service was originally designed for optimizing keywords for makers of AdSense ads.

Go does Google AdWords Keyword Planner work.
Sign in with your Google account or create a Google account.

Then you need to refine your search.

So we fill in the keyword in 'search for new keyword and ad group ideas'.

Upon landing page, type the full URL of the web page on which visitors should arrive (This is not a necessary of course, certainly not if the url does not exist yet).

Optionally, you can refine the results by filling in your product category, location, language and much more.

Now click on Get ideas.

Now you can see which combinations are most relevant in the Google search results.

So you can see that there are more possible combinations than you previously thought. For example, we have the combinations:

Adwords Tool

Keyword Research

Keyword generator

Seo Keyword

keyword tools

keyword search

Adwords Keyword Tool

Everything is neatly sorted according to relevance. So who thought about 'Adwords Tool' in the beginning of reading this article? Exactly, no one, except ... Google and many other people of course!

Without the AdWords Keyword Planner by Google, we even did not know that people also searched for 'Adwords Tool' and other combinations. From this we can deduce that the suggestions that we made by ourselves were not really relevant, our own combinations would not have yielded much more visitors than you currently have.

What is the best way to integrate keyword combinations?

The title, title tag
This is the main place where a keyword can appear in. Because most people and therefore Google sees this as the first and most important part of the web page to know what the content is on that page. The title is always provided in the head of the page. Pay close attention in how to order the keywords as to recent research has shown that the most relevant words need to be at the first of the title. The key word should be planted in front, because this is the first thing that people look for and will read on the search results, and so this must match with what he search.


<title> Keyword optimization </ title>

A less good example would be:

<title> How do I optimize my websites with keywords </ title>

In this example the key word is at the back of the title. With long sentences is even possible that you never can't see the last words in the Google search results. Google only displays the first 53 characters of a title in the search results. Try for yourself to look for something and then you will see results that are undoubtedly abbreviated ... Not only readers but also Google takes account of in what order the words of the are placed. With the less good title example you could argue that you will get more visitors who search on the word "How" or "How to optimize". And this is not the idea of course, because this text is about "Keyword optimization ".

Meta keywords
Can be found in the head of the web page under <meta name = "keywords" content =
This is the only place where you may place all keywords blindly with a comma between.


<meta name = "keywords" content = Adwords Tool, Keyword, Keyword Research, Keyword Generator, Seo Keyword, Keyword tools, Keyword Search, Adwords keyword tool "

Keywords in the link itself
Make sure that the keywords are present in the website link. This can be done by giving a correct name to the html file. The filename will be displayed in the search results and be used by Google to be properly be indexed. So it is crucial to use a relevant name that match with the content of the web page. Even better is that keywords occurs between the www. and .com. Therefore it is very important to choose the correct name to your website, before choosing the best words you need to do some deep thinking if it is possible to use the most important keywords between the www. and .com web address. Make sure that your website name is not too long and can be clearly spelled because in a website address there are no spaces included.


or even better:

http: //keywordseo/keyword_optimalisatie.html

Keywords in the text
Use keywords in the text itself. Try to use a number of combinations in your text. These combinations are best in the beginning of the text. The word 'Keyword' must appear quite some times on the entire text. Note that you do not overdo because Google can rank your website lower for "keyword stuffing". Keyword stuffing means that you use too many keywords, with the only intention to achieve a better result, but is will be an unnatural result. Keep also in mind that people read the text. These people are not machines but sensitive creatures that prefer to experience everything as natural and as enjoyable as possible so you also need to pay attention to this. Too difficult texts that are full of errors or texts that are difficult to read due to incorrect syntax, unhooks people faster than you think. And that's exactly what we want to avoid. So, be moderated in integrating keywords and keyword combinations.

A forewarned man is worth two!
Because a forearmed man is always worth two. I want to point out for the second time that by using excessive and obsessive keywords in any form can lead to a reduction in the search results. This is because Google can consider this webpage and sometimes even the entire website as spam. You will be punished for keyword stuffing. And take it from me. Google applies this tactic, as I have ever been banned with this website from the Google search results due to overuse of keywords. Then I had to register a new web address and analyze all my pages on excessive keyword use.

Integrating keywords into a webpage that have nothing to do with the content on the page wan't give you a better place on in the search results. It doesn't at any value. For example, integrating the word "dog" if the topic is about lions. Keywords are so relevant and have to be associated with the content.

So be careful with keywords and apply them in a correct way!


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