Wise sentences to reflect on

The memory that you want to later has to be made by you now ...

Running away from the truth, is running away from yourself.

Success is what everyone wishes for you but no one grants you ...

Look around and you'll see that the best things are for free ...

Our whole life would be music if we always could find the right notes ...

For the bee everything is honey, for the snake everything is poison ...

Sometimes life goes different than normal, it's not a conscious choice but a bad dream.

How righteous they may be, harsh words always bite ...

Who is happy with small things can rejoice all day.

You cannot cross the sea by only staring at the water.

Animals often talk wiser with their eyes than people with their mouths.

Dewdrops as crystals, you think how they can fall so that way.

You cant bring color to your life with paint, but with your heart...

Make a fulfilled wish does make life ...

In this world all the people has the same desires ...

No ray of sunshine is ever wasted, it will always heat something or someone.

There is nothing that will disappear forever as they been preserved in our memory.

Do not count days, but make sure that the days counts.

The sun dries without preference the shirt of poor and rich.

With all the wars in the world a man is could become very good at geography ...

Our most hidden tears never seek our eyes.

Everyone has a watch, but nobody has time ...

Search no luck, because you will be over if you only search for it you whole life

A letter does not blush of a lie ...

That we can live longer is beautiful but why are we only living when we are old?

Be rich is possessing what is not for sale.


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