How to disable the UAC (User Account Control) in Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 (temporary or permanent)
The User Account Setting in Windows 8 |
Windows Vista:
- Go to the Start button of Windows
- Click the Control-panel
- Go to User Accounts
- Uncheck it
Windows 7:
- Go to the Start button of Windows
- Click the Control-panel
- Go to System and Security
- Settings for user management change (UAC user account control)
- Set the bar to low
- Put it back on afterwards better protection (never leave lowest!)
Windows 8:
- Go to Settings
- Click the Control-panel
- Go to System and Security
- Under Action Center: Change User Account Control Settings
- Set the bar to low
- Put it back on afterwards better protection (never leave lowest!)
Again, it is appropriate to put it back on after installing the software because the computer is increased to be infected with viruses and malware (unnecessary software that pollutes your PC or your data).
See here how you can protect your computer against unwanted Viruses and Malware for free.
A special thanks for this informative post. I definitely learned new stuff here I wasn't aware of !