Death and destruction by the Volcano Merapi in Indonesia, villages and more than 100 victims buried in hot ash!

Okt. 5th 2010 - Dozens of people were surprised in their sleep by a cloud of ash and heat. More than fifty people didn't survived the night, charred bodies were found after the heat cloud passed the villages. The number of victims will certainly increase. Since Oct. 26 has Merapi claimed for more than 100 victims.

A heat cloud pulled last night in all silence about the village near Merapi volcano. The Indonesian volcano has been active for more than a week and is one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world. Emergency services took body's away one after the other. They lived in a group of houses in Argomulyo. Other parts of the village are still too hot to be rescued. The cloud took up to areas more than 18 km (11 miles) away from the volcano.

Death charred bodies after an eruption and a heat cloud of the volcano Merapi in Indonesia.


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