Toothpaste color codes and assemblies

Did you know that there is a color provided on each toothpaste tube?

There are several different colors, each of them indicate the specific characteristics of the composition of the toothpaste. You can find these colors back down the toothpaste tube. The final composition of the toothpaste is obviously still described on the tube so you know exactly what's inside.

Green stands for a non native composition.
Blue stands for a non native composition with medicine.
Red stands for natural with a chemical composition.
Black represents a purely chemical composition.

So check out what product you choose. The enamel of your teeth will thank you.

Squirrel meat, food consumption

A new trend in the culinary world: squirrel meat consumption.

A bit strange that this kind of meat can be eaten. But in England there is a true overpopulation of squirrels that would affect the ecosystem. So squirrel meat is offered in English restaurants and in supermarkets.

This trend now also starts in Belgium and the Netherlands. As if we have no meat to eat. We gave enough squirrels left.

Squirrel would have their own taste.
Many people find it terrible that this lovely animal is slaughtered to eat.
This is because our culture. We are not used to eat squirrel, you cannot find one recipe to make squirrel meat ready.

What do you think? Has anyone ever eaten squirrel? How taste squirrel meat?
Leave a comment below on this website.

Grandma's apron

I do not think our kids know what an apron is.

The principal use of Grandma's apron was to protect her dress, because she only had a few.

But also because it was easier to wash an apron instead of a dress.

They also used the apron and potholders to remove the pan from the stove or in the oven ..

It also served to wipe the tears and dirty nose of the children ..

And when they went to get the eggs from the chicken coop the apron was also very convenient to carry the eggs.

When her children were shy if visitors came by they could shelter under her apron.

And if it was cold she could screw her arms there and warm up.

It was also very suitable to wipe many sweat, when they stood bent over the stove for cooking.

Wood for the stove was also brought into the apron.

From the garden it wore all kinds of vegetables inside.

And if the peas were shelled, the differences where in the apron.

In the fall the apron was used to hold the picked apples that lay under the trees.

When grandma saw unexpectedly visitors coming, you be amazed of how much furniture that old apron could dust, in a few seconds.

When the food was ready, she went out and waved her apron, then everyone knew that it was time for diner.

It will be a long time before someone invented something that can be used for so many purposes, such as the apron!

Remember !! In this time, we would be mad to know how many bacteria there were in that apron However, I never get sick of it ...... ..or it must be ......


Wise sentences to reflect on

The memory that you want to later has to be made by you now ...

Running away from the truth, is running away from yourself.

Success is what everyone wishes for you but no one grants you ...

Look around and you'll see that the best things are for free ...

Our whole life would be music if we always could find the right notes ...

For the bee everything is honey, for the snake everything is poison ...

Sometimes life goes different than normal, it's not a conscious choice but a bad dream.

How righteous they may be, harsh words always bite ...

Who is happy with small things can rejoice all day.

You cannot cross the sea by only staring at the water.

Animals often talk wiser with their eyes than people with their mouths.

Dewdrops as crystals, you think how they can fall so that way.

You cant bring color to your life with paint, but with your heart...

Make a fulfilled wish does make life ...

In this world all the people has the same desires ...

No ray of sunshine is ever wasted, it will always heat something or someone.

There is nothing that will disappear forever as they been preserved in our memory.

Do not count days, but make sure that the days counts.

The sun dries without preference the shirt of poor and rich.

With all the wars in the world a man is could become very good at geography ...

Our most hidden tears never seek our eyes.

Everyone has a watch, but nobody has time ...

Search no luck, because you will be over if you only search for it you whole life

A letter does not blush of a lie ...

That we can live longer is beautiful but why are we only living when we are old?

Be rich is possessing what is not for sale.

Cerebral hemorrhage early detection in order to save lives

This is about saving a human life with the letters "T.L.A.T."

An example: During a BBQ party a woman stumbled and fell. She assured everyone that she was not hurt and rejected medical help. Their own words: 'She fell over a stone because of wearing her new shoes.

They fashioned her a bit and give her a new plate of food. She was a bit upset but had a good time for the rest of the evening.

However, her husband, called after the BBQ everyone with the announcement that his wife was taken to the hospital .. At 06.00 o'clock Jane died.

She had a stroke at the BBQ. Jane would be still alive if they had known what the signs of an infarction are. Some, however, do not die, but are disabled; helpless and hopeless.

Please take one minute to read...

A neurologist says that if someone has a stroke that the effects of an attack completely can be reversed within 3 hours.

According to him, the trick is to recognize the signals and ensure that the patient is with the doctor or in a hospital within 3 hours.

Sometimes it is hard to see that it is a brain disorder. Unfortunately, the result is a disaster. The victim may have suffered brain damage if bystanders are unable to recognize the symptoms.

Read this and learn it by heart!!

Bystanders can recognize a stroke by only giving the patient four simple commands:

T - Talk: let the person speak a simple sentence

L - Laugh: Ask the victim to laugh

A - Arms up: let the person stabbing up both arms simultaneously

T - Tongue: ask to tongue stabbing

If he or she has trouble with any of these commands than call emergency immediatly and describe the symptoms to the operator.

If you share this with your friends than, you and your loved ones, can protect each other from a brain hemorrhage.

Amazon river facts: dimensions, history and wildlife

The Amazon River flows mostly through the Amazon rainforest and the Amazon basin. A beautiful piece of unspoiled nature located in South America, known for its dense forests and unique flora and fauna.

Amazon River in dimensions
The Amazon is the second longest river in the world. But it counts the most water, about 2% of all natural fresh water in the world.

The river rises at 5200 meters altitude in the snow of the Andes Mountains, more specifically, a glacier in Peru, some 190 km from the Pacific Ocean. Unlike many other rivers, the Amazon river choose for the longest possible path of 6516 km with hundreds snaked s-curves. With its 6516 km, the Amazon River is about two times longer than the Mississippi River and five times longer than the Rhine. To give you an idea of ​​its enormous length: this is approximately the distance from Berlin to New York.

From tributaries to the Atlantic
The Amazon has also other names such as: the Maranon. The river is joined by dozens of other rivers, including the Ucayali, so it enters Brazil. If the Amazon reached the Atlantic Ocean then the water of more than 1100 tributaries has been drained. If the Amazon reaches the coast, over more than 200000 cubic meters water come in to the Atlantic Ocean every second.
Over millions of years the water have trenched the ocean floor for about hundreds of kilometers in length. This is indicated by the yellow color that contrasts in a sharply degree with the blue color of the ocean. This freshwater streams from the coast some 320 kilometers away into the ocean.

The animal kingdom in and around the Amazon river
There live crocodiles, leopards, monkeys, exotic birds such as parrots and numerous of dangerous insects in and around the Amazon river. The water contains about 30 times more fish than in all European rivers together.

In particular, we have the pink river dolphins, they swim in the main river during the rainy season. So they swim and hunt in groups among the trees.

When the conquistador Francisco de Orellana in 1541, with his hundred men in his ship discharged, the winding Amazon River, he thought that the warriors that has poisoned his soldiers by bombard them with poisoned arrows, were women.
In the travelogue they were called 'Amazons' so the river became its name.

A bit of history and facts about the Amazon forest; the green lung of the world. Everyone should protect this unique piece of nature. And hopefully, our children and grandchildren can do this too.

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The Celts, the highlights and the end of a cultural civilization

The Celts are the peoples and tribes who spoke the Celtic language over a millennium before the beginning of our era and the following centuries.

Their ancestors spread from the core area in Central Europe both to the west and east. Around the beginning of our era, Celtic tribes inhabited the British Isles, Gaul, the Iberian Peninsula and parts of Central Europe and the Balkans.

Celtic languages ​​belong to the Indo-European language family.

Due to the large area and the very long time that the Celts lived they have been able to build a very rich past.

It is sometimes assumed that the Celts are the founders of tumuli, large Obelisks, megaliths, dolmens, menhirs and Mounds but this is not true. These monuments date back to ancient times, some are 4000 years old. The Celtic civilization begun only 400 years before Christ. The reason why these monuments are linked to the Celts is by the conquests of the Roman empire. Their opinion was that these monuments were used by the Celts as this population lived in these areas that were littered with these monuments. It is true that the Celts used these monuments for several reasons but they din't built them.

Celtic civilization trough the ages
Around 400 BC the Celts where really blossoming. Since then this civilization already knew dominoes and dice.

In 387 BC, the Celtic Gauls destroyed Rome with under leading of Brennus and then retreated to the Po-Valley.

Around the year 287 BC was their expansion so big that their people and their civilization permeated large areas of the Balkans and went to settle there as Gala Then in Small-Asia.

Roman conquests
Gaul, where the Celts belonged, was declared as a Roman province of the Roman Empire around the year 51 BC by commander Caious under Julius Caesar. The Rhine is hereby established as a national border. And from then on the area and the people was Gallo-Roman. From then on the whole area was influenced by the Roman superiority. For example, the Romans built their cities, and aqueducts. One of the largest aqueducts that they built is located in Nîmes (Southern France). The Celtic civilization, along with their culture and religion, faded away under the influence and glory of the Roman Empire.

The Celts, once a great and powerful civilization in Central Europe.

Angry IP-scanner review

Angry IP-scanner is een gratis open-source programmaatje die uw netwerk kan scannen en laat u toe om alle aangesloten hardware op uw netwerk te bekijken. Elk gebruikt IP-adres kan worden gedetecteerd en dat is zeer handig als je het juiste IP-adres wilt terugvinden van een printer of computer. U kunt ook zien welke hardware er online of offline is.

Het is snel en gemakkelijk te gebruiken. Het is ook gratis en wordt al door vele netwerkbeheerders gebruikt.

Het draait op bijna alle platformen zoals Linux, Windows en Mac OS X.

Remote desktop tools

Windows Remote Desktop
You are looking for a way to take over a computer from someone else trough the internet or in your network? Then it's useful to know that there are a number of good programs that allow you to connect to another computer from your PC trough the Internet. Even if that person with his computer is located at the other side of the world. Once connected to the other PC you can control it in real time, you can than use files and programs on that PC. You can even transfer files from your PC to another PC.

Connect to a Remote Desktop with Windows
This feature is embedded in the operating system since Windows XP. You only need a pro version or higher of the operating system. This solution is for people that don't need to do much remote connections with other desktops.

This program is a slightly more advanced tool that can go on multiple PC's simultaneously log on remotely. There's is also a safety feature built in. The clients need the download the client software and install it on his computer. After the clients opening the program a code appeared that the person on the client has to tell to the person that will take over the computer. This application is widely used because it offers an efficient and safe solution within the network. By network administrators Their website tells us that there are more than 200 million network administrators are using this program.

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