
Showing posts from November, 2014

Pheasant with a Hoegaarden beer sauce with red onions and cauliflower for 2 people, recipe

Autumn is the ideal time to eat wild. Pheasant can be bought in the butcher or the better supermarket. The texture of the meat is very similar to that of chicken but the taste of pheasant is unique. Ingredients 400g pheasant fillet butter Hoegaarden blond potatoes 1 cauliflower honey salt and pepper red onion 1 tablespoon flour extra seasoning to taste     Preparation Peel the potatoes and bring it in a pot of water to boil. Take your cauliflower and remove all green leaves, remove the white heart and let the cauliflower cook in a pot of water. Cut the red onion into small pieces. Put some butter in a large saucepan. Fry the finely chopped onions in the pan with melted butter until they are soft and shiny. Put the pan on low heat. Take the meat of the pheasant and cut into small cubes of about 2 to 4 cm. Let the meat of the pheasant simmer in the pan on a low heat condition. Open a bottle of Hoegaarden blond and pour the half (12 c...

Fazant met bloemkool in een Hoegaarden bier sausje met rode uien voor 2 personen, recept

De herfst is het ideale moment om wild te eten. Zo kun je fazant kopen in de slager of betere supermarkt. De textuur van het vlees heeft veel gelijkenissen met die van kip maar de smaak van fazant is uniek. Ingrediënten 400 gr fazanten filet klontje boter Hoegaarden blond Aardappelen 1 bloemkool honing peper en zout rode ui 1 eetlepel bloem extra kruiden naar eigen smaak     Bereidingswijze Schil de aardappelen en breng die aan de kook in een pot met water. Neem uw bloemkool en verwijder alle groene blaadjes, verwijder hardere witte hart en laat de bloemkool in een pot water koken. Snij de rode ui in kleine stukjes. Laat het klontje boter smelten in een grote pan. Bak de fijn gesneden uitjes in de pan met gesmolten boter tot ze zacht en glanzend zijn. Zet de pan op een laag vuurtje. Neem het vlees van de fazant en snij deze in kleine blokjes van ongeveer 2 tot 4 cm. Laat het vlees van de fazant in de pan die op een laag vuurtje staat....

Healthy diet during breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is the most nutritious you can give to your baby. All the necessary nutrients that the baby need is present in the milk. However, there are some issues that need to be observed so that the milk does not give too much colic. It is possible that when the baby has cramps this is the cause of the food we eat, for example eating a lot of onions or leek. To give your little baby breastfeeding on a comfortabel way you can wear a breastfeeding bra. And to prevent leakage of the breasts you can use nursing pads. Breastfeeding tips and dieet Vegetables that can give colic All coal except cauliflower and broccoli, so you best avoid Brussels sprouts, red cabbage and white cabbage. celeriac leek onions paprika peppers Legumes such as peas and all kinds of beans Fruit that can give colic Most exotic fruits give colic Kiwi What you certainly need to avoid is spicy cuisine. What can be eaten Vegetables like carrots and broccoli, chicory and much more. For fruit you c...

Bekijk oude websites met

Hebt u zich ooit al eens afgevraagd hoe de eerste websites er ooit hebben uitgezien? Er bestaan websites die vele websites archiveren. Zij verzamelen alle websitegegevens en slaan alle wijzigingen op. Zo kunt u in de geschiedenis gaan zien hoe websites werden upgedated. is zo'n website dat vele websites bijhoud met al hun geschiedenis. Zij nemen je terug mee naar de geschiedenis met hun Wayback machine. Je dient beslist eens een kijkje te gaan nemen op deze website, je beleeft er pure nostalgie.

View old websites with

Did you ever wonder how the first websites looked like? Well there are websites that archive all the websites. They store all the a history changes. This way you can see how websites where updated. is such a website that counts many websites with their history. They take you back in history with their so called Wayback machine. You definitely need to check out this website if you want to see some nostalgic.

Voeding tijdens het geven van borstvoeding

Borstvoeding is het meest voedzame die je aan uw baby kunt geven. Alle nodige voedingsstoffen die de baby nodig heeft zitten in de moedermelk. Echter zijn er een aantal zaken die in acht moeten genomen worden opdat de moedermelk niet te veel krampen gaat geven. Zo kan het zijn dat wanneer de baby krampen heeft dit de oorzaak is van bijvoorbeeld zelf te veel uien of prei te eten. Om uw kleine baby borstvoeding te geven op een zo comfortabel mogelijke manier kunt u zich een borstvoeding beha aanschaffen. En om lekkage van de borsten te voorkomen kunt u borstvoedingscompressen verkrijgen in de apotheek of in de betere baby winkels. Borstvoeding tips en dieet Groenten die krampjes kunnen geven Alle kolen behalve bloemkool en broccoli, ze vermijdt je best spruitjes, rode kool en witte kool. Knolselder Prei Uien Paprika Pepers Peulvruchten zoals erwtjes en alle soorten bonen Fruit die krampjes kunnen geven De meeste exotische fruitsoorten geven krampjes. Maar ook kiwi,...

Belgium waffles grandmas recipe

The smell of Belgium waffles, hmm... !! Everyone wants to know how to make Belgium waffles. And who knows the best how to make Belgium waffles? One of our Belgium grandmothers of course. With grandmother's style everything taste better. Because grandmothers know the secret of baking and cooking. Almost every grandmother from Belgium use this recipe to make their homemade waffles. Ingredients 1 kg plain flour 1 liter of milk 500 g butter 10 eggs 200 g sugar 2 packets of vanilla sugar 10 g salt 1/2 liter of water Preparation Beat the eggs up. Melt the butter gently in a large pot. Add the sugar and the eggs. Add the sifted flour and vanilla sugar while stirring. Make a good stirring so that you obtain a good batter. Let the dough cool off for one day in the fridge and bake the waffles after the dough has rest a day. Grease the waffle iron with oil. Apply 2 x 1 tablespoons in the iron and let the waffles bake until they see golden. Tip This...

Salmon Mousse (recipe)

Ingredients 1 box of salmon 450g 2 deciliters milk 2 cups of cream A half of a beef cup 1 dash of cognac 7 gelatin sheets Preparation Discard the skin and the bones of the salmon. Add the gelatin in cold water so it becomes soft. Heat the milk until it has approximately 75 °. Mix the beef cube with the cream, cognac and salmon. Mix with a high speed in order to obtain a frothy mass. Take the gelatin, squeeze the water from the gelatin and add the carrier to the hot milk. Fill the mousse preferably in small glasses and let it stiffen in the refrigerator. Tip Serve the salmon mouse with a piece of toast. Push, with the aid of a large glass, a round shape from the slice of bread. Toast the bread. Turn the edge in butter, and then turn it in the parsley. Place the salmon on the toast and work it off with some parsley and some onion.

Castles of the Loire region (France)

Chambord Cheverny Blois Chenonceau Azay-Le-Rideau Villandry Versailles

Hourglass (meaning, definition)

An hourglass is a glass with 2 bulbs on the end and a narrowing in the middle where the sand needs to go through. The package of sand that needs to go through the narrowing is mostly equal to 1 hour if all the sand has be flown into one bulb.

Cabret (meaning, Definition)

Goat leather for gloves.

Facsimile (meaning, definition)

A facsimile is an exact imitation of writings, printed matter, prints and drawings.

Types of people classified by when they are most active during the day

The terms 'morning person' and 'night person', are familiar to most of us. And we do denote the type of people with sorts of animals like a nightingale or a lark. Scientists have discovered two new types of people. The Dodo and the Swallow. The Dodo is not active in the morning and in the evening. A Swallow is active in the morning and in the evening. So I suppose the Dodo can be very active during the day and a Swallow will have a serious dip in the middle of the day. Types of humans according to their activity Dodo: not active in the morning and evening, but in the middle of the day. Swallow: active in the morning and evening nut less on during the day. Lark: active in the morning but not in the evening, a morning person. Nightingale: inactive during the morning but active in the evening, a night owl.

Type mensen ingedeeld volgens wanneer ze actief zijn

Met de termen ochtendmens en avondmens zijn we allemaal al vertrouwd. We duiden de type mensen aan met diersoorten zoals de leeuwerik en de nachtegaal. Wetenschappers hebben nu 2 nieuwe soorten mensen ontdekt. De Dodo en de Zwaluw. De Dodo is 's morgens en 's avonds niet actief en de Zwaluw is 's ochtends en 's avonds actief. Zo veronderstel ik dat de Dodo overdag heel actief kan zijn en de Zwaluw over dag een serieus dipje zal hebben. Type mensen volgens hun actief zijn Dodo: 's morgens en 's avonds niet actief maar in het midden van de dag wel. Zwaluw: 's morgens en 's avonds actief en wat minder over dag. Leeuwerik: 's morgens actief maar 's avonds niet, een ochtendmens dus. Nachtegaal: 's morgens niet actief maar 's avonds wel, een avondmens dus.

Dammed earth as a building material of buildings like the pyramids from ancient China

Before there was China the country consisted of several powerful dynasties and empires. The leaders wanted to overwhelm their neighbors with their magnificence and greatness. They did this, by building the Chinese pyramids. These look a bit like the pyramids of Egypt and probably built in this time segment. Only the style and the way they were build are differed from those of the Egyptians. It' a striking fact that they used earth to build the floors and walls. This has been proved by numerous excavations. The fact is that, when dirt is well and long enough dammed, that there can be made very solid structures. The structures seams also be waterproof. The walls and floors where build so strong that the pyramids stand still today. Wood and stone constructions are nothing against it. Labor by slaves Throughout the whole day the earth was dammed by slaves with simple tools. They dammed long enough until they obtained a perfect hardness. With this technique of building, with earth,...

Aangedamde aarde als bouwmateriaal van gebouwen zoals de piramides uit de Chinese Oudheid

Voor er sprake was van China bestond dit land uit een aantal machtige Dynastieën en Rijken. Hierbij wilden de leiders elkaar overtreffen in hun grootsheid. Dit deden ze onder meer door het bouwen van de Chinese piramides. Deze zien er een beetje uit als de piramides van Egypte en waarschijnlijk ook gebouwd in dit tijdssegment. Alleen de stijl en de manier waarop de gebouwen tot stand kwamen in deze rijken verschilden met die van de Egyptenaren. Een frappant gegeven is dat ze aarde gebruikten om vloeren en muren mee te maken zo blijkt uit tal van opgravingen. Het is namelijk zo dat wanneer aarde goed en lang genoeg aangedamd wordt er hele stevige constructies mee kunnen worden gemaakt dit bovendien nog eens waterdicht zijn. Deze muren en vloeren zijn zo sterkt aangedamd dat de piramides op de dag van vandaag nog steeds overeind staan. Houten en stenen constructies zijn er niets tegen. Arbeid door slaven De hele dag door werd de aarde door slaven aangedamd met eenvoudige eenvoudig g...

Setting up an Exchange account in iPhone iOS for your mails and calendar

These settings allows you to retrieve your mails and calendar from an exchange account in to your iPhone iOS. This is useful if you want to set up a business account on iPhone for example. Go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Add Account to Microsoft > Exchange Fields to fill in for the exchange account E-mail: Server: This can be found in Outlook under > File > Account settings > double click on the relevant account > under server settings you can the right information under server. Type this fully address. Domain: Not always necessary to fill in , if you do not know the domain-name, do not fill in Username: Username Password: password of the user Description: Something that can identify this account This way you can connect your exchange mail account on your iPhone and view your agenda and mails on your smartphone without the need of a computer, laptop or tablet. This settings are compatible with all iPhones van ...

Exchange mail account instellen in iPhone iOS

Hiermee kunt u uw mails en agenda van een exchange account op uw iPhone mee opvragen. Dit is handig als je bijvoorbeeld een bedrijfsaccount wilt instellen op up iPhone. Ga naar: Instellingen > E-mail, contacten, agenda's > Voeg account toe > Microsoft Exchange In te vullen velden E-mail: Server: Dit vindt je in outlook terug onder bestand > accountinstellingen > dubbel klik op het betreffende account > bij serverinstellingen kun je dan bij het server: de juiste gegevens vinden. Dit adres tik je hier volledig in. Domein: Niet altijd nodig om in te vullen, als je dit niet weet, niet invullen. Gebruikersnaam: Naam van de gebruiker. Wachtwoord: Wachtwoord van de gebruiker. Beschrijving: Iets waarmee je dit mailaccount mee kan identificeren. Op deze manier kunt u uw e-mail account op uw iPhone activeren en uw agenda en e-mails op uw smartphone bekijken, zonder een computer, laptop of tablet in de buurt te hebben. Deze instellin...

Currencies and ISO-code by country

This table counts the currencies and ISO-code by every country, according to the ISO 4217 code. Currencies ISO-Code Country euro EUR Euro Countries: Belgium, Germany, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Spain dollar AUD Australia lev BGN Bulgaria pound CYP Cyprus dollar CAD Canada crown DKK Denmark crown EEK Estonia forint HUF Hongary yen JPY Japan lath LVL Letvia litas LTL Lithuania lira MTL Malta dollar NZD New Zealand crown NOK Norway zloty PLN Poland leu ROL Romania dollar SGD Singapore crown SKK Slowakia tolar SIT Slovenia baht THB Thailand koruna CZK Czech Republic lira TRL Turkey dollar USD USA (United States of America) pound GBP United Kingdom rand ZAR South Afrika crown SEK Sweden frank CHF Zwitzerland

Why do people wear black clothes at a funeral

When a someone dies then the relatives are dressed in black during and after the church service and the funeral. Where does this traditional phenomenon comes from? For centuries, black is the color of sorrow. The use of black clothes at a funeral arose because they fear the deceased. Our ancestors believed that the soul of a dead person could not leave the body immediately. According to them, the soul of a deceased person was still just wander around. They thought that lonely souls wanted to grab living people, a cry for attention. In order not to be caught by that soul, people where dressed as inconspicuously as possible and black was ideal for this. This way people could walk out of sight of the wandering soul.

Why do we nod yes and do we shake our heads to say no?

We express ourselves not only verbally with words but use our whole body to make something clear, this happens non-verbally with body language. This is the same as we want to say 'yes' or 'no' without words. In almost every country we shake our heads from left to right or right to left if we are talking about something that we are not agree with. In a non-verbal 'yes' we nod our heads from top to bottom. We do this almost unconsciously. But why do we do this, even with our advanced science we don't know. Why we shake 'yes' and 'no' according to Darwin Charles Darwin saw the no-shaking as a relic of the movements of a baby when it want to refuse food. The head then turns away from the breast or bottle. The modern science about the 'yes' and 'no' shake Modern scientists see the no shake a relic of a defensive reflex: averting the face from a threat. The nod is innate, and in this case you can compare it with a babay that latch ...

Elderberry Syrup recipe

Elderberry Syrup helps you against coughing, sore throat and flu. Every day you can take one spoon syrup to prevent a cold. Even during a cold and sore throat the elderberry syrups helps you healing. Pick the berries of the elderberry bush, these must be mature (dark blue to black). They can be picked in the fall, late August and September. Note that you have to wear dirty clothes because the elderberry easily make stains and these are very difficult to wash away. Green, unripe berries can give you cramps. So let hang the immature berries. Do not eat just picked elderberries, because they contain toxic substancess. You can remove the toxins during the cooking process. Always wash the berries, especially if they have been sprayed. Furthermore, the berries contain a lot of acids and vitamin C. Vitamin C is good against viral infections, especially in the winter period. Recipe Press the berries in a food mill. Take 1 liter of juice. Add a pound of cane sugar and some honey. I...

How to give yourself a heart massage when having' a heart attack

Imagine it's 19:15 and you just drive home after an unusually busy day. You are very tired, and frustrated. You are very stressed and cooking ... Suddenly, you feel a stabbing pain in the chest that radiates to your arm and one of your jaws. You are just 5 kilometers from the nearest hospital removed. Unfortunately you are not sure if you are able to reach the hospital. What do you do? You may be trained in giving CPR, but the teacher didn't explained how to perform CPR on yourself. How to survive a heart attack when you are alone? Because many people are alone when they suffer from a heart attack, the heart of the victim will beat irregularly and the victim will begin feeling dizzy, if there is no intervention on time ofcourse. It only takes about 10 seconds before someone is unconscious. What do you need to do to stay alive? Do not panic, but start coughing repeatedly and powerful. Take a deep breath before each cough. The cough must be deep and long held as in coughing up...

Sights in the High Fens (Belgium)

What can you see in the High Fens in the Ardennes? Strepy-Thieu , the largest ship lift in the world, with steel cables that are more than 5 cm thick. The rivers Sambre and Meuse flowing together in the city of Namur. Promenade des artistes and the sources of Spa . This is a walk by and on "Ruisseau la Picherotte" ith the middel of the forest. There you can walk through the sources of Spa. Caves of Remouchamps . Here it is possible to take a boat trip. Dam of Robertville nearby Warche . There you can walk through the forest to a castle. Coalmine of Blegny is out of order but can be still visited. A visit to this coal mine usually leaves a deep impression to the visitors.

Forwarding calles from my mobile phone

This works with all networks What can you activate or deactivate. - Switch calls to another landline or mobile number. - Forward all calls, or only when you are already calling, are does'nt answer a call or if you are unreachable. - Switch calls to your voice mail. You can divert your phone to another number via the menu of your mobile phone or the following codes: To another number Activate Deactivate Your not answering withing 15 seconds Type **61*+32 other number# and push Send Type ##61# and push Send You mobile phone doesn't receive a signal Type **62*+32 other number# and push Send Typ ##62# and push Send Your'e in a call Type **67*+32 other number# and push Send Typ ##67# and push Send You want to forward all calls (no matter what) Type **21*+32 other number# and push Send Typ ##21# and push Send By default, the forwarding time is set to 15 seconds. Do you have a subscription? Then you can adjust it to a value between 5 and 30 seconds. Give in...

Sweep command in AutoCAD

Using the commando sweep to let an object follow a particular path. First you draw the path, such as a spline. Then you draw an object perpendicular to the spline, in this case a circle. Then type the command sweep. You select the object, which must follow the path (circle). Enter. Finally select the path (spline). Enter. Now if you put everything in color than you see that the circle has followed the path.

Name the words, not the colors

Can you read all the words without missing with the colors? Why is this so hard to do? Your right brain tries to say the color. But your left brain wants to read the word itself. Not an easy task for our brain.

Checklist for building a website

Provide a neat layout . Let your website centered vertically and horizontally if it has a better result. Responsive . Make your website responsive from the start or turn it in to a responsive website if you already have one. A responsive website scores better in Google than when it's not responsive. Why? Because it's all about user experience, and the user is often surfing with his iPad or Smart-phone, so the layout of your website has to addept to those small screens while the website is readable and loads fast. Choose your domain name carefully. Note the words that visitors will move most. Additional domain names need to refer properly, also called forward or redirecting of webpage's. Check the cost of the domain and host charges and improve where possible. Check out witch code language are supported. Many host companies supports ASP and PHP coding language if you need it. Let's write an article about your website , this article may be published on ...

Social media buttons met html code voor uw website

Omdat social media heel belangrijk is voor het delen van uw website-inhoud heb je sociale media buttons nodig, zodat bezoekers van uw website op diverse sociale netwerken zoals Facebook en Twitter kunnen delen. We hebben zoveel mogelijk verschillende knoppen in grijstinten en ronde vorm van 32x32 pixels. Waarom grijs? Het heeft kleinere bestanden en het laadt sneller op uw website! En bovenop dit alles, ze zijn gratis inclusief de html code om ze in uw html-bestanden te zetten. CSS code is niet nodig omdat alle codering in html gebeurt. Voorbeeld van alle ronde grijze social media buttons Klik op een aantal van de knoppen om te zien wat er gebeurt. Social media buttons Digg, Email, Facebook, Feeds, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinboard, Pinterest, Pocket, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Tumblr, Twitter en Wordpress. Html code om alle buttons in één rij te tonen Kopieër deze html code in uw html files: HTML CODE: <div align='center'><u...

Social media buttons with html code for your website

Because social media becomes very important for sharing your website content you need social buttons so visitors can share your website on various of social networks like Facebook and Twitter. We made as much as many possible buttons in grayscale and round form of 32x32 pixels. Why grey? Because it has smaller files and it loads faster! And on top of it you get them for free including the html code to put them in your html files. There is no need for css because all coding is html only. Example of all the round grey social buttons Click some of the buttons to see what happens. Social media buttons Digg, Email, Facebook, Feeds, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinboard, Pinterest, Pocket, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Tumblr, Twitter and Wordpress. Html code to have all the buttons in one row Copy the html code to your html files: HTML CODE: <div align='center'><ul class="share-buttons"> <a href="https://www.faceb...