
The perfect laptop configuration for 2017 and 2018

We can help you determing wich laptop suits your needsyou. Because there are a lot of models and brands who deliver laptops and there are many specific needs for the user it should be wise to take some of our advice. We first build a perfect laptop that fits best to the average user. Then we go a step further by giving you the configurations for a professional laptop, for those who are very demanding. And as last we made a configuration for just a little less budget and hardware. We already made some perfect configurations for laptops in 2015 and we see that not much has changed dramatically since then. What changed crucially is the generation of CPU's. Intel has now the 7th generation of i5 and i7 processors on the market. These CPU's are much more efficient in using power and has improved in speed. Also the weigth of the laptops are dramatically downsized. The laptops are also getting thinner and thinner. The disadvantage of that last part is that there's not much sp...

Cooper's Treasure map, the series 2017

The series about Coopers Treasure map are exciting to watch. It's all about finding the treasure of shipwrecks located on the original map of astronaut Gordon Cooper that wrote down the coordinates when he flew above the earth with the Apollo 10 a flight mission from 1969 by the NASA. Gordon was like a father to Darrel who's investigating patches of the map since Gordon personally give the real map to Darrel's father. In the series, that is played on Discovery Channel every Tuesday, you see how Darrel investigate the map with important coordinates to find any clue that probably can give him the ultimate place to search for treasure. Also his father takes an important role in the part of the treasure map. After many discussions Darrel's father gave him the original map that Gordon give him. After some more investigations about the Spanish fleet of Christopher Columbus Darrel decides to put together a team that set seal to the Turks and Caicos Island where many ships s...

Tesla want to make beautiful solar panels of roof tiles

Tesla famous from it's full electric sport-cars will make roof tiles that function as solar panels. The firm leaded by CEO Elon Musk want to produce just more than electric cars. So by the end of 2018 will be a new challenge for Tesla to produce these solar roof tiles. The concept of blending in solar panels already exists from 2010 but the small tiles were not profitable enough at that time. But with the crisis of the global warming, Tesla decided to make attractive solar panels. The first electronic cars looked like golf carts now they look like super cars. The Tesla sports cars are now purchased by Hollywood and Silicon Valley by the rich and famous elite. The same has to happen with solar panels but for here Tesla focus on the ordinary citizens with smaller budgets. The Tesla solar panels will be fully integrated in the roof structure. They will almost be invisible. Where theTesla solar roof tiles will be produced is still a secret. But rumors go that they will be made in ...

Music artists are earning less and less

Why does music artists earning less and less? Because the costs to make an album today is very high In the end of the 90's there was a lot of illegal MP3 music that could be downloaded and it continue. Everything has going digital today. All music are streamed and that doesn't pay the artist as much as back in the days when there was no Internet. Company's like Spotify and Apple music did an effort to let the user pay for what they want to listen to but the profits for the artist are lower than when the user buy an physical record. Still there is made a lot of music but the music of an artist is sometimes just a hype that doesn't last for more than a year. Back in the days a song could easily survive for more than 2 years in the charts and still be in the top 10. People didn't have that much as now and were satisfied with the little choice there was. Now there is an oversupply of music. And people are changing faster from music taste than ever. Everythi...

New Nokia 3310 make-over

The legendary Nokia 3310 from 2000 will be re-released on March 2017 some 17 years after the first release of the first Nokia 3310. In times where every communication goes with a smartphone does Nokia a remarkable remake over of the world most famous GSM ever. Back in the days the robust but small Nokia 3310 was a bestseller with a black and white screen and buttons to type text. The 2017 version will be in full color but with the known buttons and a every large battery good for more than a week standby without charging. The GSM will also be lighter and comes in flashy colors. The make-over of the Nokia 3310 will cost around 50 euros and is as substantial as before. The only downside is that it only can communicate trough 2G networks from back in the day's. Most of these networks are updated to 4G networks. These networks doesn't support G2 anymore. With other words, the phone will not work in many country's. To let the famous 3310 work everywhere there has to be done some...

Veranderen van Job

Een tijdje geleden ben ik veranderd van job. En omdat dit geen gemakkelijke periode in iemands leven is wil ik graag mijn ervaring nu met jullie delen. Zie het als een getuigenis die ook voor u wel eens interessant zou kunnen zijn zeker als je wil veranderen van werk of het ooit van plan bent. Redenen om te veranderen van job Was het de sector die beu was, was het de bedrijfscultuur of was het de job-inhoud en alle taken die er bij hoorden. Was het de jarenlange achteruitgang van het bedrijf, het vele verloop van personeel, het niet vervangen van weggelopen of ontslagen personeel, het niet innoveren of was ikzelf in een gedemotiveerde spiraal terecht gekomen? Lag het aan mij? Was het omdat ik al altijd tegen mijzelf zij dat ik dit nooit zou volhouden tot mijn pensioen. Of was het gewoon simpelweg het idee van het gaan werken voor een firma of baas? Volgens mij was het alles samen die mij deed beslissen om van job te veranderen. Pogingen om te veranderen van job Voor meer d...

Technologie veranderd ons sociaal leven

Alle mensen, net zoals jij en ik, hebben een manier om te communiceren met elkaar. Naast het spreken van man tot man zijn er nog tal van andere manieren om met elkaar te praten. Op de dag van vandaag gebruiken we tal van technologieën om met elkaar te communiceren maar deze technologieën beïnvloeden dan ook onze manier van communiceren en zelfs de manier waarop we leven. Hierbij komt dan nog eens dat technologie razendsnel evolueert en dus ook ons sociaal leven. Nu kunnen we chatten met elkaar via onze Smartphones, Text Messages, E-mail, Facebook/Messenger, Twitter, Skype en nog veel meer. Op vandaag communiceren we niet enkel meer van man tot man of van man tot een beperkt groepje, we zijn dankzij de nieuwe technologieën in staat om iets te delen met de hele wereld. Niet enkel gesproken of geschreven teksten maar ook foto's en video's kunnen met 1 enkele klik gedeeld worden met de hele wereld. Voordelen van technologie in ons sociale leven De vooruitgang van onze technolo...