
Drawing of a White Orchideee (Moonorchidee) (Phalaenopsis Amabilis)

This is a drawing of a white Orchidee also known as the Moonorchidee. The Moonorchidee is native to the peninsula of Malacca and Indonesia. The flower is one of the three national flowers of Indonesia. As you can see, it has some pink color on the inside of the open flowers. Their are mostly 4 to 6 flowers on one stem.

Types of thermal insulation materials and their properties

Below we discuss the most common thermal insulation materials. What are their good qualities and what Lambda values have these materials? It is important to know that: the lower the Lambda value is, the better the material insulates. Also true is when the insulation materials gets thicker from 5 cm to 10 cm, for example, that we should not assume that the thickness of 10 cm can isolat 2 times better. On the contrary, the thicker the better, but there is a weakening of the thermal insulation value when the same thermal insulation material get's thicker and thicker. For example: a EPS plate of 60 mm has a Lambda value of 0,085 W/mK, an EPS plate of 120 mm has a Lambda value: 0,035 W/mK. Go to our conclusion at the bottom of this page to see what's the best insulation material for now and in the near future! PUR (PU) (Polyurethane) Can be uses as solid plates and as a foam spray. PUR is a plastic material made from oil and has the disadvantage that it is highly flammab...

Happy New Year to Everyone! 2012 will be a beautiful new year full of great new music!

A new Year full of great new music! Greetings, A division of: ArchiVision Direcotory

Welke compressie gebruiken bij TIFF afbeeldingen

Er zijn vele verschillende soorten bestandstypen om een afbeelding in op te slaan. Het ene formaat heeft een grote omvang terwijl andere 10 keer kleiner zijn maar minder van hun kwaliteit behouden. In dit artikel zullen we de compressie types van het TIFF formaat onder de loep nemen. Deze bestanden vindt je meestal terug met een .tif - extentsie. Sinds dit een wijd verspreid formaat is die vooral in professionele omgevingen gebruikt worden zijn er al tal van compressies mogelijk om het formaat wat in omvang te verminderen maar zo veel mogelijk de originele kwaliteit te behouden. Het meest kwalitatieve is natuurlijk om geen compressie te gebruiken maar om wille van plaatsgebrek en snelheid wensen we onze afbeelding dus te comprimeren. We deden de test met behulp van bovenstaande afbeelding in grijs-kleuren met de afmetingen van 524 x 261 pixels. In een PSD formaat van PhotoShop is het bestand 229 kB (234.897 bytes) groot. Compressie Grootte Opmerkingen ACDSee Adobe Deflate 8...

When do I have to change my password account?

For people that work in a company is security very important. But is this enough? Passwords should be changed frequently for the ultimate security of your business! So, when do you have to change your password? For small companies is changing their passwords for about a half a year or a year the minimum. Larger companies that have to deal with more security, I should say, every month! Other occasions: If a person's is fired or leaving the company, you never know what their up to do. If an external company does the IT and server and you are changing or decide to do the IT by yourself, or another company, than make sure that all passwords has been changes before you take over the server. If you maintain the server and IT of the company and you get fired or decide to leave the company, inform the company to let everyone's password been changed the day you left the company. Why? Because if someone hack into their system than you cannot be blamed for it because you ...

Download Free Music!

Here are the best Website's to Download Free Music Fully Legal. GrooveShark  is an online service where you can stream almost every song in a music player.  has some free music in all sorts of genres. offers you to stream music. Deezer is a platform that streams music to your pc, laptop, mobile phone and smart phone from their servers.

zzongs: A new source for your favorite music!

zzongs ,  is an online service that provides you very detailed information about artists, songs, versions of a song and releases. Almost everything has a link to more information for example: if the artist is clickable than you be send to a page made for the artist with all the songs, albums and remixes made by that them. If you click on a song than you come to a page with all the possible versions and the length of it. On the end of the page you find the compilations, albums, vinyl's and cd or maxi-singles where you can find the tracks on. The  zzongs  is well updated with the newest music available on this moment. By using the search bar you will find the most accurate data you're looking for. There are lot's of music genres and styles included, music lovers of the electronic genre will be very satisfied. Main changes The structure of our new website is much more clear than before and works more efficiënt new fully responsive for Smart Phones, Cover images, YouTub...