
Google's GMMXIE New Years Doogle for 2011

Google's New Years Doogle for 2011 Google's logo now changed to GMMXIE on 31 December 2010, the day before New Year 2011. The 'MMXI' in the logo stands for 2011, written in Roman characters (numbers). Google did some Redundancy with the word 'Google', but it is still readable. We recognize the word because we don't need the whole word to be written correct to recognize it. Even when words are spelled like 'Univresity' we recognize the word as 'University'.

Indiana earthquake 2010, a magnitude of 4.2 has been registered by the University's Seismic Station

Thursday 30th December, 2010 - An earthquake was felt in Indiana and in four states beyond Indiana. It's an earthquake scientists describe as rare, unusual and unprecedented as far as its location in Indiana. Earthquake registration in Indiana

jucheck.exe in Windows 7 what is it? A virus? Or can it be trusted?

Java Icon jucheck.exe comes sometimes in a pop-up-screen when using Windows 7. First things first, jucheck.exe is not a virus (like Norton Antivirus says, they are wrong about that). It is in fact a part of the Sun Java UpdateChecker Module. It let you update the Java components on your computer. The updates are save and can be trusted even if Windows say it's an unknown publisher. Windows only want you to say that jucheck.exe can be installed and make changes to your system. By clicking 'Yes', it updates the Java components that are needed for websites that are using the latest Java Code and techniques of the Java(TM) Platform. When jucheck.exe keeps popping up you just have to say 'Yes' to install it. On regular base there will be new Java updates to make sure you have the latest Java technology on your computer. Download here the latest updates of the Java Platform Java is also known as Java Runtime Environment (JRE, Java Runtime) or Java Virtual Mach...

Slow Internet connection with Wi-Fi using Windows Vista operating system

Some Vista users has the problem that their wireless internet connection connect very late even 4 or 5 minutes after Windows Vista is booted. There is a solution that can help connecting your Vista machine to the internet, trough the router, almost immediately after starting up your Vista computer. 1. Go to your 'Configuration Screen' 2. Open 'The Network Center' 3. Go to 'Change Adapter Settings' 4. Right click 'Wireless Adapter' 5. Click 'Settings' 6. Checkmark the 'IP/TCP V6' Off Your done!

Happy New Year Card with some modern firework

A new Year, a new beginning. We made a shiny Happy New Years Card to have everybody a good start next year. We wish everybody a good health and lots of fun in the New Year! Go to: Christmas and New Year Wishes and Greetings Greetings, The ArchiVision Directory Team

Top Gear Season 16 started with a Top Gear Christmas Special 2010

A Middle East challenge. They started in Iraq following the path of the three wise men to finishing some 1200 miles later, in Bethlehem. Jeremy Clarkson’s car of choice for this epic journey was a Mazda MX5. James May’s drove a BMW Z3 with camouflage paint on it. And Richard Hammond had a reliability Fiat Barchetta. Lots of fun and adventure with these Top Gear Christmas Special to start Season 16. The second episode of Season 16 is scheduled for 23 January 2011, according to some rumors. Related article: Top Gear Season 16 started with a Top Gear Christmas Special 2010 The Stig unmasked? When will Top Gear Season 16 start? Will it be in 2010 are will it be 2011? Supercars Reviewed

Nuclear Fusion, the eternal promise as renewable energy?

Fusion is the energy of the sun and the stars, and the largest source of energy in the universe. The ITER fusion reactor that has to rise in Cadarache, France, costs billions of euro's to be paid by a number of countries including Japan and the USA. China is already building its own nuclear fusion reactor. It's a battle between lobbyists for power, money and new techniques because all of the great powers want to protect their energy sources. Will the nuclear fusion the energy source of the future? We will know perhaps until 2050. See on Wikipedia a larger definition of Nuclear Fusion and how it works. Nuclear Power Plant