
Top 5 most expensive wrist watches ever made - this is the most exclusive top 5 of the world for the year 2010.

Which are the most expensive wrist watches of the world? Well we did the top 5 for the year 2010. The most exclusive watches come with materials as platinum, titanium, carbon and diamonds. Some of the watches are master pieces with a suburb mechanism. Most of these watches are so expensive that they sometimes cost more than a car or even a home. Take a little sneak peak of the top 5 most expensive men's wrist watches and enjoy their design and luxury. You have to be a millionaire to buy these wrist watches. nr.   1 mark: Piaget (owned by Richemont) model (collection): Emperador 'Temple' price: € 2,47 million / $ 3,3 million material made of: diamonds more: has 2 hidden watches, is set with 481 brilliant-cut diamonds, 207 baguette-cut diamonds and an emerald-cut diamond on the top nr. 2 mark: Frank Muller model (collection): Aeternitas Mega 4 price: € 2,1 million / $ 2,7 million material made of: platinum more: ...

How to use keywords in the right way to get lots of traffic on Google's search machine

Many of you who manage a website wants lots of visitors. Even many of you have heard about keywords? Do you really need good Keywords? The answer is Yes. But. The real question is how do we get lots of traffic by using Keywords? Well everything depends on how your website is displayed in the Google results. How your website will be shown in the Google Results can be optimized to get more traffic. And yes you want massive traffic. So here's a tip that can get your website to the number 1 page in the Google results, with the right Google keywords. To get a good traffic you need to manage your keywords in the right way. And that is exactly what we are going to tell you on the basis of an example. For example if you have a website about reviewing supercars like this site: . Than make sure that you have these two main keywords in your website-address and in your title tags of your website. You can also place them in your meta-keywords an meta-...

Microsoft Windows 8, a 128 bit platform! Is it going to be real or is it just a hype or a rumor?

The start screen in Windows 8 Windows 7 just arrived in 2010 and the workers of Microsoft are already busy making a better operating system. It will be known as Windows 8, what else did you expect? 128 bit?! XP was known as a 32 bit operation system, Windows 7 made 64 bit the standard but Microsoft has plans to make the Windows 8 OS a 128 bit platform. Here for, your computer has to have an 128 bit architecture to manage the data processes. The question is what for CPU it need to drive on. Will it be a single core 128 bit processor or do you need several 64 bit cores. No panic the 128 bit processor already exists. What does it means in reality? First you need more RAM Chips. And new software that is 128 bit compatible including Microsoft's own Office. Now a day there is no such a software available for the masses. Software companies has just made their software 64 bit compatible for Windows 7. Another investment for a 128 bit version of their software seems a little too...

African FIFA Worldcup Football 2010 - Spain - Netherlands: 1-0

Spain is the champion in The final cup of the World Cup football in Africa (Johannesburg). Spain scored the decisive goal from Iniesta Andres in the added time and wins the World Cup Football in Africa. Fiesta!!!!

Clash of the Titans 2010 - DVD and Blu-ray release (review)

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36 graden op warmste dag van het jaar 2010 in België, de zomer is er helemaal!

Vandaag 02/07/2010 werd in Kleine Brogel (België) een temperatuur opgemeten van 37 graden. Veel mensen profiteerden volop van de warme temperaturen. Dit zorgde voor kilometers verre files naar de kust. Op festivals werd er gretig gebruik gemaakt van de watervoorziening die voor wat koelte moest zorgen. Naar de avond toe kwamen al onweersbuien aanzetten met de daarbij horende donder, bliksem en stortregen. Er wordt verwacht dat de temperatuur terug tot 36 graden kan oplopen tegen woensdag. Zonsondergang met zicht op zee - Sunset with seaview

Ypers Rally 2010 Belgium IRC contest

Mooi zonnig weer, strijdlustige rally wagens en schitterende parcours. Het belooft weer spannend te worden voor de 45ste Ypres Rally deze keer georganiseerd door Geko. De gewone IRC wagens beloven hun snelste tijd neer te zetten terwijl de historics voor spektakel zullen zorgen. Meer info vindt je op: Geko Ypres Rally 2010 Meer filmpjes over de rally van Ieper vindt je op dit kanaal van YouTube