Social media buttons met html code voor uw website

Omdat social media heel belangrijk is voor het delen van uw website-inhoud heb je sociale media buttons nodig, zodat bezoekers van uw website op diverse sociale netwerken zoals Facebook en Twitter kunnen delen.

We hebben zoveel mogelijk verschillende knoppen in grijstinten en ronde vorm van 32x32 pixels.

Waarom grijs? Het heeft kleinere bestanden en het laadt sneller op uw website!

En bovenop dit alles, ze zijn gratis inclusief de html code om ze in uw html-bestanden te zetten.

CSS code is niet nodig omdat alle codering in html gebeurt.
Voorbeeld van alle ronde grijze social media buttons
Klik op een aantal van de knoppen om te zien wat er gebeurt.
Social media buttons
Digg, Email, Facebook, Feeds, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinboard, Pinterest, Pocket, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Tumblr, Twitter en Wordpress.

Html code om alle buttons in één rij te tonen
Kopieër deze html code in uw html files:


<div align='center'><ul class="share-buttons">
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Tweet"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Share on Google+"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Post to Tumblr"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Pin it"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Add to Pocket"><img src=""></a>
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Submit to Reddit"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Share on LinkedIn"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Publish on WordPress"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Save to Pinboard"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Digg it!"><img src=""></a>
<a href="mailto:?subject=&" target="_blank" title="Email"><img src=""></a>

U kunt ook een regel code verwijderen als je een bepaalde sociale media niet wil gebruiken.

Buttons tonen in meerder lijnen
Als u de sociale knoppen wilt weergegeven in 2 rijen dan kun je <p></p> of </br> in het midden van de lijnen met code plaatsen. Als u wilt dat de sociale knoppen in meer dan 2 rijen wordt weergegeven dan zetten we meerdere <p></p> or </br> tussen de lijnen met code.


<div align='center'><ul class="share-buttons">
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Tweet"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Share on Google+"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Post to Tumblr"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Pin it"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Add to Pocket"><img src=""></a>
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>
<p></p> OR </br>
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Submit to Reddit"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Share on LinkedIn"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Publish on WordPress"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Save to Pinboard"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Digg it!"><img src=""></a>
<a href="mailto:?subject=&" target="_blank" title="Email"><img src=""></a>


Download de social buttons

Vergeet niet "" te hernoemen naar uw website waar je de beeldbestanden hebt upgeload. Vooral als je de knoppen wilt manipuleren.

Veranderen ook en naar een van uw websites.

Social media buttons with html code for your website

Because social media becomes very important for sharing your website content you need social buttons so visitors can share your website on various of social networks like Facebook and Twitter.

We made as much as many possible buttons in grayscale and round form of 32x32 pixels.

Why grey? Because it has smaller files and it loads faster!
And on top of it you get them for free including the html code to put them in your html files.
There is no need for css because all coding is html only.

Example of all the round grey social buttons
Click some of the buttons to see what happens.

Social media buttons
Digg, Email, Facebook, Feeds, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinboard, Pinterest, Pocket, Reddit, StumbleUpon, Tumblr, Twitter and Wordpress.

Html code to have all the buttons in one row
Copy the html code to your html files:


<div align='center'><ul class="share-buttons">
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Tweet"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Share on Google+"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Post to Tumblr"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Pin it"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Add to Pocket"><img src=""></a>
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Submit to Reddit"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Share on LinkedIn"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Publish on WordPress"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Save to Pinboard"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Digg it!"><img src=""></a>
<a href="mailto:?subject=&" target="_blank" title="Email"><img src=""></a>

You can also delete a code line if you don't use a particular social media.

Buttons displayed in rows
If you want the social buttons displayed in 2 rows than you need to put <p></p> or </br> in the middle of the code lines. If you want to display the social buttons in more than 2 rows put some more <p></p> or </br> between the code lines.


<div align='center'><ul class="share-buttons">
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Tweet"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Share on Google+"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Post to Tumblr"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Pin it"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Add to Pocket"><img src=""></a>
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>
<p></p> OR </br>
<a href=""><img src="" /></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Submit to Reddit"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Share on LinkedIn"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Publish on WordPress"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Save to Pinboard"><img src=""></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Digg it!"><img src=""></a>
<a href="mailto:?subject=&" target="_blank" title="Email"><img src=""></a>

Download the social buttons

Don't forget to rename "" to your directory where you put your image files. Especially if you want to manipulate the buttons.

Also change and to one of your websites.

Sightseeing in Paris (France)

In Paris there are many beautiful places and buildings. Below you will find a list of some beautiful places in Paris.

Ile de la Cité
Notre Dame
The Louvre and its pyramids
Place de la Concorde
La Défense
Place du Tertre (Montmartre)
Sacre Coeur (Montmartre)
La Tour Eiffel (Eiffel Tower)
Jardin des Tuileries
Champs de Mars
Porte Saint-Ouen
Arc de Triomphe
Ecole millitary
Les Invalides
Centre Pompidou
Stade de France (football stadium)
La Gronde Arche
Les Quatre Temps
Ile de la Cité

Sights slightly further from the city of Paris:
Charles de Gaulle (Airport with)
Musée de l'Air (Le Bourget)

Molecules are like planets

This might be a controversial statement, but they might be true, not only philosophically but also materialistic.

Here comes the proposition with the necessary explanation.

The molecules that consist of a core and electrons could be proposes as the planets and the sun.

As we continue to go into space to see things from a larger perspective, we can also apply this to our materials, we can magnify the smallest things infinite.

Suppose our planets are the electrons of a much larger whole in our space commensurate as an electron in relation to a piece of material on our earth.

We can compare
The universe = Solid substance obtained by multiple materials
Galaxy and mists = several substances
Solar = molecule of a solid substance
Sun and planets + moons = atoms and electrons (the sun is at the core of a molecule)
Meteors = Liberated electrons
Black hole = Opening from a material to another material

Perhaps on earth there are many so-called civilized electrons fed by atoms like suns with planets around.

The color of the universe
Because electrons can orbiting around the atoms you might argue that the earth and the planets around the sun runs so fast that the universe looks dark or black to us as if we are part of that dark, black material.

May be we have a dark, black universe because all kinds of colors are together, all these colors together gives us the black color. Just as you would mix all colors in paint and then obtain a black color.

Mixing of the materials
By mixing two or more materials you obviously have a different material. Apply this to our universe and then you have an explanation for the many types of galaxies and nebulae consisting of different colors and materials.

The first humans on earth

The first people on earth were ape-men who roamed, robbed of nature, hunters and food gatherers. There are many traces and remains of these wanderers found on the earth. We can form a picture of how they used to live.

Data and historical milestones of the first people on earth
6 million years BC > First man
3 million years BC > Wanderers
100 thousand years BC > The man of Spy
60 thousand years BC > Homo Sapiens
40 thousand years BC > Stone tools and weapons
7500 years BC > Sophisticated tools (polishing of stone)
350 years BC > Cro-Magnon

Weapons and tools
All tools and weapons came directly from nature. Many of the tools first used consist of wood or carved stone. However, bones, tendons, skin and hair were also used to make tools. Silex stones were worked into yielding spearheads and a deer antler served for a variety of tools.
Some items that often appear in numerous excavations are: clubs, hand axes, spears, scrapers, knives, ropes, hooks, spades and more.

The people discovered fire. It was very important because they could grill food, they could heat up and defend their self.

Spears and knives were used during the hunt. But also pits and barriers were used to catch wild animals. During the chase they made sure that they were against the wind, so the animals could not smell them. They also disguised themselves with reindeer skins so to get as close to their prey as possible without the animals were shocked by their presence. Animal furs were worn with the fur inside.

For fishing they used spears with barbs so the fish hung on the spear.

The main tasks of the women
They mainly gathered fruits, were catching fish, bird nest robbing, digging roots, tanning animal skins, making baskets of woven reeds ... But they also take care of the newborn babies and children.

The main tasks of the men
They went hunting on small and large animals. They had to defend their tribe against other tribes or dangerous wild animals.

Living among the first people
The first people did not live long in the same place. As soon as the food was run out in a particular area, they moved on to a more nutrient-rich area. They moved around from one area to another. They lived in tents sails of animal-skins, hides in caves or huts made ​​of branches, skins or straw. They never lived far from a river or pond so they could easily get to water.

The first people wore clothes of pelts and skins of animals. Women also tanned animal skins to have a nice soft supple skin.

Living in group
The first people have always lived in small herds or groups, also called a stem with a chieftain. The more people in a group the better they could hunt and defend. Living in a small group has also the advantage that the food they consumed in their habitat run out quickly.

The first people traded with other tribes, for example, exchange flint against animal skins or food.

The animals at the time of the first people
Most of the animals we know today also occurred during their period. There were reindeer, bears, wild horses, chamois, wolves, bison ... But also the extinct mammoth took part of their world. These have been extinct for years. Many of the animals that lived during that period of time looked a little different than we know them now. In all these years, these also evolved like the humans did. Although they are not as evolved as the almighty humans.

The first people believed in natural forces who offered them as Gods.
They drawn and paints on stones and rock ​​to obtain the power over animals and to obtain more insight into the hunt, I think of the tactics to lure a herd of animals into a trap.
They gave sacrifices to protect themselves from evil phenomena or to favorably the Gods.
They buried their dead carefully. Many of these tribes believed in the afterlife.
Plenty of great artistic stones where mint to be graves:
- Menhirs: large upright stones
- Dolmens: large stones serve two smaller stones are

How arises electrical voltage?

Voltage supply can occur in many different ways. The main reason why voltage may occur is by the energy that comes from different sources.

By magnetic and mechanical action
In a copper-wire that moves between the poles of a magnet, there will be created voltage. For example, magnetic energy is converted to electrical energy. Such rotating (moving) sources is called generators. So you have: the alternator that supplies DC, bicycle magneto that AC supplies and alternators from cars and power plants that supplies three phase voltage.

This principle was discovered by the British physicist Faraday around 1830. He also discovered the 'Faraday cage'.

The dynamo of a bicycle. If you place the wheel of the dynamo against the tire and you turn the wheel of the bicycle then there arise voltage in the magneto and that provides power to the bicycle lamps that can now can give light.

Heat operation
Two different metals, for example iron and constantan, are welded to each other on one side. By the heating of the weld there will be formed a small voltage between the two metals.

Here takes the conversion of thermal energy into electrical energy place.

The sources are called thermocouples or thermoelectric elements. They are not interesting enough for the production of electrical energy but are uses as temperature sensors. Whit this technique are big temperatures measured in furnaces with high temperatures. They ar also useful as control technology in gas heaters. Suppose that the pilot light is off, than the voltage disappears. This let the electromagnetism disappear, allowing the throttle to be idle and the gas shuts off.

Burn a candle and hold a thermocouple above the flame. At the free ends you connect and millivolt meter and you heat the contact point. The mV-meter gives a few milli-volts.

By lighting effect
The rays of the sun can be converted to solar-energy. The light energy is converted by the photovoltaic cells or solar cells in electrical energy. They can be found in solar panels on roofs, in aerospace, in measurement and control techniques, watches, calculators, ...

By chemical action
Between two different metals, take copper and zinc, immersed in a salt or acid solution, arises a DC voltage. A chemical energy is converted to electrical energy. So, it becomes possible to generate electrical energy, in a limited small amount.

This principle was discovered by the Italian scholar Volta around the year 1800.

Insert a stick a stick of copper and a stick of zinc in a lemon. The two sticks may not touch each other. Now connect each stick with a line of a DC volt meter. So the needle goes about 1 volt. If it doesn't then you should swap the two lines.

Transposition of energy by electricity
By chemical, mechanical, thermal or light effect a tension, so you get an electrical source. This voltage may cause an electrical current, which can be turned again in to a chemical, mechanical, thermal or light-function.

The Incas, the decayed Indian tribe from South America

The Incas were an indigenous people living in the northwest of South America, in the Andes. The heyday of the Inca civilization lasted roughly from 1438 to 1532, so only a century.

The entire kingdom was destroyed by the Spaniards under Francisco Pizarro.w., All the gold was looted. For the Incas gold meant nothing but for the Spaniards was is true wealth.

Many contemporary buildings in the Peruvian town Qosqo (Cuzco) are built on the remains of ancient Inca buildings, because Cuzco was the capital of the empire.

The Incas were great architects. They built bridges over rivers, great forts, and beautiful cities with temples. They knew how to cultivate the mountains by building terraces on these mountains.

Machu Picchu is a good example of an architectural world wonder.
The walls of the buildings consisted of stones, which were so placed into each other, that there was no need of cement.

To ensure that the moon and the sun would not stop, stones were placed on the mountain tops.
The sun god was called Inti, the moon god Quilla.
The Incas believed in the power of the sun as a benefactor of the Earth.
The Sun was often honored with solar festivals.

The leader of the Incas was the Sapa Inca. He was an absolute ruler.
He married his blood sister, the Qilla.
The Sapa Inca was considered the direct descendant of the sun.

The Incas lived from agriculture. The Inca farmers irrigated and fertilized the land to grew more than 20 products, such as corn, potatoes, cocoa, tomatoes and tobacco.

In other parts of the world these they did not know very long how to cultivate the land.

The Incas believed in a life after death and they also worshiped their ancestors.
The bodies of their ancestors were the main objects within the realm.
It was as if they were still alive, because the Incas spoke to their fathers about things that were happening just as the Mayans predicted the future by analyzing the space.
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