
Showing posts from February, 2024

Nvidia H100 the fastest AI processor in the world ensures higher stock market prices

The Nvidia H100 AI chip has a positive impact on Nvidia's stock market figures. The enormous demand from technology companies such as Facebook and the interest of Arab countries in the fastest AI processor in the world, contribute to this. The development of the H200, which is expected to be twice as fast gives a further boost to Nvidia's position in the market. Some details The H100 offers a significant performance improvement over its predecessors, making it ideal for demanding AI applications such as machine learning, deep learning and natural language processing. The chip is also more energy efficient, which is important for data centers that train and run large volumes of AI models. The demand for AI technology is growing rapidly and Nvidia is well positioned to capitalize on this trend with the H100. The stock market reaction Nvidia's stock price has risen in recent months, partly due to strong demand for the H100. Analysts are largely positive about the chip and expe...

Nvidia H100 de snelste AI processor ter wereld zorgt voor hoge beurscijfers

De Nvidia H100 AI-chip heeft een positieve impact op de beurscijfers van Nvidia. De enorme vraag van technologiebedrijven zoals Facebook, en de interesse van Arabische landen in de snelste AI-processor ter wereld, dragen hieraan bij. De ontwikkeling van de H200, die naar verwachting twee keer zo snel zal zijn, is een verdere stimulans voor de positie van Nvidia in de markt. Enkele details De H100 biedt een aanzienlijke prestatieverbetering ten opzichte van zijn voorgangers, waardoor hij ideaal is voor veeleisende AI-toepassingen zoals machine learning, deep learning en natural language processing. De chip is ook energiezuiniger, wat belangrijk is voor datacenters die grote hoeveelheden AI-modellen trainen en uitvoeren. De vraag naar AI-technologie groeit snel, en Nvidia is goed gepositioneerd om te profiteren van deze trend met de H100. De beursreactie De aandelenkoers van Nvidia is de afgelopen maanden gestegen, deels vanwege de sterke vraag naar de H100. Analisten zijn overwegend pos...

Unicode characters csv and xlsx list free download

These are almost every special characters (Latin, Mandarin, Japanese, Arabic and many more) with their unicode. Normaly a Unicode is displayed like: U+006B but the U+ is not added to the unicode in these lists. These lists are free to download and use.  Download the zip file with the chart of Unicode characters Files included in the zip file release notes v0.3.txt unicode common characters v0.3.csv (UTF-8 formated with BOM) unicode common characters v0.3.xlsx unicode numbers v0.3.csv (UTF-8 formated with BOM) unicode numbers v0.3.xlsx unicode special characters v0.3.csv (UTF-8 formated with BOM) unicode special characters v0.3.xlsx Can't open the zip file? Use WinRAR  one of the best unzip apps. Help with displaying issues If you copy these characters to a format like csv or txt please take note you save the csv file as UTF8 with BOM or in the unicode format. Also note that some fonts can't display certain characters. Stick with Calabri, Arial or use the more advanced Noto fo...