The connection between the 20 dollar bill and the attacks of 9/11 (American historical mysteries and coincidences)

1) Fold a new $ 20 dollar bill in half ... 2) Fold again, make sure you fold it exactly as in the picture below. 3) Fold the other end, exactly as before 4) Turn it now .... What a coincidence! A simple geometric fold a $ 20 dollar bill unveiled a catastrophe, to see to all of the $ 20 bills !!! Coincidence? Iike this was not enough, this is what you saw: First, the Pentagon on fire ... .. Then the Twin Towers And look here .. !! Three casual disasters on a single $ 20 dollar bill? Ramp 1 (Pentagon) Ramp 2 (Twin Towers) Ramp 3 (Osama) ??? It gets even better: 9 + 11 = $ 20 !! (9/11 = nine September the day of the attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon) Scary huh?