400: Bad Request and 404: Not Found error message in my Internet Browser. What does it means?

The 400: Bad Request error message. A common Error that can be appear in the Internet Explorer, FireFox, Chrome or any other Internet Browser. But what does it mean? Well if you get such a message than the link you want to follow, to receive the information your where looking for, seems not reachable. More technically: The 400 Bad Request browser error means that the request you was sending to the server of the Website is malformed, so the server is unable to understand or process the request. Error 404: The page cannot be found The 404: Not Found error message: means that the page you were trying to reach could not be found on the server where the website is located on. This is the most common internet browser error message ever. It also appears as the message: 'The page cannot be found'. If you get such a message than the link you want to follow to receive the information your where looking for seems no longer to exist. In most cases, the requested webpage was deleted by th...