
Showing posts from September, 2010

Succesvol worden met 6 gouden tips, wie droomt hier niet van?

De Sleutel tot Succes! The Key to Succes ! Iedereen wil wel succesvol worden. Iedereen streeft er naar, ook al willen de meesten dit niet toegeven. Iedereen streeft er naar beter te worden en iemand te zijn van enige betekenis. Maar hoe wordt je succesvol. We zochten het even op en kwamen terecht op de website: Succesvol worden: 6 gouden tips . Deze website bevat 6 gouden tips om succesvol te worden in het eender wat of waar je maar succesvol in wil worden. Ze bevat tevens een definitie over wat succes juist inhoud, dit kan immers verschillen van persoon tot persoon.

Most misspelled search terms for the word Google it self - a little list

Foogle Google misspelled as Googel Goegel Goegle Gogel Gogle Goole Googe Googel Googgle Googglle Googl Google Googlle Googol Gooogel Hoegle Hoogle Oogle

Colors, sort colors, main colors, color standards like: CMYK, RGB system, pantone colors and the RAL numbers. What are colors anyway? An explanation

Spectrum of colors Color is the visual perceptual property of humans that can category the main colors like: red, green, blue and the and all the colors between any of these main colors. The variety of colors is called the spectrum of light. This is a distribution of light energy versus wavelength. These are interacting with the eye that send these receptors to are brain to recognize the various colors. Color categories and physical specifications of color are also associated with objects, materials and light sources like the sun or a bulb, based on their physical properties such as light absorption, reflection, or emission spectra. We speak of a color space where colors can be identified numerically by their coordinates. Colored dots The main colors The main colors are: white, green, blue, yellow and red. Every other color can be made by mixing 2 are more main colors. You get black if you mix the green, blue, yellow and red color true each other. RGB-system (Red, Green,...