Wat kan er gebeuren als DNA en AI elkaar ontmoeten

 De convergentie van DNA en AI staat op het punt een revolutie teweeg te brengen op verschillende gebieden, waaronder de gezondheidszorg, de landbouw en de biotechnologie. Hier zijn enkele van de opwindende mogelijkheden die ontstaan wanneer DNA en AI samenkomen.


AI kan enorme hoeveelheden genomische gegevens analyseren om individuele genetische variaties te identificeren die bijdragen aan de gevoeligheid voor ziekten, de respons op medicijnen en andere gezondheidsgerelateerde kenmerken.
Deze informatie kan vervolgens worden gebruikt om gepersonaliseerde behandelplannen en preventieve strategieën te ontwikkelen. Ontdekking van medicijnen AI kan het ontdekkingsproces van geneesmiddelen versnellen door veelbelovende kandidaat-geneesmiddelen te identificeren op basis van hun moleculaire structuur en potentiële interacties met specifieke eiwitten of genen. Dit kan de tijd en kosten voor het ontwikkelen van nieuwe medicijnen aanzienlijk verminderen.


AI kan de gewasopbrengsten helpen verbeteren, het gebruik van hulpbronnen optimaliseren en veerkrachtige gewassen ontwikkelen door genomische gegevens, omgevingsomstandigheden en landbouwpraktijken te analyseren. Dit kan leiden tot duurzamere en productievere landbouwsystemen.


AI kan worden gebruikt om nieuwe organismen te ontwikkelen met verbeterde eigenschappen, zoals een hogere opbrengst, verbeterde weerstand tegen plagen of ziekten, of het vermogen om waardevolle chemicaliën te produceren. Dit heeft het potentieel om een revolutie teweeg te brengen in verschillende industrieën, waaronder de landbouw, de geneeskunde en de productie van biobrandstoffen en bioplastics.


AI kan technieken voor het bewerken van genen, zoals CRISPR-Cas9, begeleiden en verfijnen om nauwkeurige en efficiënte genmodificaties te bereiken. Dit heeft het potentieel om genetische ziekten te genezen, nieuwe therapieën te ontwikkelen en de landbouwproductiviteit te verbeteren.


De integratie van DNA en AI bevindt zich nog in de beginfase, maar biedt een enorme belofte voor het aanpakken van enkele van de meest urgente uitdagingen ter wereld, waaronder ziekten, voedselzekerheid en duurzaamheid. Naarmate de AI-technologie zich blijft ontwikkelen, kunnen we verwachten dat er nog meer baanbrekende toepassingen uit deze krachtige samenwerking zullen voortkomen. (bron: Google Bard)​Feedback sturen Zijvensters

What happens when DNA meets AI (Artificial Intelligence)

The convergence of DNA and AI is poised to revolutionize various fields, including healthcare, agriculture, and biotechnology. Here are some of the exciting possibilities that arise when DNA meets AI: Precision 


AI can analyze vast amounts of genomic data to identify individual genetic variations that contribute to susceptibility to diseases, drug response, and other health-related traits. This information can then be used to develop personalized treatment plans and preventive strategies.

Drug Discovery

AI can accelerate the drug discovery process by identifying promising drug candidates based on their molecular structure and potential interactions with specific proteins or genes. This can significantly reduce the time and cost of developing new drugs.


AI can help improve crop yields, optimize resource use, and develop resilient crops by analyzing genomic data, environmental conditions, and agricultural practices. This can lead to more sustainable and productive agricultural systems.


AI can be used to engineer new organisms with enhanced properties, such as increased yield, improved resistance to pests or diseases, or the ability to produce valuable chemicals. This has the potential to revolutionize various industries, including agriculture, medicine, and the production of biofuels and bioplastics.

Gene Editing

AI can guide and refine gene editing techniques like CRISPR-Cas9 to achieve precise and efficient gene modifications. This has the potential to cure genetic diseases, develop new therapies, and improve agricultural productivity. 


The integration of DNA and AI is still in its early stages, but it holds immense promise for addressing some of the world's most pressing challenges, including diseases, food security, and sustainability. As AI technology continues to advance, we can expect to see even more groundbreaking applications emerge from this powerful collaboration. (source: Google Bard)

Wat is de meest efficiënte taal

Het bepalen van de meest efficiënte taal is een complexe taak die afhankelijk is van verschillende factoren en subjectief kan zijn, afhankelijk van de specifieke gebruikte criteria. Verschillende onderzoeken hebben echter geprobeerd de taalefficiëntie te kwantificeren, waarbij deze doorgaans wordt gemeten in termen van informatiedichtheid, die verwijst naar de hoeveelheid informatie die per taaleenheid wordt overgebracht.

Eén onderzoek, gepubliceerd in het tijdschrift 'Plos One' , onderzocht zeven van de meest gesproken talen ter wereld: Engels, Mandarijn Chinees, Spaans, Hindi, Frans, Russisch en Arabisch. De onderzoekers ontdekten dat Engels de hoogste informatiedichtheid had, wat betekent dat het de meeste informatie kon overbrengen met de minste hoeveelheid taalkundige middelen. Dit werd toegeschreven aan verschillende factoren, waaronder de relatief eenvoudige morfologie van het Engels (woordstructuur) en het uitgebreide gebruik van eenlettergrepige woorden.

Een ander onderzoek, uitgevoerd door het Language Log-blog, analyseerde de efficiëntie van verschillende talen bij het uitdrukken van abstracte concepten . De onderzoekers ontdekten dat Engels opnieuw tot de meest efficiënte talen behoorde, terwijl talen als Japans en Mandarijn-Chinees in dit opzicht minder efficiënt waren. Dit werd toegeschreven aan de grote woordenschat van het Engels en het vermogen ervan om abstracte concepten met minder woorden uit te drukken.

Het is echter belangrijk op te merken dat efficiëntie niet de enige factor is waarmee rekening moet worden gehouden bij het evalueren van een taal. Andere belangrijke overwegingen zijn onder meer de culturele context, expressiviteit en leergemak. Een taal kan bijvoorbeeld zeer efficiënt zijn in het overbrengen van informatie, maar minder geschikt zijn voor het uiten van emoties of het creëren van poëzie. Bovendien hangt de moeilijkheid van het leren van een taal af van verschillende factoren, zoals de gelijkenis met de moedertaal en de beschikbaarheid van leermiddelen.

Concluderend: hoewel is aangetoond dat Engels een van de meest efficiënte talen is in termen van informatiedichtheid heeft het concept van taalefficiëntie vele facetten en is het afhankelijk van verschillende criteria. Andere talen kunnen in verschillende aspecten uitblinken, en uiteindelijk hangt de keuze voor de meest efficiënte taal af van de specifieke context en behoeften van de gebruiker.

Meest efficiënte computertaal

Het bepalen van de meest efficiënte computertaal is een complexe taak die afhankelijk is van verschillende factoren, waaronder de specifieke criteria die worden gebruikt om de efficiëntie te meten, het type applicatie dat wordt ontwikkeld en de expertise van de programmeur. Er komen echter enkele algemene trends naar voren bij het overwegen van verschillende programmeertalen.

Gecompileerde talen worden doorgaans als efficiënter beschouwd dan geïnterpreteerde talen, omdat ze vóór uitvoering in machinecode worden vertaald, wat kan resulteren in snellere uitvoeringssnelheden. Voorbeelden van gecompileerde talen zijn C, C++ en Rust.

Lage talen bieden directere controle over hardwarebronnen, wat in bepaalde situaties tot een hogere efficiëntie kan leiden. Talen op een laag niveau kunnen echter ook moeilijker te leren en te gebruiken zijn, en zijn mogelijk niet voor alle toepassingen even geschikt. Voorbeelden van talen op een laag niveau zijn assembleertaal en C.

Talen op een hoog niveau bieden meer abstracties en constructies op een hoger niveau, waardoor ze gemakkelijker te leren en te gebruiken zijn. Talen op hoog niveau kunnen echter soms overhead veroorzaken, wat de efficiëntie kan beïnvloeden. Voorbeelden van talen op hoog niveau zijn Python, Java en JavaScript.

Naast deze algemene trends zijn er ook specifieke talen die bekend staan om hun efficiëntie op bepaalde gebieden. C wordt bijvoorbeeld vaak gebruikt voor het ontwikkelen van systeemsoftware en ingebedde systemen, omdat het toegang op laag niveau tot hardwarebronnen biedt. En Rust wordt steeds populairder voor het ontwikkelen van krachtige applicaties, omdat het geheugenveiligheid en gelijktijdigheidsfuncties biedt die kunnen helpen bugs te voorkomen en de prestaties te verbeteren.

Uiteindelijk hangt de meest efficiënte computertaal voor een bepaalde taak af van de specifieke vereisten van het project. Programmeurs moeten de bovengenoemde factoren zorgvuldig overwegen en de taal kiezen die het beste bij hun behoeften past. (bron: Google Bard)

What is the most efficient language

Determining the most efficient language is a complex task that depends on various factors and can be subjective depending on the specific criteria used. However, several studies have attempted to quantify language efficiency, typically measuring it in terms of information density, which refers to the amount of information conveyed per unit of language.

One study, published in the journal 'Plos One', examined seven of the world's most spoken languages: English, Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, Hindi, French, Russian, and Arabic. The researchers found that English had the highest information density, meaning that it could convey the most information with the least amount of linguistic resources. This was attributed to several factors, including English's relatively simple morphology (word structure) and its extensive use of monosyllabic words.

Another study, conducted by the Language Log blog, analyzed the efficiency of various languages in expressing abstract concepts. The researchers found that English was again among the most efficient languages, while languages like Japanese and Mandarin Chinese were less efficient in this regard. This was attributed to English's large vocabulary and its ability to express abstract concepts with fewer words.

However, it's important to note that efficiency is not the only factor to consider when evaluating a language. Other important considerations include cultural context, expressiveness, and ease of learning. For instance, a language may be highly efficient in conveying information but may be less suitable for expressing emotions or creating poetry. Additionally, the difficulty of learning a language depends on various factors, such as its similarity to one's native language and the availability of learning resources.

In conclusion, while English has been shown to be one of the most efficient languages in terms of information density, the concept of language efficiency is multifaceted and depends on various criteria. Other languages may excel in different aspects, and ultimately, the choice of the most efficient language depends on the specific context and needs of the user.

Most efficient computer language

Determining the most efficient computer language is a complex task that depends on various factors, including the specific criteria used to measure efficiency, the type of application being developed, and the programmer's expertise. However, some general trends emerge when considering different programming languages.

Compiled languages are typically considered more efficient than interpreted languages, as they are translated into machine code before execution, which can result in faster execution speeds. Examples of compiled languages include C, C++, and Rust.

Low-level languages offer more direct control over hardware resources, which can lead to higher efficiency in certain situations. However, low-level languages can also be more difficult to learn and use, and they may not be well-suited for all applications. Examples of low-level languages include assembly language and C.

High-level languages provide more abstractions and higher-level constructs, which can make them easier to learn and use. However, high-level languages can sometimes introduce overhead, which can impact efficiency. Examples of high-level languages include Python, Java, and JavaScript.

In addition to these general trends, there are also specific languages that are known for their efficiency in certain areas. For example, C is often used for developing system software and embedded systems, as it provides low-level access to hardware resources. And Rust is becoming increasingly popular for developing high-performance applications, as it offers memory safety and concurrency features that can help to prevent bugs and improve performance.

Ultimately, the most efficient computer language for a particular task depends on the specific requirements of the project. Programmers should carefully consider the factors mentioned above and choose the language that is best suited for their needs.(source: Google Bard)

Does infinitely small exist like infinitely large, we asked AI Google Bard

The answer to this question depends on how you define "infinity". In mathematics, infinity is a concept that has no end. It can be used to refer to something infinitely large, such as the amount of numbers between 0 and 1, or something infinitesimally small, such as the length of a line segment that is smaller than any possible measuring instrument.

In physics, the concept of infinity is slightly more complex. In quantum mechanics, for example, the smallest possible length is a Planck length, which is about 10^-35 meters. This length is so small that it is impossible to measure anything smaller. In this regard, one can say that infinitesimal exists, but it has a physical limit.

In cosmology, the concept of infinitely large is also complex. It is possible that the universe is infinitely large, but that it is also curved. In this case, the universe would be infinitely large, but it would still have an end.

In philosophy, the concept of infinity is also a subject of discussion. Some philosophers believe that infinity is a real concept, while others believe that it is just an abstract concept.

In conclusion, the answer to the question of whether infinitesimal such as infinitely large exists depends on how you define "infinity" and which discipline you consider. In mathematics, infinity exists in a sense, but it is a concept that is not easy to understand. In physics, the concept of infinity is more complex and depends on specific theories. In philosophy, the concept of infinity is also a subject of discussion. (source Google Bard)

Bestaat oneindig klein zoals oneindig groot, we vroegen het aan AI Google Bard

Het antwoord op deze vraag hangt af van hoe je "oneindig" definieert. In de wiskunde is oneindig een concept dat geen einde heeft. Het kan worden gebruikt om te verwijzen naar iets dat oneindig groot is, zoals de hoeveelheid getallen tussen 0 en 1, of iets dat oneindig klein is, zoals de lengte van een lijnsegment dat kleiner is dan elk mogelijk meetinstrument.

In de natuurkunde is het concept van oneindig iets complexer. In de kwantummechanica, bijvoorbeeld, is de kleinste mogelijke lengte een Plancklengte, die ongeveer 10^-35 meter is. Deze lengte is zo klein dat het onmogelijk is om iets kleiners te meten. In dit opzicht kan men zeggen dat oneindig klein bestaat, maar dat het een fysieke limiet heeft.

In de kosmologie is het concept van oneindig groot ook complex. Het is mogelijk dat het heelal oneindig groot is, maar dat het ook gekromd is. In dit geval zou het heelal oneindig groot zijn, maar zou het toch een eind hebben.

In de filosofie is het concept van oneindig ook onderwerp van discussie. Sommige filosofen geloven dat oneindig een reëel concept is, terwijl anderen geloven dat het slechts een abstract concept is.

Concluderend, het antwoord op de vraag of oneindig klein zoals oneindig groot bestaat, hangt af van hoe je "oneindig" definieert en welke discipline je beschouwt. In de wiskunde bestaat oneindig in zekere zin, maar het is een concept dat niet gemakkelijk te begrijpen is. In de natuurkunde is het concept van oneindig complexer en hangt het af van specifieke theorieën. In de filosofie is het concept van oneindig ook onderwerp van discussie. (source Google Bard)

AI, chatbots and more, a questionable technology, how does it work and what can it do for us?

The world has run wild since ChatGPT came out in November 2020 as an AI-based Chatbot. But what is it, what can you do with it, and are there competitors ?

How does it work?

Firstly, it's like an answering machine. You type in a question, like you would in Google and the AI machine types some text back. The text is written word for word instantly. The text it writes comes from a big database, where the AI machine puts in a lot of information scraped from the internet. The more information it can feed itself, the better the answers will be. Not only text but also images can be produced with artificial intelligence. Some AI bots can even write code and correct code. AI technology can also mimicking things, like making songs and videos. It can even let dead people speak in a video based on some pictures and some voice recording of that person. Many other apps and organizations use AI to their advantage. Like pharmaceutical companies, the army and big tech companies. AI technology is not always free because it's a big business.

Questionable technology

Some questions arise with this technology.


First, is the information correct, or is it all made up with nonsense?


Is AI safe? Can it harm us? Can it produce weapons or shut down our electricity or energy? Can it produce computer viruses and real viruses? Will it be able to hack into systems?


Can it be stopped? At this moment, humans can still shut the system down manually. But will we be able to do that in the near future? Will AI be so smart that it can copy itself onto another server before we can shut it down, so it keeps doing whatever it's doing?


Will AI still be comprehensible for us, or will AI make its own languages and codes to communicate with itself in an incomprehensible way that only AI will understand it?

These questions will be answered in the future, and let us hope it goes well.  I think it will all depend on what humans want to achieve with this technology and what rules and restrictions we apply to AI technology.

The main players

ChatGPT: the first free AI Chatbot, a product by OpenAI.

Google Gemini: the second free AI Chatbot also know as Google Bard an earlier version

Microsoft Copilot: another Chatbot that will be integrated into the Windows Operating system.

Dream.ai: a website with AI that can produce art based on what you type.

DALL-E 3: another art producing AI website.

Simplified.com: a free text writer that can write text for you based on some words you provide.

Typetone.ai: another free text writer that can write text for you based on some words you provide.

Festivals that went terribly wrong, the most dramatic incidents that happened at festivals around the world

Many people go to a festival to make fun and see their favorite artists perform on a big stage.

In 1969 the biggest known festival Woodstock was peacefull and many other festivals, large and small are well organised so people can have fun but there are exceptions. Some festivals went terribly go wrong do to some events...

Woodstock '99 (July 22 to July 25, 1999, Rome, New-York)

Just like Woodstock '69 and in 1994 Woodstock '94 the original organisaters wanted to make a big peacefull festival with a duration of 3 days and more than 250 thousand people at an abandun military base in Rome, New-York. But things went out of hand.

First of all the line-up of artists made the audience agressive. The lack of hygienic facilities was horrible, It was verry hot weather and the prices of water went into the sky as if supplys ran out. The price for a bottle of water went from day one at 3 dollar to 8 dollar in 3 days. Also the price for food went crazy. Than the waterpipes where smashed because people were tursty and angry, so 'fresh' water could escape near the toilets, everything was muddy and mixes with fecies of the toilets, people at that time didn't realise that the mud was full of fecies and went diving in the mud to cool off. Also garbage wasn't managed properly. All the garbage stayed where people left it. Everyting was becoming smelly and unplaisant.

At some performances people went crazy. On the first day Korn was playing the people went crazy and a bit agressive, the energy comming from the stage was strange and a bit fearfull . The second day when Limp Bisket was playing and whipped up the people, they became more agressive and many people got hurt in the moshpits, if the singer spook some agressive senctence, people where hurt and some wanted to take over a music control tower in the middle of scene. Luckely everthing went a bit calm. That evening, in the Rave area when Fatboy Slim performed his DJ set, a van was driven in, right in the middle of the stage, stolen bu some angry men. The DJ was evacuated and the set was closed after a while.

Do to the lack of organisation, almost no security, there was a sence of complete freedom and chaos, With higher prices for water and food, the enormeaus heat on a square with no shadow and the lack of sleep people where pisted and became more violent. Some people teared down the art panels of the fences, at that point other people, who otherwise never would come agressive, did their part. The mood of the people where getting grimmer by the hour. But everything went good according to the organizers, and indeed eveything went good at the VIP places and behind the scenes, except for the people on the big open field under the heat without shadow.

The third day, at the last performance by The Red Hot Chilli Peppers, the audience where given candles, the organisation tought it would be a peacefull end when thousands of candles where held up in the air at the end of the festival. But when The Red Hot Chilli Pepers performed their last song 'fire', massive fires where started in the middle of the scene. After a while everything went gremmy because some the big fires could not been reached by the fire department. People then got more and more agressive because of the mixture of the head, high prices, no sleep, alcohol and agressive music. They set many things on fire. They looted every tent that had CD's and TMT's. Everything when down into pieces. A total destruction of the field took place. After a while the police statement came to fix the situation and evacuate the people. At the following morning the last people went home and an enormous havoc was seen like never before. After the end 2 people where dead, many where injured and many victims of sexual violence where reported. The legacy of Woodstock was teared down. The Woodstock festival was never organised again.

Pukkelpop 2011 (Kiewit, Hasselt, Belgium)

On Thursday 18 August 2011, the skies opened above the festival ground of Pukkelpop in Kiewit near Hasselt in Limburg, causing chaos across the country and leaving five people dead.

Pukkelpop – the name referring to a type of spot on the skin, like an acne spot – was founded in 1985 at a location far from its present home, and lasted only one day. It has since grown to become the second-largest music festival in Belgium after Rock Werchter and attracts audiences, many of them well past the acne stage of life, from all over the continent.

But on the evening of 18 August 2011, a thunderstorm broke over the festival ground on the event’s first evening. Tents were carried off by the wind, electricity pylons and giant screens were toppled, lights went out.

Festival guests who had been planning to spend the night on the campground found themselves without shelter, their clothes and belongings soaked by torrential rain, their friends and companions nowhere to be found.

To make matters worse, the sudden spike in telephone traffic overcrowded network capacity. The young people could not contact their worried parents and vice versa and the traffic also slowed the operations of emergency services.

As a direct result, the emergency services would later create their own network for internal communication.

Communications moved on to Twitter, which resulted in a mass movement of local people from Genk and Hasselt mobilising to provide aid to those stranded possessionless. Those giving aid also helped put victims in touch with their families, as well as providing food, blankets, and a warm place to stay until something could be done.

In the end, five people died, including one man who died several days later. Hundreds more reported injuries caused by flying debris, falling trees, and equipment.

The organisers of the event announced the festival would be put on hold while the situation was assessed. But the very next day the entire festival was cancelled.

'Pukkelpop is in deep mourning,...' the organisers said in a statement.

On Pukkelpop 2014, the 12th august, two days befort eh start of the festival the clubtent collapsed because of a a short heavy storm, there were no casualties.

The festival is still organized every year, with the exception of 2020 and 2021 due to the corona pandemic.

Fyre Festival (April 28–30 and May 5–7, 2017, Great Exuma, Bahamian island)

The Fyre Festival was a fraudulent luxury music festival founded by con artist Billy McFarland and rapper Ja Rule. It was created with the intent to promote a music talent booking app for their company Fyre Media. The festival was scheduled to take place on April 28–30 and May 5–7, 2017, on the Bahamian island of Great Exuma.

The event was promoted on Instagram by social media influencers and models including Kendall Jenner, Bella Hadid, Hailey Baldwin, and Emily Ratajkowski, many of whom did not initially disclose they had been paid. During the inaugural weekend, the event encountered problems related to security, food, accommodation, medical services, and artist relations; it was postponed indefinitely and eventually cancelled. Instead of the luxury villas and gourmet meals for which festival attendees paid hundreds or thousands of dollars, they received boxed plain cheese sandwiches and FEMA/UN tents as their accommodation.

In March 2018, McFarland pleaded guilty to one count of wire fraud to defraud investors and ticket holders, and a second count to defraud a ticket vendor that occurred while out on bail. In October 2018, McFarland was sentenced to six years in prison and ordered to forfeit US$26 million. The organizers became the subject of at least eight lawsuits, several seeking class action status, and one seeking more than $100 million in damages. The cases accused the organizers of defrauding ticket buyers.

Glastonbury Festival 1990 (Pilton, England)

The 1990 installment of Britain’s best-known music festival, wrote James Delingpole of the London Telegraph, amounted to 'three days of mud, rain, putrid latrines and near-asphyxiation', thanks to soaked grounds and a then-record-setting crush of people in attendance to hear The Cure, Sinéad O’Connor, and acid-house guru Adamski. But the festival’s immediate aftermath was the real disaster. A group of travelers, roving citizens who had been a constant presence at the festival since its inception in the 1970s, had been given their own adjacent field that year to host free music by the likes of Ozric Tentacles and Hawkwind. After the official show came to a close, they hung around the site in order to forage through the grounds’ plentiful trash supply. Their dumpster-diving eventually led to a clash with security that would later be referred to as the “Battle of Yeoman’s Bridge.” It was a nasty, violent scrape that, according to one observer, 'looked a bit like the old Wild West meets Mad Max.' Glastonbury skipped its next year in order to reconfigure its security setup, and the travelers were gradually pushed out of the Glastonbury picture.

The Isle of Wight Festival 2012 (Newport, England)

The rainstorms that flooded the U.K. during the summer of 2012 didn’t stop more than 55,000 people from trying to attend this three-day festival that featured Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers, Pearl Jam and Bruce Springsteen – but it did impede their trips via car and boat across to and from the island. Concertgoers trying to get to the Isle of Wight via car were stuck in gridlock that lasted long enough to allow for in-vehicle napping – 350 cars became trapped in mud near the grounds’ approach, the Daily Mail reported, resulting in a five-mile jam that led to 10-hour delays. Ferry riders were trapped as well, thanks to problems with docking boats. Once people arrived at the site, they were forced  to pitch their tents in a sizeable amount of mud. Yet things were fine musically – “amidst all the chaos, there was a great festival taking place,” wrote James Lachno in the London Telegraph ­– and there were even some relatively pastoral areas that allowed users to at least take some of their mind off the drenched patches of land.

TomorrowWorld 2015 (Chattahoochee Hills, Georgia)

While the lineup at the third installment of this 2015 American spinoff of the Belgian festival TomorrowLand boasted big-name EDM DJs like Kaskade and David Guetta – as well as an appearance by Shaquille O’Neal – heavy rain put a damper on the festival’s actual execution. The 8,000-acre Georgia farm place quickly turned into a mud pit; by day two, the organizers had decided to limit shuttle service back to nearby Atlanta. (People who weren’t camping needed to hike home or find available Ubers — whose surge pricing was reportedly as high as 5.9 times the normal fare —in order to dry off.) The festival’s third day was only open to people who were already on the grounds, although that didn’t stop people from trying to brave the weather and broach the gates. TomorrowWorld has not come back to the States since, although the Belgian edition is still scheduled for July.

Love Parade 2010 (Duisberg, Germany)

The Love Parade was one of the greatest street parties ever originally held in Berlin since 1989. It was even the biggest dance festival from over the world. It brought the city to a sweaty standstill every summer for 14 years, before moving on to other venues. In July 2010, the love came to an end with the death of 21 festival-goers in a crowd crush. Nobody knows exactly how many people crowded onto the streets of Duisburg for the 2010 parade - estimates range from 400,000 to 1.4 million - but whatever the reality, it was too many. For the first time, the event was held in a closed-off area, and the entrance to the site - a long tunnel - proved horribly inadequate. The 21 fatalities and over 500 injured were crushed in overcrowding on a ramp at one end of the tunnel.

The atmosphere was explosive. Many in the crowd seemed to be intoxicated. When people started falling off the stairs and pulling others with them, it became just chaotic. They just couldn't be stopped. It was a living hell (Eyewitness police officer).

I will never forget the sight. There were all these twisted-up bodies of those who had been crushed. They were lying at the tunnel exit. Their faces had all turned blue (Eyewitness woman trapped in tunnel).

These tragic deaths, and the 500 others injured, prompted the organisers to declare: 'Out of respect for the victims, the Love Parade will never take place again.'

Electric Daisy Carnival 2010 (US)
Regarded as the platform that saw EDM explode in the US, Electric Daisy Carnival is forever in-demand.
In 2010, that was more than apparent with 185,000 ticket holders, but shoddy security failed to check IDs diligently allowing hundreds of minors into the main arena, encouraging further hundreds to attempt to breach the fence.
Security couldn't handle the chaos, which lead to severe overcrowding and numerous injuries were reported.

Bestival (2008)
For those that have been to Bestival, if people say 'the muddy one' you know precisely what they're on about.
Blessed with blissful sunshine until that fateful weekend, the (then) Isle of Wight-based festival site was in the valley of a country park, which didn't bode well when the thunder, lightning, rain, and gale-force winds came-a-calling. Floods filled the valley submerging the majority of tents, extreme winds came and blew the remaining tents away, and one of the main stages sank into the slurry beneath. 
Spirits remained unsoggy (even in the face of Amy Winehouse's anticipated headline slot cut-short by excessive alcohol consumption), and Bestival's reputation luckily remained intact despite dreadful planning.

Sled Island (2013)
For the festival worst hit my abhorrent weather, Sled Island in 2013 has to take the biscuit for bad luck.
The city-wide music and arts festival was shaping up to be their most successful year yet, featuring the likes of The Jesus And Mary Chain and Mac DeMarco on the bill. Unfortunately, the entire city of Calgary, Canada was engulfed in flooding overnight of historic proportions (mid-June no less), followed by emergency evacuation warnings from the city's council.
Having been forced to cancel hundreds of shows, promoters weren't only left with the lasting devastation from the flood but also disgruntled festival-goers demanding refunds, leaving them nearly $200,000 out of pocket.

Powder Ridge Rock Festival (1970)
Festival catastrophes aren't just a modern phenomenon - take Powder Ridge Rock Festival for instance.
After the success of the original Woodstock, many promoters tried to replicate its significance and failed. Powder Ridge was cancelled even before it began due to a legal injunction, yet approximately 30,000 still people showed up to party. And party they did; there was little else to do with only one artist arriving to play, no water, no food, and no entertainment. 'Electric Water' (no guesses as to what the secret ingredient was...) ensured the entire weekend descended into a full-blown crisis.
To make matters worse, the organisers vanished taking the funds with them.

Zoo8 (2008)
Zoo by name, zoo by nature, as ticket-holders were ostensibly treated like cattle at Zoo8 at the Port Lympne Animal Park in Kent.
Those that braved the inexplicably arduous queues to the congested campsite were met with water shortages and lack of toilets. Chuck in big-name acts like Wiley, Roni Size, and Dizzie Rascal pulling out at the last minute, and you've got yourself an animal farm, with furious and disappointed festival-goers launching bottles of urine at the main stage, getting royally off their nut in a field with no music.
The festival promoters apologised for running out of money once the dust had settled, but it didn't stop this shambles of a festival going down as one of the most poorly organised festivals in recent years. 

Biggest Dinosaurs that ever lived on this planet

Of course every one know some of the most popular Dino's but that does not mean that they are also the biggest Dino's that ever lived on this planet.

In fact the best known carnivore, the T-Rex, may look like the scariest dinosaur of them all, and has been crown a the king of the Dino's. He's not the biggest predator of that time, as you will discover.

We sorted out the 4 biggest dinosaurs ever discovered by category.

Giganotosaurus, the biggest carnivore

The Giganotosaurus is a genus of theropod dinosaur that lived in what is now Argentina, during the early Cenomanian age of the Late Cretaceous period, approximately 98 to 97 million years ago. He's considered to be the biggest carnivore that ever lived on this planet. The holotype specimen was discovered in the Candeleros Formation of Patagonia in 1993, and is almost 70% complete. The animal was named Giganotosaurus carolinii. In 1995, the genus name translates as ‘giant southern lizard’ and the specific name honors the discoverer, Rubén D. Carolini. A dentary bone, a tooth and some tracks, discovered before the holotype, were later assigned to this animal. The genus attracted much interest and became part of a scientific debate about the maximum sizes of theropod dinosaurs.

Giganotosaurus was one of the largest known terrestrial carnivores, but the exact size has been hard to determine due to the incompleteness of the remains found so far. Estimates for the most complete specimen range from a length of 12 to 13 m (39 to 43 ft), a skull 1.53 to 1.80 m (5.0 to 5.9 ft) in length, and a weight of 4.2 to 13.8 t (4.6 to 15.2 short tons). The dentary bone that belonged to a supposedly larger individual has been used to extrapolate a length of 13.2 m (43 ft). Some researchers have found the animal to be larger than Tyrannosaurus, which has historically been considered the largest theropod, while others have found them to be roughly equal in size, and the largest size estimates for Giganotosaurus exaggerated. The skull was low, with rugose (rough and wrinkled) nasal bones and a ridge-like crest on the lacrimal bone in front of the eye. The front of the lower jaw was flattened, and had a downwards projecting process (or ‘chin’) at the tip. The teeth were compressed sideways and had serrations. The neck was strong and the pectoral girdle proportionally small.

Giganotosaurus is part of the Carcharodontosauridae family which includes other very large theropods, such as the Mapusaurus and Carcharodontosaurus. The Giganotosaurus is thought to have been homeothermic (a type of ‘warm-bloodedness’), with a metabolism between that of a mammal and a reptile, which would have enabled fast growth. It may have been relatively fast moving, with a calculated maximal running speed of 14 m/s (50 km/h; 31 mph). It would have been capable of closing its jaws quickly, capturing and bringing down prey by delivering powerful bites. The ‘chin’ may have helped in resisting stress when a bite was delivered against prey.

Argentinosaurus, the biggest herbivore

The Argentinosaurus at Museo Municipal Carmen Funes, Plaza Huincul, Neuquén, Argentina. Image by William Irvin Sellers, Lee Margetts, Rodolfo Aníbal Coria, Phillip Lars Manning.

Argentinosaurus has been known to science since 1993 and is a sauropoda (this family of dinosaurs has long necs, long tales and 4 feets) Evidence of it was originally discovered in 1987, when a fossil the size of a fully grown human being was unearthed on a ranch in Argentina. The rancher thought the fossil specimen was a large chunk of petrified wood, and it wasn’t until 1993 that it was reclassified as a single vertebra belonging to a new species of sauropod. Although no complete skeletons of Argentinosaurus have been found, estimates of the dinosaur’s length (based on projections of the size of the rest of the body using existing fossils) range from 37 to 40 meters (about 121 to 131 feet), and it was thought to have weighed 90 to 100 metric tons (99 to 110 tons). By these measures, Argentinosaurus was the largest dinosaur, as well as the largest land animal, ever known.

Quetzalcoalcoatlus, the biggest flying pterosaur

The Quetzalcoatlus was first found in Texas and is named after an Aztec god. 

This flying dino can be match with a giraffe in size or a small plan.  It lived during the Late Cretaceous perioad (70 to 65 million years ago).
It had an Cressna-size wings a long neck, a long pointy beak and a cam on this head.

In texas some Quetzalcoalcoatlus has been found with a wingspan of around 36 feet (10,9 meter) (the half of the length of a bowling lane. They believe it could flew at speeds up to 100 miles per hour orf 160 km per hour.  He weighed around 500 pound (226;7 kg)  and stood 8 feet (2,43 meter) tall at the shoulder, with a 10 foot (3,048 meter) long neck and a 6 foot (1,82 meter) long pointy beak.
As you may noticed this animal was a pterosaur, that meaning means a flying reptile. So technically it’s not a dinosaur.

Ichthyosaurus, the biggest sea dinosaur ever lived on earth.

In the UK they found the largest sea-dinosaur with a length of 85 feet (25,9 meters)  that lived 205 million years ago during the late Triassic. He’s almost as large as a blue whale. The shapes of the body of the Ichthyosaurus is similar to that of a well known dolphin. 

Vrijheid in 3 stappen. Hoe kom ik van het gaan werken af en realiseer ik de vrijheid om te gaan doen wat ik echt wil

Ik herken deze situatie volledig. Na een paar jaar ben ik gaan zoeken naar oplossingen 'zeg maar een vlucht van de arbeidsmarkt'. Ik wilde vluchten van de depressieve situatie waarin ik toen zat en na 10 jaar nog steeds in zit.

De benarde situatie
Ook al veranderde ik van werk de depressieve situatie bleef. Ik ben de mensen die gaan werken voor een baas de slaven van de moderne maatschappij gaan noemen. Zo voel ik mij dus al mijn hele carrière. Iets wat minder onderdrukt dan in de vorige eeuwen maar toch.
Ik heb van alles geprobeerd om hiervan los te komen. In de zin dat het voor mij leuk werk moest zijn met voldoening besloot ik, na 2 jaar werken, een blog op te starten (deze waar je nu op beland bent) en daarna nog een blog en een website en een tweede website en leerde ik fotografie en het maken van digitale illustraties. Mijn uiteindelijke doel was toen, en nu nog steeds om iets op zelfstandige basis te gaan doen, vrijheid zeg maar. Dit met maar een beetje succes maar hé elk succes is er ééntje die dient te worden gevierd.

Loskomen en vrijheid
Mijn drijfveer was loskomen van het gezag, loskomen van een baas, loskomen van al die regeltjes die een ander heeft opgesteld en dienen gevolgd te worden ook al weet je dat jij het anders zou doen, op een andere manier, je eigen manier. Ik denk dat er veel mensen zijn zoals die moeten gaan werken onder een baas omdat ze bang zijn om een inkomen te verliezen. Indien we foert zouden zeggen om te gaan doen wat we zelf willen wat zou er dan gebeuren?

Voor en nadelen
Het foert zeggen is een leuke gedachte en zou ons vrijheid moeten geven maar als je daar dan staat zonder een stabiel inkomen voor het onderhouden van huisje, tuintje kindjes en soms iets voor jezelf dan kan dit voor nog meer problemen zorgen. Dus gaan de meeste net zoals ik voor de veiligste manier, namelijk voor het werken in een bedrijf met een baas, managers en vaak belachelijk veel regeltjes die u gedroomde vrijheid alsmaar verder weg duwt. Want het wordt een gewoonte dat gaan werken. We denken vaak dit is het enige wat ik kan dus zal dit voor de rest van mijn leven zo blijven. Net zoals mijn ouders en grootouders die hebben gewerkt voor een bedrijf met een loon dat net genoeg is om een normaal leven te hebben.

Moest iedereen nu genoeg middelen hebben om de meest noodzakelijke dingen in zijn of haar leven te betalen dan zou de wereld er volgens mij heel anders uitzien. Ik denk zelfs dat de meeste mensen dan meer met volle goesting hun ding gaan doen op de arbeidsmarkt.

Doel: totale vrijheid
Het besef van ik moet iets doen aan mijn situatie kwam er bij mij al na 2 jaar gedesillusioneerd te gaan werken. Dan heb ik mijn doelen opgesteld:

1. Loskomen van mijn situatie
Hierbij diende ik een middel te verzinnen om beetje bij beetje onafhankelijker te worden van mijn werk. Na lang zoeken vond ik het: mijn eerste blog, zo zou ik toch wat geld kunnen verdienen, maar dit is natuurlijk veel te weinig als je fulltime werkt en maar heel weinig tijd kunt steken in een blog dat succesvol diende te worden zodat ik er kan van gaan leven.

2. Middelen om mijn vrijheid te bekomen
Zoals eerder al gezegd zocht ik naar dingen die ik wel leuk vind om te doen op een zelfstandige basis. De voorwaarde was enkel dat ik het leuk vond zodat het wat minder als gaan werken zou aanvoelen met vooral mijn eigen regeltjes en ideeën. Maar wat ga ik dan precies gaan verwezenlijken om dit te realiseren. We moeten dingen herontdekken van onszelf. Hierbij stelde ik mij de vragen: Wat doe ik graag? Wat deed ik graag als kind en als puber voor ik op de arbeidsmarkt gegooid werd vol goeie moed. Zo maakte ik al tal van blogs, websites, illustraties, foto's en nog veel meer, het feit alleen al dat ik dit volledig zelf heb gerealiseerd op mijn eigen manier geeft mij al voldoening.

3. Doel en tijdsbesteding
Maar zolang ik geen middelen genoeg heb verzameld om het rustiger aan te gaan doen blijf ik zoeken naar dingen die ik nog graag zou willen doen. Dit met als doel genoeg te verdienen om te overleven. Voorlopig gebeurd dit naast het vast werk dat ik nu doe. Eerst wil ik genoeg gaan verdienen met wat ik naast het gaan werken verdien om dat van een fulltime naar een parttime job over te stappen zodat ik nog meer tijd heb om de dingen te realiseren op zelfstandige basis zodat ik uiteindelijk volledig zelfstandig mijn brood kan verdienen. Het ultieme doel is om iets te vinden waarmee ik net genoeg kan verdienen om op "pensioen" te kunnen gaan. Alleen zo zou ik volledig van het gaan werken verlost kunnen geraken.

4. Beperken van risico's
Ik kies niet zoals vele anderen om direct met alles te kappen en direct volledig zelfstandige te worden omdat er altijd risico's verbonden zijn met dit fenomeen. Je weet immers nooit of het het zal aanslaan of dat het je genoeg middelen zal opleveren om te overleven laat staan om een heel gezin te onderhouden. Ik zelf ben iemand die eerder risico's mijd dan ze te nemen. Mede daarom zit ik nu momenteel nog altijd met een fulltime job naast mijn andere activiteiten. Maar zodra ik wat meer ga verdienen op een continue basis dan pas ik toe wat ik hierboven heb beschreven: van fulltime naar parttime en dan volledig zelfstandig.

Ik ben benieuwd naar jullie reacties en vooral hoe jullie dit zouden aanpakken.
Misschien zijn er mensen die hun vrijheid al hebben bereikt laat het ons weten door een comment na te laten op onze blog.
Copyright: byWM