Showing posts with label Facebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Facebook. Show all posts

Facebook moeheid

Terwijl iedereen achter al die computer-schermen zit, gaat de echte wereld aan ons voorbij. En dit kan niet meer volgens vele mensen. 'Facebook-moeheid' wordt het genoemd. Een nieuw fenomeen. Het is een beetje zoals ontstressen maar dan op technologisch vlak.

We zullen ons deze vakantie dus niet alleen ontladen van de stress maar ook afstand doen van onze computer, PDA en zelfs onze gsm gaat dicht. Het ergste is dat alle deze technologische snufjes soms ook, zonder dat men het door heeft, stress teweeg brengt.

De hype van Facebook, Twitter, Netlog en andere sociale netwerken heeft al veel invloed kunnen uitoefenen op ons sociaal leven. Als er natuurlijk alleen maar achter de PC gezeten wordt dan valt er na een eindje zelfs niet veel meer te vertellen op deze sociale netwerken.

1 op 5 echtscheidingen door Facebook
Een ander fenomeen is het feit dat er maar liefst één op de vijf echtscheidingen in de VS te wijten is aan de sociale netwerksite Facebook. Dit blijkt uit onderzoek gevoerd door het echtscheidings-bureau 'Divorce-Online'. Hel wat 'vrienden' durven op Facebook wel eens openlijk seksueel getinte boodschappen achter laten op webpagina's van getrouwde mannen en vrouwen. Voor koppels die al huwelijk problemen hebben is dit vaak de laatste druppel. Meestal ook doordat deze boodschappen afkomstig zijn vrienden die de andere partner niet eens kent.

Ontslagen door gênante foto of Facebook
We horen het af en toe wel eens. Sommige mensen kregen hun ontslag door een gênante foto's die door anderen op Facebook werden geplaatst. Aan werk geraken wordt moeilijk. De meeste bazen checken gewoon op internet de Facebook pagina's van hun aan te werven werknemers. We houden dan ook ons hart vast voor tieners en studenten die nu hun Facebook vol gooien met vertrouwelijke informatie en gekke foto's. Zullen ze ooit nog aan deftig werk geraken? En verder vielen er ook ontslagen door te 'Facebooken' tijdens de werkuren, blijkbaar een geldige regel om ontslagen te worden.

Lily Allen zweert alle technologische snufjes
Facebook, Twitter en zelfs haar e-mails moeten eraan geloven. Haar Blackberry en laptop gaan vanaf nu in de koelkast. Lily is het het beu om 24 op 24 en 7 dagen op 7 klaar te staan om alles met de hele wereld te delen. De Britse zangeres is nogthans wereldberoemd geworden door een aantal liedjes op haar internetblog te plaatsen. Maar nu heeft ze alles wat technologie is aan de kant geschoven want het werd een grote verslaving. Ze wil het echte leven niet aan zich laten voorbij gaan. En gelijk heeft ze. Lilly is bijlange niet alleen want we worden allemaal stilletjes aan 'Facebook-moe'.

Is de hype bijna voorbij of blijft het duren?
Vele mensen denken dat Facebook een hype is en weldra binnen afzienbare tijd, een jaar of twee, een stille dood tegemoet komt. Jonge mensen zijn begonnen met Facebook maar zodra, ma, pa en zelfs opa en oma op het internet hun Facebook-pagina hebben aangemaakt werd het niet meer zo aantrekkelijk voor de jongeren. De meeste jongeren stapten dan uiteindelijk over van Facebook naar Netlog, een social-network die meer gericht is op jongeren. Dit omdat jongeren hun eigen privacy willen ten opzichte van hun ouders en grootouders. De vraag is waar dit alles zal eindigen? Is het een hype die voorbij zal gaan of wordt Facebook een vaste waarde in ons technologische leven?

The Winklevoss twins and Paul Ceglia are putting Mark Zuckerberg in to troubles

Facebook logo mirrored
Mark Zuckerberg faces new legal actions for the ownership of the website 'Facebook'.

The Winklevoss twins are claiming that Mark Zuckerberg stole the idea of a 'Don't like' button for his Facebook.

Paul Ceglia said that Zuckerberg signed a contract with him that shows that he should be entitled to the lion's share of the business because of the various matters related to 'thefacebook', known in the earlier days.

Ceglia claims that he hired Zuckerberg in 2003 to do some coding for a site called Streetfax (now known as StreetDelivery). Zuckerberg was paid $1.000 for a 'work for hire' contract. Ceglia has contended in court, and then put to work on a project called 'The Face Book' or 'The Page Book' in which Ceglia invested $1,000.

Certainly, when Facebook first launched, it was called 'thefacebook', but the other details are disputed by Facebook and Zuckerberg's lawyers.

Ceglia first filed suit last summer, and has now added extra evidence in the form of the emails.

But the case is even more complicated. Andrew Logan, founder and chief executive of the company StreetDelivery, claims that in 2003 Ceglia was working for him at the time he claims to have hired Zuckerberg to code Streetfax.

That could mean that Ceglia's hiring of Zuckerberg, and any intellectual property created there, actually reverts to Logan Andrew. For Ceglia, even if he wins he might lose.

Related articles about Facebook:
Barack Obama will speak to people through Facebook on 20 april 2011
Facebook closing down on March 15?
Unique Facebook Logo's (Logos), Icons, Badges and Buttons
Will Facebook get their own Email Service?
Facebook Places, new function in Facebook

Barack Obama will speak to people through Facebook on 20 april 2011

Portrait of Barack Obama
U.S. President Barack Obama will answer a series of questions from citizens on the social networking site Facebook on April 20. Barack Obama will speak to them along with his compatriots Marc Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO and COO Sheryl Sandberg. The discussion topics will primarily go about the economy. The president introduced himself as candidate for a second term on a campaign video on his website. On Facebook, he can count on at least 19 million adherents.
Perspective Facebook Logo
View more unique Facebook Logo's
Related articles about Facebook:
Barack Obama will speak to people through Facebook on 20 april 2011
Facebook closing down on March 15?
Unique Facebook Logo's (Logos), Icons, Badges and Buttons
Will Facebook get their own Email Service?
Facebook Places, new function in Facebook

Unique Facebook Logo's (Logos), Icons, Badges and Buttons

For those who are wondering how to get glossy logo's of their favorite web application: Facebook... You don't need to wonder any more. You even don't have to make them anymore because we already made some perspective Facebook logo's (icons) for you.
Feel free to download and use these unique, shiny, glossy, high end Facebook logo's.

Specifications of the images:
Made and transformed with Gimp 2.6.
Saved as PNG (Portable Network Graphics).
Resolution for all files: 512 x 512 pixels.
Normal Facebook Logo

Perspective Facebook Logo

Frog Perspective Facebook Logo

Perspective Facebook Logo

Mirrored Facebook Logo
Bird perspective Facebook Logo
Curved Facebook Logo
Curved and Shadowed Facebook Logo

Curved, Shadowed, dark and bold edged Facebook Logo

Related articles about Facebook:
Barack Obama will speak to people through Facebook on 20 april 2011
Facebook closing down on March 15?
Unique Facebook Logo's (Logos), Icons, Badges and Buttons
Will Facebook get their own Email Service?
Facebook Places, new function in Facebook

Will Facebook get their own Email Service?

Facebook Icon Logo
Is Facebook chasing email services like Hotmail, Yahoo and Google's GMail?

All over the internet is said that Facebook will introduce his own Email-service. A lot of blogs are speculating that Facebook will unveil an email service at a Facebook event scheduled to take place November 15, 2010 at 10AM PT.

Will we all get a email address in November? We already have enough services like: Hotmail, Yahoo and GMail. Are users really waiting for a Facebook email address?

What do you think? Feel free to fill in a comment.

Related articles about Facebook:
Barack Obama will speak to people through Facebook on 20 april 2011
Facebook closing down on March 15?
Unique Facebook Logo's (Logos), Icons, Badges and Buttons
Will Facebook get their own Email Service?
Facebook Places, new function in Facebook

Facebook Places, new function in Facebook

Facebook Places Icon
Do you use already the new function Facebook Places.
A geolocation service of Facebook.

Facebook Places is a new application for Smart Phones that can alert users friends of their current location. It enables people to provide a real-time update of where they are and what they're doing when they're on the move.

Facebook Perspective Icon Logo
Users can also take advantage of unexpected coincidences, such as discovering that they are at the same concert as their friends. Users can 'check in' when they arrive at a location and see whether any of their friends are nearby.

An update will automatically be published to their friends’ News Feeds when a Facebook user checks in to a location. They can also 'tag' friends who are in the same location, either by a photo or a status update.

The service was only available in the US. Until now, Friday November 15the 2010, Facebook launched the tool for almost the whole world now.

Related articles about Facebook:
Barack Obama will speak to people through Facebook on 20 april 2011
Facebook closing down on March 15?
Unique Facebook Logo's (Logos), Icons, Badges and Buttons
Will Facebook get their own Email Service?
Facebook Places, new function in Facebook

Today's digital inventions that changed our way of living, the history of tomorrow...

Binary digits in a digital time of computers.
The digital world of today changed our way of communication extremely. Now a day we can't image a world without computers, the internet or our GSM. All of these digital things has changed the way we live. Here's a little list of tomorrow's history...

The Computer
The digital era begins all with the computer founded in 1938. Back in the days computers where slow and you needed a big room to store all the computer components. It can process and store digits that forms: text, audio, video, documents,... in to all sorts of files.

The Internet
Websites and e-mails (Hotmail and G-mail are one of the biggest e-mail servers that providing users a free e-mail account).

The Mobile Phone
Smartphone's, like Apple's iPhone, made the Mobile Phone a lot better, it's like a little computer, not much bigger than an mobile phone.

Google and other search engines
Find what your searching for by typing what your looking for.

MSN Messenger
An invention to communicate online with your friends where ever you are.

Facebook Logo
Social network sites keeping your account up to date and see updates of your friends, like photo's and comments.

The biggest online free video clips where everyone can put their video's on.

Little websites that can be made by everyone, it's simple to manage and there's no scripting needed for it.

MP3 is the standard audio format for music on the computer. The files are very small and ideal for thousands of songs on a little portable mp3-player like the iPod from Apple.

Digital Photo Camera
A handy unit to make photo's. See on a little screen what you just pictured. You don't need to develop a paper photo because you can view your photo's on your computer.

Audio-CD's, DVD's and Blu-ray
Something better than old audio and video cassettes. Almost every media can be stored on digital discs. You can put them into units to play this sort of mediums. The capacity of the discs is growing bigger every day, still the physical size of the discs don't changes.

Laptops and Tablet PC's
Portable computers that come very handy if you need to travel al lot.

Buy or sell your stuff over the internet.

Flat screens
Very comfortable screens to see a film on it. There are many sorts of it like LCD, Plasma, LED, ...

GPS (Global Positioning System)
Step in your car turn on your GPS and you are gone. Where ever you want to go, just put on your GPS and it guide you to your destination. It can tell you where you are, how fast you drive and how long it will takes to get on your destination.

Real-Time Information is going to be the new trend

Binary Digits rules the world
Real-time information is going to be the new sort of information. Today the internet a place to give people info about something they searching for. Many info is now available these days but it’s not always the most recent info. And that is just what people want: the best and newest data. Not only on the internet but just always and everywhere. Company’s and government has to realize this to adopt this new way of communicating with their client. People now a days are living in a fast life. And they want everything live. Twitter and Facebook are the best examples of that. Also more and more live programs and live interviews on the news are getting more valuable. People aren’t satisfied any more with outdated information. If something is a day old, it is old. The World has changes a lot and it does every day, and it goes faster and faster. The words today are: always, every ware and in real-time. And that's what the Internet, gsm's and iPhones does. One day the news-paper will be to old for this society.
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