Showing posts with label whiz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label whiz. Show all posts

Tips to cure ringing in the ears (tinnitus), which help effectively, these tips are at least worth a try.

You probably reached this page because you, like so many others (1 in 10 people), are suffering from ringing in the ears (tinnitus). You probably have, like I did, looked for many solutions, but not found. But NOW we bring a change to that. I gathered all the possible tips or anything that can help to cure tinnitus. Partly from personal experience and some solutions from other peers.

Most people experience tinnitus as an irritant incessant hum, squeak or ringing, which can be difficult to place.

Causes of tinnitus
There are plenty of reasons why you can get tinnitus. Some of these causes can be: a sound trauma (by loud noises, such as gunshots), rapped neck and vertebrae, strained muscles in the neck, something that is stuck in the tube of Eustachian, a distorted Eustachian tube, ear infections, Meniere's disease (usually accompanied by a disturbance of the vestibular and nausea), an ear plug, an inflammation of the temporomandibular joints (go to the dentist for a solution), a tumor (usually associated with severe headache) or simply become deaf. It is not always clear what the cause is. Therefore it is important to let you advise by a doctor or better an otolaryngologist (for ears, nose and throat). Usually it's a combination of circumstances, such as attending a loud concert while you're overstressed (you will have less resistance) and have less vitamins inside or you are living unhealthy by eating to less nutritious food.

Types of tinnitus
There are types of tinnitus, some can be a constant beep noise, a knocking sound or multiple sounds together like the ringing of bells. Some have only tinnitus on one ear, others in both ears. Many people can't tolerate any sounds at the beginning and certainly no hard irritating noises. These people will have to get used to sounds again, a Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) or Cognitive Therapy for these people would be a solution (see paragraph 15 and 16). There are even people who no longer perceive the whizzing and in some cases the tinnitus has completely disappeared, so there is always hope!

If you experience ringing in the ears for the first time definitely go IMMEDIATELY to the doctor and the ENT doctor to have your ears investigate and demand a CT or MRI scan and, if necessary, a hyperbaric oxygen therapy. The longer you wait the harder the tinnitus can be treated.

Sometimes tinnitus goes away after a while, for example, if you've been too close to the speakers at a concert or party, if you are lucky the ringing in your ears disappears after 1 or 2 days. The tips described below are applicable to permanent tinnitus but the tips also help momentary tinnitus of 1 or 2 days. Don't be discouraged, there are people out there that are cured after a long period of continuous tinnitus. The cause of the tinnitus is usually an accumulation of a mass in the Eustachian tube through which dirt in the ears can not be distracted by the Eustachian tube to the nose and pharynx.

If the docter, the ENT specialist, a CT scan or an MRI scan could not help you. Then, you probably will be informed that you can't do anything about it anymore and you just have to live with. And with that, I do not agree. I also have tinnitus for a while now and do not even know how I acquired it, probably a cause of various factors such as fatigue, stress, hypertension, loud music and a cold.

Just like me, you are looking for solutions that can help to a certain extent to suppress those annoying tinnitus. I've listed my experiences and posted on this page. Hopefully the tips can help you to. It is certainly worth a try!

Treatments and solutions

1. If you are going to a loud concert than wear earplugs, this may reduce the noise by 15 db. (this also works in a prevented way). Avoid loud music. Or simply don't go to a party or concert or the cinema where the music is too loud, dare to say no. Avoid loud bang sounds such as pistols and rifles.

2. A normal background of variable sounds are not only harmless, but also improve the condition of the auditory nerve. In normal background noise it's possible that the tinnitus is no longer audible. And this has in turn a positive energy because people do not pay attention to the tinnitus and automatically you will be less buzzy with it so you can forget it for some long moments.

3. A circular massage with your fingers at the height of your ears and around the ears can help already after 5 minutes. Repeat a daily five-minute range. This helped me. My tinnitus was reduced by 30% on my feeling. This is probably because the blood flow in the head has now improved, the better the flow, the better the flow of blood with enough oxygen and nutrients. Also try to stand under running water with your head this has a massaging effect. (These tips also work preventively, after going to a concert, party or nightclub where the music was very loud). What also helps is a massage of the neck, shoulders and cervical spine to the head.

4. Take plenty of relaxation, each stress or work situation must be compensated with an amount of relaxation, this is applicable for anyone .

5. Eat healthy, eat plenty of vegetables such as carrots (contains carotene) and lettuce (rich in iron).
Eat fruits that contain lots of vitamins like an orange. See here for different types of vegetables that contain many vitamins and much needed nutrients.
If necessary, take a supplement of vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C and vitamin E would be good to clear tinnitus.
Drink plenty of water, tit provide the necessary minerals that the body needs.
Walnuts (walnuts) and hazelnuts have a protective function and are packed with omega-3 fatty acids. They contain protective fats for the heart and blood hold the vessels flexible, elastic, and healthy.

6. Food - Avoid tea, coffee or products where caffeine is incorporated in like cola and energy drinks. Notwithstanding that two cups of coffee certainly can not hurt, I think it even has a positive effect in stimulating the brains and the connection of the nervous system with the ears. The only drawback here is a harder whiz. The same with chocolate, kiwi fruit and honey, after eating some of these the whizzing will be louder for a moment but will have a positive effect after a while. Atention should still be given to products that contain a lot of salt and spicy dishes. The flavor enhancer monosodium glutamate (an amino acid), also known as E621 works very reinforced on the nerves and thus caused a stronger tinnitus. The big problem is that many food is improved with this flavor enhancer.

7. Sport is healthy for your body and mind but people with tinnitus often suffer from a harsher tone after performing strenuous exercise or sport. Here I can only say: don't do to much exercise and strenuous activities and don't do too intense workouts.

8. Take a hot bath every day - this to de-stress as this can be a major factor or a cause of the tinnitus. By taking a hot bath you can have rest and it improves the blood flow that brings your body back into balance. Stress is indeed one of the biggest factors that do reduce the resistance of your body, because your body is more vulnerable to diseases. When a body is in hot water, the entire body has a better blood flow, the effect is a better cure (read better resilience of the body). Some people will hear their heartbeat more in their ears but this is timely. There is also a form of tinnitus where the patient hears the pounding in his ears, this usually comes from a blood vein which is located close to the ear, making the person hears his heart palpitations and experience this as disturbing. A warm bath will therefore not recommended for that person, the better blood flow to the heart will be more audible. An important tip (which I recently received from the comments of the dutch version of this article): Do not take a hot bath just before bedtime, this apparently gives the same effect as exercise right before bedtime.

9. The better you sleep the less you will hear the ringing. There are known cases in which, after a good night sleep by the ringing was partially or completely away while she lay in bed, this is because the body is still at rest and the functions we need on that day aren't not yet fully active one because they are still undergoing a sleep phase when the whiz is coming back slowly. But have to cherish every minute you can enjoy a lower whiz.

10. Alcohol, some people argue that you should avoid alcohol for experience less whiz. I think this applies to excessive consumption of beer for example. Others argue that a glass of wine can help the flow of the blood in our body. They promote drinking a glass of wine everyday.

11. Try to give the whiz a place in your life. Yoga exercises could help to give the whiz a place. Yoga sessions also helps you to improve your concentration.

12. Some people has been helped if they simply ignore the tinnitus, or at the very least try to ignore it.

13. Think of something else when you go to sleep, preferably something which has nothing to do with work or things you can lie awake long. Consider fun things.

14. A hyperbaric oxygen treatment has push back the tinnitus to a minimum for many people. More about hyperbaric oxygen therapy. From the first time you've had discovered tinnitus or has a noise trauma, from too loud music for example, you can have a hyperbaric oxygen treatment as quickly as possible. Every hour is of importance. The quicker you're there, the more effect of the therapy you can have. Sometimes it has no effect or a half effect. But if you do not try you offer yourself the opportunity to reduce the Regulations in your ears in a quick and efficient manner. The oxygen cabin in which the treatment takes place is originally designed for divers who dive at great depths and which are hereby given charge of large prints, called decompression. But it helps for many other treatments. Just read on Wikipedia. Many large hospitals and university's are equipped with such a room.

15. Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) is a therapy developed by J. Hazell and PJ Jastrebroff. This therapy approaches ringing in a new way. The patient learns initially understand how tinnitus arises and gets guidance to provide in order to better deal with the emotional and physical reactions it evokes. Each patient must ensure that the sound of the tinnitus is no reason for panic and actually is not annoying.

The patient eventually learns to press the annoying sound of the tinnitus into the background by considering it as a normal sound which is simply a part of our lives. Here, the patient makes use of the processes by which the normal brains are capable to press the monotonous sounds, such as those of a fan or buzzing refrigerator, into the background.

16. Cognitive Therapy
Meanwhile, research has shown that cognitive therapy is effective in treating tinnitus, or tinnitus retraining therapy. Cognitive therapy, therefore, is preferred. It is a form of psychotherapy developed by American psychiatrist Aaron T. Beck in the sixties of the 20th century. He examined the psychoanalytic or psychodynamic, assuming that depression comes from 'inwards beaten anger' and would disappear if its cause was traced, by experiencing the anger again it would be processed. An approach so that emanates from gaining insight into unconscious emotions and motivations. Beck developed a theory and a method of treatment in which the cognitions of the patients centeredness: namely, thoughts, fantasies, memories and beliefs about events of the patient. As in the RET developed by Albert Ellis goes that Beck assume it is not the events themselves that are delivering a human negative feelings and therefore a certain pattern of behavior comes up, but rather colored glasses through which the patient sees things. This 'dysfunctional' minds need to bend and the patient has to learn to interpret the events in to an objective view of their own feelings and perceptions, so negative feelings may disappear and the behavior changes. Beck has compiled a long list of fallacies that could bet the cause of the maintain of a depression.

17. An operation of the ear, note this is not always without harmful effects.

18. Medications such as Ginkgo Biloba would increase concentration, although this is not proven. For some people Gikgo Biloba worked more as a placebo. Many people have been helped with this medication.

19. Have as little stress as possible. Everything will succeed without stress. It is proven that if you can think calmly that there are better and structured solutions can be found just by being calm. It has been proven that this is also the overall human health benefits, so you also avoid cardiovascular disease.

20. An osteopath may also help. An osteopath is not recognized as a medical doctor but he can help loosen tight muscles in the neck, resulting in less tinnitus. Stuck neck and vertebrae can also be a cause of tinnitus. ATTENTION! Some osteopaths do to vertebrae crack this may have caused the death. Inform yourself well before you will undergo a treatment by an osteopath, ask what he will do. If you do not agree with some certain elements of the treatment tell him and insist that these components are not executed. We can't be liable in any way for such a therapy. We encourage you to inform yourself very well and we even encourage down to crack the neck vertebrae. A regular massage of the shoulder region with respect to the massaging of muscle mass can also help.

21. Get lots of oxygen by abide outside, do not sit in your house all day. Outside you can also get free vitamins from the sun.

22. The sea air has already proven that it does good to the health of humans. The iodine affects an underactive thyroid. People who are allergic to grass will equally helped, because there is no grass growing on the coast. Furthermore, asthma patients also find much more air than elsewhere in the country. The sea air will will help the health of your body, and can reduce tinnitus. Sea air has a positive effect on tinnitus. A walk on the seawall can make miracles.

23. If you find yourself in a noisy environment for a certain time, make sure you do not come back into such a situation, but give your ears rest so that any damage that has occurred can recover. Iff you do not do this then you can break off cilia and a whooshing noise concerns.

24. Reduce the use of telephone and GSM, avoid it as much as possible. Hold the phone as far away from you, if necessary, use the speakerphone. Did you know that the radiation during a call with a mobile phone can damage brains, ears, it would also be a cause of cancer. More about radiation from mobile phones can be found on the website:

25. Provide distraction, put on soft music or leave the television on so you don't need to hear the ringing in your ears all day, so you will think there is much less wizz. And the less tinnitus you experience, the better you can record the daily life again and continue.

26. Try to be happy and live a positive life. Enjoy simple things and be social. This avoids depression.

27. Clean your ears as little as possible with cotton swabs or other objects. Earwax should indeed be in your ears. It has a self-cleaning effect to the ears, and thus prevents bacteria against numerous infections.

28. If it's a blockage of the Eustachian tube, chewing can help, for example chewing gum can help to make stuck masses come free so that the tinnitus is reduced within some time, and even go away entirely.

29. Scientists agree that red wine contains many substances that helps the health of our body. Just think about it. It reduce heart disease, cancer and blood pressure. For example, in red grapes and red wine there should be resveratrol, a substance which would protect the hearing loss. Tests have been done on a group of people who did not drink red wine, and a group that drank red wine. The result was that the group who regularly drank red wine could better hear later in life than those who drank red wine.

30. Vitamine B improves blood circulation. This means that there is more oxygen completes fed into the blood veins. People who are having just a little tinnitus or deafness by example to linger in a loud expectoration may even completely cured by taking vitamin B if there is no damage to the eardrums. The hairs that or laying down or has been damages by loud sounds regain energy and oxygen to return to normal function by the vitamin B instead of dying. Think of it as a plant that dried out because it have seen no water for a long time. Transplanted the plant into highly fertile soil, give it water every day and add some growth in grains and the plant will revive again.

31. A warm foot bath. There are electric foot baths that make bubbles and vibrations in order to facilitate blood flow. It not only has a healing effect on feet and legs but also tinnitus.

32. You must always think and do everything in a positively way. You should definitely read the book 'positive' by Patrick and Anne-Marie Demoucelle. A positive attitude can be learned and extends your life. The book was about someone who is confronted with Parkinson's disease at a very early age. He describes how he got his life back on track. Thus there are innumerable situations and tips in this book that can be very useful for you.

33. Visit your dentist to rule out whether you have any inflammation or abscess that can be the basis of the earache or tinnitus. Let the dentist take an X-ray of your teeth so underlying inflammation can be detect if they are present.

34. Wear a hearing aid like the new AGXs3s as a solution for the treatment of tinnitus. It reduces background noises, makes the hearing better and camouflage the ringing in the ears.

35. Chew with your mouth. It is well known that when you chew or eat your brains perform better because the body gets nutrients more importantly, is that it stimulates the blood circulation to the brains and let them work better. This has also a positive effect on tinnitus. The more you chew, the better it get, especially after you have just suffered tinnitus for example by a loud noise. Chewing happens also at the height of the ears so it improves the blood flow around the ears. And fresh blood with a lot of new oxygen is good for the damaged ears to heal.

I hope these tips have helped you a little further. If you have any other tips you can leave them in the comments below. This list of solutions is will be further supplemented according to the experience in order to cope with the ringing in the ears. At the beginning of the disease sometimes it looks hopeless, but remember that with time some habituation occurs this usually comes after the acceptance process. The tinnitus will be inferior because you learn to live with it. You will even be able to drink a cup of coffee or eat a chocolate bar without having negative effects for your tinnitus.
Copyright: byWM